A profitable Expoftion 3. Petition. whether to hue or die, to be poorc or rich, to be high or low in this world, in the fame I ref+ and am contented,let the Lord that made me doe with me and difpofe ofine at his pleafure.And then afterward when thc`Lord (hall rcueale it by effeCls, much more to ren in it, and glue him thankes howfoeuer it is , taking with good lob, a. lob,euen mull things at the Lords hands afwell as good,that is,fowre as well as the fweete, and lowring lots,as well as fulling dales. Bleffìng the name of the Lord that hath taken what before he gaue,and yet dealeth with vs but in mercy euer, Doe wee pray that his will may de dine ? No. For this is euer done,and (hall be whilen the world endureth,neither.can I?faw46so. any creature or power riff+ it. So faith thePrephct, Mycounfellfballfland,andl 4Chòn,zo.6, willdbe what I will doe. So conféfiëd Iehofophat ping of ludah. When he faid , Lord God of our Fathers,art not thou' God in heauen, and reignefl not thou osier all the king - domes of the heathen ? andtnthy hand is power and might , and none is able to wit hfland thee. And fo notably confefled that wretched Ralam, when ne laid, If Balac would guse mehis houfe full of fluer and gold, I cannot pare thecommaundement of the Lord , or doe either good or bad of mine owne miede, e c. So confeffed the diuell when hee asked kaue to touch lob ", not able elfe Of himfelfe to goe againf+ Gods will, and all thofe diuels that could not enter into the feine, lent by the will of God, and all the aiaions of man and beat+ euer brideled and ruled, and difpofed by power of his will. No refinance therefore can there be againft this will, and thereforeno ncede that wee fhould pray that it may be done. No e.4nnás nor Alt3:q a8. Caiphsts, no Herod nor Ttlat;no Iewes nor ditiels could haue wrought the death °four Sauiour CHRIST, except the hand of the Lord and his counfell had de termined before that it fhould be done. But doe notyou now fay that God willeth euill to be done , and fo make him the author of euill? God forbid wee fhould make God the authotof cull(. Yet fay wee in deede that God willeth many things that in (One. refpc }s are euill, and to Come per - foes, as the death of his otnnefonne named lafi , and fuehlike. But as he mille-ch them they are neuer cull( , neither to filch as he direfteth a good by them, being Mir,aillhath not done by them ,asin example named appeareth. But finely fomelargeifpeech two ob etar io to draw vs to a right k nowledgeherein is nçt amiffe, and therefore a little I pray witgoodaad you heare. Will therefore bath two obie ls, to wit, good, and e-urll, fometime, coils. it'willingthe one,fometimes the other. And good things,(befide the Lord which is theehicfe good of all) are "to be of three forts : natural!, moral], and dmine. The fire belting, adviramanimatam: the fecond,adhuìraanam: the third, adcmlffem & diuimam. All thefe the Lord willeth there is no controuerfie, and not onely fo but is Ia!>a.rny, alfo euen the fountaine and giuer, as Saint lam^.ifaith: for entry.rroodgiuing, and entry perfel-1 gift is from aboite, and commeth from the father °flight , with whome is no vartablenes, neither 'Wowing byturning. So bath euill al.fohis difin.iliion while(( Malum: fome is the cull( , fome the punrfhment of the e-uïll. The dil+in &ion is Culpa. Tertullians againn c}N_arcian, and receiued vfually. That euill which is cal- I Paw. led the punifhment of euill, there is no 9úefiion neither, but Godwilleth, and is the author of it, he being the- ludge, ofwhofe warrant it is done: and thepunifh ment it felfe, being a worke of inflict againfi finne, being allo good. The guelii- Lib,a.cap.rSo on is demaloculpe, of that euill that is the euill itfelfe , Ito* God willeth it, ornot. And concerning this matter, fee fire on the one fide what is truth, Thou art pal.rq. GOD,,( faith the Prophet Dauid,) that laid? wiekdeei , neitherfhall any euill dwell: Hebr.t.y, with thee. No, thou l,ue/f righteou(Mir e, and hatcfl inequity, Terdttiotuacxte lfrael, HoIe.r 3.r9, & arexilium i me, Thydefiruh`hon Ifrael is by thy felfe, and of thy feelfe, and in mee to thy h' °° 8 44. helpe. When the Dine!! fpeaketh a lie, hee fpeaketh of his owne, for bee is a Roms9 4, lyer, and the father thereof, See chenthe true author of. euill , notG{OD, but r lebn,a,r6, Sarhan. Further-