2. Petition. upon the L ordes Prayer. t9 Wee muflàake the fwordeofthefpirit , which is the worde ofGod, as well asey- iherhelmck or breafl plate, orany other parteofour fpirituall armour: and there- Ephef.6,i6. fore we may reade it. Wherefore well (aide Saint Au/ten: Nee folumfufce.rt rod in- eeclefra di urn ae l ellioner audios, f ed there rn dcmibtu vrflra,aut tpfì legiet,aut altos legïtes requirite.Let it not contét you to heart the holyScripture read vnto you in the holy: Church only, but in your houles alío at home, eyther reade them your felues, or Auoulline re: caufe others to read them. Well decreed that firfl counfel of /Vice, that no houle u, eth tea. fhould be without either a Bihke or,at lean a new Tefiament. Well erica, Origen, dungoi the Thirtaxamrtes faceremouquod fc:'tp'tumeStrut aminifcriptusra, Woulde God we did woraar home alläsitis written. Search diet criptures -` ejhçried.thatgoodFather, Comparare'sour hour vobssBibliaanimrirmpharmacajeculares: Get yeßiblès ye lay men,for they are me. dicines ofyour foules:&c. But fee the iniquitie of Rome. It (hall bee lawfull to reade any mans bookes, Sifaciatpronebis, that , if he be a Papifr, yea, and the mo we haue in our clofets and Chr o chambers of fish bookes, the holier Catholiques we : but the Lords booke C.o deerrthi that is able to.make vs wife voto faluation, and is fwectct than the hony, we may well. not touch it,we;may net haue it,or read it. For if we doe,we (hal be heretickes. So 2,112).3.25. mans worke (hall make is Saints:& Gods work diuels:popiihwritings catholikes, and heauenly writing t ereackes,ifthey reade them. O dreadfull blafphemy and dotiorsofdeath. Greatisthepatience of the Lord thatputteth vp this, and bea_ rerh it daily, who TO great iullice heauen and earth might agree together to flafh out fire, the -one to confu.ne fuch teachers, and the other to rend inpeeces and fwallow'vp the antes, when they are burnt of fuch blafphemers. Is not this to, Phut vp the kingdome ofGod before men, and neither to enter in themfelues, nor to (uf&rothers that would enter F And Woe tofuch, faith the Lord there. Hoc non efi fanantttsm, nec viuiJcantium, fedmagu grauantium 6. anQentium. Et multo verior hie lexinuenitur :11.laledrllñ dscés omnem slot in erroremmutatcacum sn via. This is not the Matb.a;: part of them that wouldheile or giue life, but rather of them thataugment the burthen, and increafe ignorance. And herein is the law well verified tCurfed is he that leaded,' the bliuj out of the way. Irxneus.lib.;: What is this, but with the amazed ones in the Prophet to fay: Tace, 6. ne re- C'l'f. cordons nomisis Domini.Hold thy peace,and neuer thinke vpox thenameofthe Lord.There men be thç r' ht fucceffors of Antiochua & Maximinua,ho foi like pollicie burnt the bookes of -God, leaf+ the people fhould read them. Where as the godly and firfk chriflened Emperor Contantine,caufed the,Bible to be written out, and to bee font abroade, into all Kingdomes, Countries, and Cities ofhis dominion. And AmosAro; king aAdelfianeheere in En!glaxd,caufed it tobe tranflat d into the Englill tongue tliat all might read it. 91 lupin the wicked Emperour, who charged the Chrifli- ans with it as an high fault, that their women were fó skilful/ in theScriptures : Forgetting what Saint Hierame writeth, that all the maidens about Lady Pau,a were let dailÿ to /tame the Scriptures. Let vs remember how many faued foules are nome with the Lord in ref!, that bering able to reads neuer á word vpon the booke theinfelues, yet by hearing others scade vino them, haue receiued blffiing from the Lord thereof euen to acknowledge,to refill the enemy,and to a ftrength, witb th'eit bloods to féale the truth of that they heard, and by hearing learned: be- tide alllother Churches, the Monuments of this our Church will affoord vs ma- ny.; ' Ñhatmanneroomen and, women woulde thefe haue beene, if they could fauereade themfelues ?. Let vs remember what Saint Auflen confefleth of him_ e1 fe,I thatbeeinginclined .to the herefieof theUignichees, he heard a voyce, fay_ Conkfrtib; ¡rig; Taro. leoe,T ake vp and readc,meaning the booke ofGod,which he prefent- B,aaP.sr. lydid, .arid foby reading-was conuen;ed: And concerning reading oldie Scrip. . tures eytrter unto the People in the Church by the Minifters, or any other appoin- ted to that feruice,or by the people thçmfelues privatly at home in their houles irr a iongue. that they vnderfland, F Let