3. 'Petition. zpori,tbèLorcFesPryer. F,irft w e know it is theçLords will , that we fhould beleeue in Iefus Chrift,whom he háth fent,.and thatbytfaith in his name we'and all the world fhould obtaine renufl ìotinfÆUrlinnes and eternal' life. So GO Dloúed the world, that he gaue his Iobn, ;,x6. at? eÿbcoottp:tfo4he,. that whafaeuerheleetieth In bins Jbould notpeetfb , but haue-euerlafting Iohn,6,9, life. Andag ine, Thswtheworke of God { that is the worke that God requireth ofyou) that yee .beleeuetnh:rawhomhee harkfens, Whereti)I'e in this petition we be- Çeecii him ,tlt that will of his may badane in vs, that is , that we may receiue grace fo to doe , and neuer to lookefor faluation in any other. Secondly, weé know it is the. Lords will. that wee Ihould in a true'faith leade a holy and'cleane life for fo faith the Apoille; Heceft 2;0ATtec Des, (nîltficatio veflra. This iethe znèll of 57 O `D., éuenyourfänE/sfication, and thatyee jheuld ábftáine fremfornication, that I Thelf4g, ewer, one of you fhould know .how tó pole his vied to hatineffe and honour , rindnot in the &c, 1gftofconcteptfcence, aethe Gentileewhit'h `knòwnotgod,'What doe wee then in this petition ,' but befeech the Lord ; that that will may be daily -done of vs and we daily chaunged by the renewingg ace ofhis bleffed Spirjr,intofuch men and wo.: men as he. de ireth and delighteth in ,:namely into holy creatures walking not after the fin ii, but after the fpirit , and fo confequently fauoutmg notthe thingi of the flçfh,, but of the fpirit. That wee may be holy as he is holy. That our light Rom.S,r. may fo thine before men , as they may fee out good workes, .and glorifie'oür father which isheauen: that wee may keepe judgement , 'and 'doe iufliceinoürLeuj,rt,44. ellings: that being buried with CHR1ST by- bsptifine into death , as hee is al. 56. rifen from .the,deadtothegloryofthefather, fo we alfo might walke in newnefie Koa.6,4. oflife. , That finne may not rule in our mortali bodies, that we fi ould obey it in r1,r3* the luL}s thereof, or glue our members as weapons of vnrighteoufneffe vnto finne. That fornication and all vncleanneffe,or couetonfnefL, may hot once be named amongft vs., as becommeth Saints. That wee may put on as the ele&of EPhef,S.3. G,O J,hoiy and beloued the bowels ofmercy,kindneffe, humbleneffe ofmindë, meekenef e, long fuffring, forbearing one another, ifany may haue a quarrelltò Colloff3.Ix. another, andfor:iuing, mien asChrift hathforgiuenvs, andwhatfhouldi fay ? Wee befecch the Lord, cuen that very GOD of peace to fanetifie vs through- tTheft, g.24; out, thatour;whole Spirit and foule and body maybe kept blamelefle unto the comming of our Lord IESTS CHRIST. And withDauidwcfayineffe&, Leoheif then, be anyway ofwickedneffeinmee, and leadmeeinthewayeuerlaftïng. Thug Pfal,x39,2 ;. faith Cyprian , Vahan-as Dei (ram fialnfiri t& fteriprecamur) eft euam Chriflurfecit 0- deenar : b umilttaeèn canner / atiene, fiabtluarrn fide, verecundia:n verbis; in f iLtà ma,? iufíitia, pn operibru ricordia, inmoribau d fetplina. The will of God which we pray to beeßtablifhed and done,is that which Chrift both did and taught, humility in life, ftabiltty in faith, fhamefaftnéffr in words, iullicein deeds,mercy in works,difcipline in manners. And doe we thus pray then to be holy? O my beloned,what (hall we anfwerthe Lord then ? I fay not for our vnholincffc, but mien for our fecurity ,dulneffe ,deadnes, and conceived hearty pleafure in nholines? Was it suer counted better than a mockery,. to feeme to aske a thing, and yet to doeagainft it? To delate a Phifition to helpe veto health, and in the mcane while our felues with all our might to feede vpon the foes of of that wifhed good ? Confider then our cafes, and the cafes of thoufands that happily thinke not of it as they ought : wee open our lips vnto the LORD of Heauen, and pray that wee may be holle, wee would be thought by him and the whole world to meane good faith, and yet what is holy', we even hate to be drawne to, miflikmg none more, neither wifhing any company lei% than theirs, that eitherperfwade vs to it,or feeme to.expeát it at our hands, and what is unholy we wallow in,we tumble in, we joy in,andwe'euen with to hue and grow hhsnke.f old in. We pamper the Real both with foode and raymentaboue all Chriflian li- cenfe, fo cherilhing,fo.çoying, Jo lulling. and lapping, yea fo bathing in pleafure and eafe,in foftncs and tendernes,in wildnes net wantonnes,that matter of earth, g 2 and