Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

3, C'ct,tion. -pon the L ords Prayer. 59 is all holy and euerholy: yea holines it Celle and the rule ofright for cue" Where- fore by good reafon we pray as we doe , Thy will be done. And this being the true ground Indeedot our doing , let vs by the way confider whether cue'', thispeti- tton affureth not our confcrences of their error that fay it , and of our truth that deny it, that in vs or any, is left by nature airee will to doe good. For ate.wee not there taught to pray that his will may be done andnutours? We fee it. And hee, of may we contrary to this order, pray thatóur will may be done, that is, our ovine nruw n a- y nail t. isYe- proper and natural] will? Who will fay it ? But I will fay it that if I were by.attuo, nature and of n:v felfe able to will the thing that is good , then might I lawfully and rightly pray that my will might be done. Wherefore we fee, and the world may fee, how euen this prayer if there were no further proofc, yet fatisfieth the confciences amen as touching this Joffe in vs, namely, of freewill to doe or with good to our (Clues till the Lord renew vs, and then is it not I, l,uc the grace of God in 'nee, fayth the Apoffle: but this doctrine bath bcene lufficiently touched before. What will of God is heeremeant : for Matte heard that it is disserfly propounded vntovs, thefts; h one and the famefmple onto httn ,orinrcfpetlof him ? You haue heard right , and to make this fpeech as plaine as I can, you mull Oculta,reue- vnderfland that the will of God is faide to be of two forts, to wit , hidden and re- Iva. ucaled. The fir (I, for that it is fo , in the Scripture rclembled to a depth, and it is vnfearchable of man. Wee cry out of it with the Apoffle : O the deepeneffèaf the Deut.z9 29, wifcdome and knowledge of G , how vnlearchable are his tudgements , and his wows p,efr findtngout! And with the Prophet David, Thy rghteou/nefe is liter the ;Nightie pra.3F F, mountains; Thysudçements are ltke the great deepe. Wee fay of it That noman pre- Ro u.ti.3?. fame herein tó vnderfland about that which i metre to vnderf land, but that he under Hard FOrn. z3 accordt'ngtofobriety. For curiofitie in this behalte the Lord niifiketh, we pline- ly fee. When the Apofiles asked him of the re floring of the kingdome of ifi ad, `het zd- when he would doe it, then or no, wee know hee fnubbed them for this mitring into the hidden will .,t G O D, and told them that it was not for them to know the times and feafons wrich the father bath put in his ovine power. When 7 eteraskéü the LORD of th t other difciple,, hicautemdtrid ? LORD what Iohazi,at. fballthucrri':r .doe? Remember how the. Lord anfwered this curiofitie of defence to know dirs sudden will, and told him that if he would haue him tame till hee came, what was that to him, let him doe that which lice knew to be done. So that this will of GOD is not co be pried into in a buheand curious impiety of iriuide , as tttany wicked ones doe, and that by moll horrible meanes, euen by fp irits and,diuels, feeking to pull out of hcauen, and wrcfi from the LO R D, as they thinke, his fccretes before the time. Forgetting quite what the great feruant of the Lord ' Vefes Paid touching tnis thing: namely that thefecrete Deut,z9,2y, matters belong to the L O P D stir GOD , but the rhinos revealed belong to vs, and to our, childreaforeuer, that we may doe them. This will of God is called fecret or hid- den, for two caufes. Ftrff, becaufe it is fo sdcede to all men, till fúch time as GOD manifeff by cuentes what bee bath appointed to euery one. In rcfpeet whereof Saint lames wil'leth em ry man to put in this' condition, if the Lord will, and if wee line to doc this or that. Secondly, becaufe the reafun Of the Lords Will thus or thus, when it is manffeflcd, for the mart part is not comprehended of Rom.q, man, but hidden in hiinfelfe, As why hee chofe Jacob and refuted Ewa:wbybee AiatS, rasp put Saul away from the kingdome for one offence, aodnot `David for inaoy,with fuch like. uncle this we know with the Apoffle, that he hath mercy on whome he will have mercy, and who-m he will heheardneth, And this his will is our (Iasi. What' then to mans duetie inrefpeíi of this tail!? Surely as bath beetle (aide, Ncnekcbïr'ioreütu fige ida, fedadoroda, itisnottobefifted ,buthighlyreueren- ,3rsduety in red. and till-the rime conic chat the Lord reueale it by effetls in general thus to be r`t'nn Mille dilpofcdin my lilf,that whatfoeuer this hidden wilof the Lord be concerning me, God, wdlof whether