Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

4.4 fl piRvyftable Expófitio» 2', PBTIT'IOtV: Rom, a . a G. fo faith the Apolllíà thepowcrof god vntofahtattony toemery me that beteeveth to the s refpfirfi,andalfots the Grecian. : That Is, it lathe mighty iiarunent of Goo The mean" w, ithoutiwhrchmen arc damned and call away. Yea filch aninthumentitisofjtà mhrrby this wet and torce,w:hereltpleafeth.the Lord,that it hath greaterrftrength and autho- Kingdonse: hoe than all the elogeence ,thanallthgwifedome, than all the learning, than all of God ará- the póllicte andpower of the world. Lec the dayes beforevs witneffe to this truth, fethsnz s. l arcane tilde primitive timeswhenthe Lord began to powre his mercie on man- kind forChrittbythÿxiriniitryzai+isis.Chriaandof t?isdifciples,wherinnotwith- ltaitdjng th isrdiuit,e weird of his; iwas refitted by all the worldly gifts and powers which I named, :}tçthad it tnart eilous fuccetle,. and did wonderfully increafe. 1.? cwwfthenes and. Cicergförtherrebquence ,Soion and .Arifhdes for their wifdome, - T1atònand Ariftotle for the ir learning; Alex ander ..and Pompey for their Manhood , -wreof power,offame,. and irithe,aorld, when they hued, able by thcfe gifts .ado much: Yet the bat of al ldbefe had much co doe, (men a few yeares,) to keep.e their ovine Citizens-their swine Countreymen, their owne fubieéts in obe- dience, and to caufethenni to glue :place to goodand wholefomeCounfell, and to obey Lavesprouided fortheir mac profile :- ;Yeaeuery one oí rheinalmoftto TheApoffles -61*9wng confufion,proued of how 1mal! foree;thei r wifedome,their eloquence pswerfullmi theirpower was.andwtth.the end oftheirliues, left their common weales welneere nsflrieby the vtterlydecayedandnrndone. Butcontrariwife,. theApoflles,, noticarned,. but word. póQCitsfilhermen,_ notwnh any inticing words of mans wifedosne, not commen- ded -Cwi erforth azith tbofe gifts and ornarnentsrhat men fo greatly efieente, went forth-into the world,,preaching the difdainesFGofpell'of Chriftcrucifed,and by the fin ple doEtrinethcrof,did in. few yearesförthe !late of 'Wigton chaunge the face,ot the whole wotld a notwithltanding that the Empire of Rome, and other mighty Principaiittes:did to thevttermoll of their power refift it : And the refor- rtaatton -that by the , Apoltles in this maner was begun, continued and fpred it f elfe- rnighnly, and tnarucloufly,euen again ft theaifaults of molt crudl and tiran- nieall-perfecutione, vnderNero, Domátien,Traiasçe ídrian,-eAntheny, Dioclefìan, and;manymo. A force far patting the power ot man,ehatin the miditof all filch bloody. deathes,and moftexquitìte torments, yet was able daily to get Children tothekingdomeofChrift, yea and that fo thatwell were they. that ualghtrun and profeli e themfeluesChriflians, thacrheymight die the deathfor 'continually It is a very notable [tonic that is written of lush asthis word ofthe R u.lábi. LordhadhegottntoCnri llinEdeffaaCitticinMefo ommáe,.whobeeìng,asiris, cap. S, Paid, banned out of all Churches by the decree oftheEmperour, made their 714a+ meetings in the fields. Which efpiedof the Emperour, inaverie great ragc..hee foarie. Itrooke his chicle Captaine with hisfift, and asked whytherhence alto they were not remoued according as he had commau nd ed. The Captaine the next day de- reran net h to difpatch them, butyet in pittie to them, although himfelfe a Pagan, by-feet-et meanes letteth it go abroad, that the next day he would deftroy all that were foundat'thotè meet ings,hoping thereby to warne thé to abilain,,glo to faze themfelues."But fee the.powerofthiswordin the hearts ofmen. The next day. the Chrilhans althongh thusadmonifhed, yet flock thither in more plentiful! fort. than at -other times,yetrun headlong as it were & in great haft, as men affraid to come too lateto dye. Amongft all, the Captaine noted acertaine woman, foha- tidy and with fuch (peed to run out of her houfe,as that Thee flayed not,eitherto lhPttllç doom ofher bottle, ortoput on her clothes as womanhoodwould, and in her armes a little infant. When he law it,-he commanded coral! her to him, & being come, asked her whither lheemade all that haft? Int./the field laid the where the Chriflians meet.And haft thou not heard, faith he, that the chide Captaine is going titither,to put to the fwnrtall he f udeth thete 2 Yes, faith flies, I have heard it; and therefore s ,nIke haft that 1. may be there when he c.ommeth. And wi {rat wilt thou dowiús this yongbabe, faith he Take itwith suealfa, laid the, that