Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

64 A profitable Exp oft ion 3 .Petition and worrnes meate, as if we neither thought there were corruption to rot it , hea- urn to receiut it, or hell to burnt it. The minde we robbe fall meditation that is holy, and fecde it with matter of all hclli(h impuritie. The Lords booke is laid in a corner, and the diuels banners arc difplaved in every window. Our tongues Vile booker cannot tat+ the tc(limonies of God fweeterthan honey or the honeycombe, but are tic ¿mole they can difcourfe the delights offnfull fle(h that (hall fend to hell. Our cheekes banners. are red to talke of Chrifl,as we got to Emaua, and we blufh a pace to feeme fo ho- ly, but the t_alori.nblufhethas fall as wee when rearelly and foully we finne a. Note. gainft the Lord. We loue the wicked, weloath the godly,, we freeze in loue, we boyle in malice, wee fell vertue we buy 6nne, refuteChrifi and choofeBarrabae, weelay awaylife, and play with death : but ô pleaCureleffe play in the end! Let Ofe,4z. the Prophet Ofe fpeake for wee to you , and hewill tell vs furely that there is no trueth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of G O D in the land. That by fwearing, and lying, and killing, and (leafing, and whoring, we breake out,and blood toucheth blood. And is this holintlic ?Is this to pray, Thy willbe done ? For Gods fake thinke Sinketbisin of it and know with nice now in time, what I wruld be loth you fhould know your heart. p (l tirnc, that you may cuen afwell fpit vpon atria Iefus, buffet him, and beate him with a Reede, kneels before himand fay , HayleKinóof. the levees, with thofe turfed mockers, as kneele in this Church or any where and fay; Thy willbe done, and yet not neuer care how you doe it in a holy life. For it is horrible mockery, eis,ho:rible pypocrife, and the end will be euill. You mull with prayer to be holy, ioyne care to be fo : to be faithfull and fcruent you muff endeuour it, and you mull performe it in lómc meafure, as truely as begge it or elfe as truely you per rfh for euer. The Lord will not be mocked alwaies the Lord will not haue .fuch fecmingpraycrs made, and futh finning flues retayned hill. Of ourowne mouthcs (hall bee iudge vs : therefore once againe as you loue the Lord thinks of it, And to day harden not your hearts againfl that you heare, You heare the will of GOD is that we fbould be holy, and we pray that this may be done. Pray- er accepted of GOD ,may not be without earnefr care that it may be done, care to be holy, talleth away the loue of loofeneffe, call away then what (hall cif} if you doe not, and care for that which (hall cauCe a comfort for cuerand euer. Let not the Father fpeake it of vs : eAd`Deumomne.c ire volunt,pofiDormpauci, To God would all goo , but after God will few god. To hue in heauen together, is better than to hue in Wilton to gether, and parting will bepaine, if wee part in that day. Be mooed then now, that you be not ouermuch mooed then, cum to crie to the mountaines to tall vpon you, and to the bile to touer you. Ala(fe, why 1 Ioy °yo fhouldIbeantinifterof death vnto you , that fo truely wifh your life ? or a fweet Ged,ssvou v finelling favour to my God in your del ruClion, becaufe I haue done my duetie, sait, be when I cry to the Lord that I may be crowned with you and neuer Ionic you. YOU Pray As then hereafter you care to be what in this petition you pray to be, fo love your Db GOD, fo loste youyour feines ,fo loue you me, fo loue you heauen, fo feare you hell, and the God of mercy glue my fpeech a blefing to vs all. eAmen, I befeech him, now in time before the doorebefinit, and the bridegroome come. For in vain did the foolsJh Virgin ! nacke when the time w.a paff. Rat what ¿notice elfe will you name that God requiretb, and we pray for in this petition? One moo, and that is this. It is the Lords will , that in this world wee fhould take vp our croffe and follow him, as many as will be his Difciples, that through blataó.24: many tribulations we fhould enter into the kingdome ofheauen, and that all that Aft.,4 zz, will lisle godly in Chrift Iefus ( hould fuller perfecution, that if wee be tonnes we x Tinto. 3,tx, fhould not be without corrediion, but now and then cha(lned of our GOD, Hehr,rx, that wee may not be condemned with the world. This will wee befeech the á Cor,tt. LORD may he done in vs, andwee,inabled by his holy Spirit (fill more and. more , whatfoeuer wee pereciste to betide in this life, by his good pleafure to recciue