;,Pe 6z AproftabieExpofriot tition former euill, weemay fay that God willeth. Fcr fo teachtth vs the fame God E445.7. himfelfe by his Prophetfaying, Iforme the light , arid create the darheneffe, Imo peace, andcreate end, I the Lord doe all thefethsn s. Marke how tilt, Lord faith bee createth culli, that is , the eui11 that is a 'tun punifhment ot fcne.formtr eutil Amos ?..6. orfum fume. The like againeby the Prophet eAmes , Shall a trumpet beblowneinaen], Latoc,A. 3.38. and the Lord bath not done tt ? 0 t of the mouth of the moll high proceedeth not evill and good? Is it not a knowne trueth in diuiuiry°, that the Lord punifheth often finne with fnne. Now all finne we know b cuill,if we reipeel it felfe, but if wee refpe& it as it commeth from G O D to punifh finne withal!, then is it in that rcfpeél not cull!, but a iufl, right, and 1;ood thing., The ardning of `Pharaohs heart in Tha. Et:o 1 raoh, was eulll , in GO D tc was a tuff punifhment of his fnne. The deceiuing of 4KinaayL. Achat'with a lye, in i;felfe conídered was mill, but as God did it for apunifh_ ment ofhis finne it was not euill but tuff. That thong dclufon whereof 'Taxi fpeaketh, in it felfe is euill, but it wee marke it, infli &ed by God as a punifhment for want ofloue to the truth, fo it is aiufl thing , and not euill. So the delivering' of the Gentiles into a reprobate miede, and all fuch examples in the word. Ter - I +b.z.pogg. r80. txllutnagainfl crVercian, and e/Iugtefiine againfl Iulian,handle this matter, and may Totn.7,libs further be read of it. This fufficcth tofhew,that although wee fay that God wil_ cap.3, leth often that thing , that in it felfe confidered is euill,yct as itproceedeth from him that it fhould be fo, and confequently he the author ofmil, it followeth not. For many times eu ill is the punifhmnof mill ,and that is iufl with the Lord euer. Concerning the fecond diffinéliót how God may be the authot oftheacîió, and God maybe et not of the euill any way in the a &ion, fee bythefe Gmilitudes. The Sunne uthorot lightnin with his boat beamesvponad'eadcarcaffe, caufethaflrong and loath_ norot g - nor of the tu;ll Come favour, yet is not the Sunne either vnfweec it feite, or the caufe of that vn. ¡tithe =aim Iweetntffe, but the c3rioI it fclfe: For if the Sunne were the caute, then ruer the like caufe, the like effe&, but wee fee it is not fo, but contrary, when it lighteth upon fweet herbs and odoriferous flowers , it draweth out ot themgreat fweet- neffe and pleafant fine's. Again , the earth wee all know with her lap and moy_ (lure , feedeth andnourifheth all the trees , plants , and tomes that are , yet is not that earth caufe why this tree bringeth a bitter fruit, and that hearbe or roote a bad tafl, but the nature feuerall of the, things themfelues is the caufe of that. Thirdly, the pure word of the Lord is preached or read , and one fauoureth and gathereth to life , an other to death and deflru &ion-, is now the word caufe of thofe fcuerall effefls? or the creatures themfelues bleffed or not bleffed with Godsholy Spirit ? Thus may the Lord then be author of an a &ion , and yet not of the euill tn the a &ion, and (ohec fecmeth to will culli, when yet in trueth hee loth not. What isnow his rexealed rill? AÍl that which in the holy booke of his word he bath laid downe and declared, to bethe duety which he will haueperformed of vs towardshim. And is this that will which beereme pray may be done ? Yea, that is it , and therefore if wee will vnderfland this petition , let vs looke what is required of vs in this word, and allthat wee beg of the Lord , flrength Rom.84.7. &c andability to doe. We befeech him, that whereas the minds of earthly men bur- ning with lufts, are commonly carted to defire, and to doe thofe things that moll difpleafe-GOD: hee .of his mcrcy will with the mooing of his holy ;Spirit fo change and fafhion all the wills of vs all to that will of his maiefly , that wee may will and with nothing that his diuine will mvfliketh. Treeamur&optamus,vtnon tantxmfaciat Deus quod vaÚ, (ed nosfacere pofmus rod volt. Wee pray that not ont lc G O D would doe his will , but that wee may doe what is his will , faith Cyu+ian. To runne ouer all the dueties of a Chriflian required in the word , were too long : let vs therefore not fo doe, but for example fakt of allahe tell cools. .net thetethree. Firfl,