6 , -- 48. profitable Expojition 2, PETITION Kingdothe, Countrey,and people, that (hall be iw deed a great bleffing,hepromi- feth this word, andthis word in plentifullmeafure, and when he will threaten a plague; and a grieuous plague, then faith he, Behold, the daies come that I mill find ,rlmor.8. afamineintheLand, notaf amineofbread, norathirllforwater,butofhearingthe word of the Lod. And they (hall wander from Sea to Sea, and from the Northe- tteia to the Eafl !hall they run too and fro, to feeke the word ofthe Lord, and than not find it. So then fe wee that this word ofour Goa, is his mighty means to raife vp this kingdome ofhis grace in vs, this day when we haue it gaging fome thing, and fo as it were layingone (lone to this fpirituall building, thé next day giun %g more, and folaying as it were an other (lone, andfo on to a perfeftman, and vn- to themeafureofthe age of the fulnell'eofChuff, that is,jill bee haue wrought Ephe.63.13 his will in vs in this world, and ttheanethtotran flatevstoranother. Wherefore; The meanes aswe pray that the Lord in mercie would eretthiskingdome in vs : when we praicdforaf- pray,ThyKingdome come , fo do we hefeech theLord in this petition tograunt Well as the vs all the means appointed andordayned of him to this building, and by name, thing- this mightie meanes and mercy great of his holy word, that wee may haue it a- Monet vs (till,and enjoy it in peace, if it be hiswill,to the raying vpofthefe fpi- rituali wals ofafpirituali houle of God with in vs dayly more and more, till it be fully finned to the pleafureofhismaiefliehere, and our eternall comfort heere and elfewhere for euer with him in his other kingdome ofglory. And the God ofheauen and all mercy graant this to vs, andmake vs thankeftill for it. Now beloued,is this word either read vnto vs,or ofvs,without any preaching; Theword of or preached vnto vs t For bythefe twomeanes buildethitinvs, and not byly- either jug in our honks, bound inf luer or gold, or anycoflly fort whatfoeuer. No, read orprea- more then the Phifttions prefcription confefted by theApothecary, & brought ched, vntovs, profiteth our difeafeby (sanding "in the window, and not further touched. Andtherefore as I haue laid that it was a meanes, and proued it to you out of the fame word, fo let meefay altttleto you of the vfing ofthismeanes alto. OfReadingthe mord. Wo extremities there are, which of all Gods chofen are toheef= chewed: the one, is an e(limationofreaduigfogreat , as that be- ing had we feele no want,neitherthinke it a want,neuer orfìeldnm 7"wo danse. 1 )' X to haue any preaching :The other is, fo fat to extollpreaching,as roueextre- L, ./) that we vtterly contcmne reading, yea excludeit from all power in mitiestob the blefüngofGodtoworke faith invs, or any.' The meanebe- auoyded of twixt both which, is a right and true conceipt both of reading and preaching. allmen Know we therefore that in the word they are both commended, yea commanded and ordaynedof the Lord, as meanes toere tthiskingdonttyofhisinourhearts' for which we pray, and ofwhich we now fpcake.And firif for reading, to name- but a few places ofa number, m arkewhat the Lord in his law laid downe for all Veit,3ìi, his people: Dieu' feuenthyearewhenthe yeere offreedome Jhallbeinthefeaflofthe tabernacles, when all Ifraell 'hall come to appeare before the Lord thy God in the place which heJhallchoof , than 'halt readhis"Law before all 'fared , that they may heareit, gather the people together,men, wome n, and Children, and the erangerthat iswithinthy lates,that theymay hhare, and that they may learne,and flare the Lordyeter GOD, and eepeandobferue all the wordesofthe Lime, &c. Seca dire l coinmatindement to read the Scriptures to the people as well as to preach them , and not only that, but even a mention alfo of profit that ¡hall comethereby, namely,learning, and feating,andkeeping of the Lawes of theLord. And therefore reading is not twith- out