Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

evpon the.L arder Prtyer. 23 Wherefore by.his wordes nowc on both'frdes repeated, eíluguflinerminda is plaine ; Namely,that thofe bookes alleadged inproofcofFaith,they are not Ca- nonicall, but to bee readevnto thepeople in the Church for example of life : In :this.fenfe (faith hee) they ate Canonicall, and may be thus read : rfo that they be read,foberly. And what -isthis, but-that whichotherFathershanealfof ayde? As towline, The Church readeththeStorieof /udtth; theBooke of Tobie;and the Boohcsof thereAziachdbeec: but thefame Church receyueth not thefe .Bcokes as the Canonical( Scriptures. ()ran, Hs amnia leg guidon, inEcckfysvóluerunt, non tameti,Pra erri ad authoruatem, exbijFidei confirmanda,,. All thefe Writingsour Fathers haue allowed tobe rcade in Meal urch, bee alleadged for Au- thoritic,to confirame the Do6crine of our Faith. Wherefore to got no furcher,in this you lee out rcatns,why wee allowe not any proofe of Dothine out of thofe Boojcs,andtherfore notofPraycr for the deadc. Other reafons mot are allead- ged .by.the godly learned,and mightby.mee now,but that thefe fuf iee here. Next,our Anfwer toucheth the matter itfelfe, and wee fay, that Prayer for the dead, fought to bee proouedoutof this place of the cNachabeet, is contra- tie to the reft of the Scriptures,and therefore we dart not allow it. For no Truth and Iawfuli thing is contrary w any Scripture, but agreeable, as rcccyuing tant and lawfulres thence. Secondly,that though facia had fo done(which is not likely hee did;howfoe- uer this place bath bene corrupted to thatende, becaufe it is contrary to the en- Borne of the fewer, cuen :to this day to pray for the Dead ) yet this particulareac- ample is not fufhHientto.eltabhíha.Dobtrine, no more then Zipporal <.i was, ro prone that women may admiinífter the Sacraments ; Or the example ofRatir,that one might kill himfelfe,whomthis author fo much commendeth. And therefore concluding, lince neyther by this place,norby any Scripture, this prepeficrous loue to the Dead, to pray for them, canfinde lure warrant wee defire that it may hearrely be thoughtof, how ill it becommeth any thatprofef- feth a defile to pleafeGod, which commaundedobediencc,and notwithtrash. lions of men, or.deuifes anywhatfocuer, eytherof theyrowne heads, or any o.. Chars. And thus much of it. Suficienttheybeing faydeof tbefrcrrenmgances ofPrayer, will jeunowproaeedetothe forme ar feife prefcrsbed: of ódr,Sartíour d Content. And firft confider what a gracious goodnes this was in the Lorde our God,to lay downe a forme for es. That-wee not able to fee the bottome' of A great goes!. our wants mix felues,neyther in what wee doe fee,to take Inch courfe as becom- °Gç of God, ter teach vs a -meth fpeakers to fo great a God, by his owne mouth we might be directed both forme of in theone and the other, to our great comfort and Aflùrance, thatkeeping our prayer. {clues within the compafleofForme, our Prayer fhouldbeto the Lordesgood li- king ; and therefore weobtaine what we aske,according to his will. Without i Forme, wee might hone wandered to our greatharme,asking many times thínas hurtfull; an d if not fo, yet things vnlawfnil,not in forme 'lawfull,whicharfohad bene mill. And if Heathen law the nakcdnes of men,for want of finch direction -r. .Let vs.Chrrfiiant fee Gods mettle, and our owns great good, by hisdirecrtion.' Plato( weknow)efpying the ignorance ofmen in making their-prayers co for that many times they fought.what groomed would hurt them: faide this was a good forine; O Jupiter Rex,aptimanobiac¢vouemibtu,ntbue, citi?ataautemp+rfen, ribrquoi, abeffeiarbe. That is: O IupiterKing,giuevntovs the beí+ things, wihe- ¿ber wee asks them orno. And all mill things commauud away fromvs, though What forme wee askethem. Wherein wee may fee howe dangerouflythey groped in great iomeurc,, e°s ,darknes,for want of a forme: and were faine for ffafetie,to pray thus generally, ode .whereaswee now plainly are taught how to pray more particularly, and yet Rd! sanely. Wherefore ,fee(Ifay)ñrft Gods great mercie ,and our great good,byha. saino this Forme laydedownevotovs. , .. Then