Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

44. pi'Oflt?'.AUlrE7C19OiO71 Z. igTITION. Verfe. t z. Tbe, ferpent deceinedme, the mv»ráet nit ceisted r>wee t. audthere is not plainely, wee base V.erfe..13 , fitwmsk, O Lord forgivevs. Now is irfaydi of nián,ythat all the imaginations of the Gen. 6.5. thoughts of his heart is onelyetìiacontintíally, that we are all become as an vn- Efay 6 -4 deanething, and that aliour rLghtcotdbeffe is as filthy clouts, that we do all fade Rem- 7 t4. like a leafe, ardour:iniquities likea wind doe take vs away : Now is itlayd of vs 19. 2 1.2 3, that wee are carnal(, fold vrider lìnne, thatwe do not the.good which we would,, but the euillwhich we wouldnot, that doe wee : that when wee would doe good we ars thusyoked, that eudl is prefent with vs that there is another law in our members rebelling againit the law of our mind, and leading vs captiue vnto the r: Cor. z. law of finne which is in ourmembers. That the.naturall man perceiueth not Ephe. z. thethings of the Spirit , for they are fool ithneirevoto him, neithercanheknote them. Now is it fayd of vs, that by naturewe are the children of wrath , dead in trefpatfes 'and.tìnnes, walking in them according to the courfe of this world, and after the Prince.ehat rulethin the ayre,euen the Spirit that worketh in vs the Pfaf 57. children ofdifobedience.Now is it fayd of man that was fo excellent,Verilie, emery MOM (using is altogether vanitie. Now cryeth the Prophet of men,that his So de is a- Pfal tri9nglt Lyons , that their teeth are fpeares. , and arrowes , and their tongue a lharp.lword. That they are Corrupt and become abhominable,that there is none that Both good, no not one. And where ruleth all this euill that wee haue thus purchafed to What it car. our woe?O further griefe I ourbodies,our foules,our minds,our wils,our hearts, ruptedin vs our hands, our feet , and our whole man is corrupted, finnehathentred ouer all, br ortr pa. and by finne Satan as Lord and King ruleth ouer all, till this other kingdomecome EPhefi S that here we pray for. For eratistenebra, faith the Apo[ile,Te were darknefje,but now areyelaght in the Lord. And more plainely before, hawing their vnderffandind gen 6 darkned , and being ffrangers from the life of God through that ignorance that is in them , &c. Therefore you fee the mindcorrupted. Ofeht heart and will it was fayd be. fore, that the imaginations of the thoughts thereof are onely euill continually. Mat.1S.l 6 And gut of tlx heart (now fayth our Saviour) proceed mill thoughts, murders, adul teries,fornwationr,thefts, falfewitnef fe,11aunders, and this i, ffuffe that defileth theman. With a thoufand places woe crying out ofthe waywardnes of mans hart and wil, thecrookednelre,: liifnetre, and ltubbornnelfeof it againfl the Lord and all 1,!°717.7. t 8. good. Of the whole man, faith theApoítle, Mani quod in me, hoc of in carne men, non eft bonwm :I know that inme, that is, inmyfoj% there isturod. Our mouth,our om. I c 3' 3' iè ete, our throat. our ty es, and all are charged with their faiths in the word &the 1.O R D, That free-will that was in Man to doe good, it is gone faithSaint /idler, and, homo male vent libero arbario, fe pirdidu d arbitrium. Mari abufing his free -n , loci both himfelfe and it. And now is it true , that wee are not able to thinke a good thought as of ourfelues, but both to win and to perform: is of the Lord. Now is it true thatour Saufourfaid, finemeni- hil poteffis facer:: without me you can doe nothing. Non dixit fineme difftculter auquel poteflis, eut fine me non poteftis aliquid magni facer:, fed mid poteffic, Hee did not fay (fayth Saint Av s TEN) without mee you can hardly doe any thing, or you cannot doe any great matter, but limplyandiatly you can doe r.Cor. 4. nothing. Meaning infpirituall.matters : forheerein, quid/hobo:; quid nose er. z. Cor. 15. ceptfli? what haft thou, that thou haft not received? Jratia Dei jnro quod firm : BJ :h oi'àce of God I an,,o a whatfoeuer it bee, if it bee good.. And to go no furtherinthis fort, now mua man and woman, (be they neuet forighteoris,) cry out vppon theirvnrighteoufaetfe , and hiàe their faces from the judgement of the L O R D:, if heefhould out of the comfort proulde for them, feeke to judgethem. D AVID the deere one of the Lord, anda Manaccording p /al, sr. to his own: heart,. yet mull confeife of himfelfe with woe. Behold, l mat borne in inigvitie , and to finne bath my Mother conceiued mee. Enter not into iudgo meat with thyfervants O L OR D , for in thy fight Jhal no fefb list ng be iufifedf d . Efay.6. The great Prop etEfat mull fay, Woe isme ,forIamvndone, bereft