66 Aprofittable Expof tion 2 ,Petition let the remembrance of it as a mighty meanes ferue to worke this in vs, in all ad- uerfiry to fub mit our wils to his , and with truc content to fay, Thy will be done Lithe dialog S Lord for euerwith vs. Full is thefcripture of other comforts to firengthen vs betvvix b th in this, but clfewherc I haue noted them , and therefore I ]pare my lelte and you asd radsy. hecte. Remember then now , that though it he a harder mattcrin woe then well, to pray this prayer, yet is it not fo hard , but the Lord hath giuen it and can glue it at his plcatiatc to his weakling's, and make his powt r knowne in our weakeneffe, to his glory and our good, if we aske. O fweet God, then we aske it, and befecch z Cor.tz. thee for the red blood of lefus Chnlf, that in vouch and age, health and ftcknelle, profperíty and aduerfity, weale and woe, thy will may be ours, and we conicnted suer. F men. Amen. NWOat mean the next -lords, Sicut in ctelo, Asir is inheauen ? Are me able to performe filchferntee to Cod? Au .dAtem- Heare yon what Augulinne faith : Fiat voluntastrialcutin(alo6 -in terra , )uìci A hoc?ÿ i ryto rnodo tibi f ruiut Angell in cmlog nos taliferniamuo in terra. Angell ipfus fandi pore.' 36. obediunitldì, .on illi m o(fendunt, faction iuf g,amando tlltam Hay ergo orams o vt & nos pra_ ceptumdri cbaritatefaciamtes. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen, what is this ? Siiiely,that as the Angels fettle thee in heaucn, fo wee may (erne thee in eatth : his holy Angels obey him , and offend him not, but in loue to doe his com- mandcntcnts." Thcfe things therefore doe we pray for, that wee allo euen of loue may doe his will. Heare you alCo what Saint Hierome : `l'ettmeta vt tanitetur Lib.?.contra e4nselachumanafragilita5,G volnnt .uPomiricampetaturtnterra. Wee defire of the Telaoianos. Lord, that mans frailtte way imitate the Angels, and the will of the Lord maybe doneinearthfully. And in sited fo it is , for wee doe in this petitiondehre that foníc part of his will may he done, For or beçomancth vs to fulfillall riphtcoufne Ire :. Ultathen' 3.t 5. but that all euen fully árù1 wholy may be performed': and a halle righteoufneffe or obedience, is neither righteoufoetfe nor obedience, as Saint Iam.z,to. lamer tcacheth vs. Non furcit Chrflsano ft vnam partem sufliciaimpleat, cuivtragsee Ad Gelatü%t. precipitar. It fuñiceth,ttot , faith Saint Hierome, that a Chriflian fulfill the one Bernard. part ofrightcoufncffc when as both are entoynedhim. For , Vera& plena fides epi.77. vniuerfa precepta compleditur. True and full taith comprehendeth all the corn-. niandctiwnts, faith another. Yea further, we ate not onely by duetybound to doe all, but with all aeuion allo, with all our heart, with all our foule ,and with all oürl }_ength. For ,Necleprofaobedientta, neccaninapatientsecommendatur,namve- but no%aut,:ron mod homive.c fed etiam d.emones facitent, CT patiunrur, quad preuidentia frrrrmma dirpo fait. `ui inlet] 6 ne/cientes 'Del valuntatem facitent , eorum fir lepro/a, & aao-s,r, obed:entta. verofricotescam, led reluaantes &matrmurantes facture, corum eft cantina paricntia: neutrum ego to nobs probator, fed& fcientes o- valences. Neither a leprous obedicnce,nor a doggifh patience is commended : for will they hill they,'not oncly men, but allo diucls both doe and fifer whatfoeuer the di- tune prouidence bath appointed. Thole that vnwittingly and not knowing it, Evhe.t.t. sloe the will of God, their obedience is leprous. Thole that doe Gods will, PhiliP,3.to. knowing of it, yet ftriuingagainf }it, and murmuring, fuels mens patience per.. Coloe,3,2 force is doggifh. Neither or theft is allowed, but fuch as doeGods will both wit.. tin2ly and willingly. Which pctfe&obcdience of ours as often as the fcripture fpeakcth of, it vfeth to call vs to that coelfe ot,,aa,w, that heauenly regiment, wherein perlefly and faithfully the Lord is obeyed. So Both our Saviour teach vs, and therefore addeth heere thefewords, Sicht in calo, As it is in heaucn. You fee then the reafon of them, and why they be added euen to teach vs the mea., Apoc,7,11. fureofobedience ,thatwe are todelire and thief} alter and pray for, not halt, not chi. 19.ro lame nor married , but all full whole and perfk&& filch as is in heauen. That z''9 looke with what fpirit, meafure, affection and will : with what readineffe and alacritytheheauenly Angels and bleffedfpirits ,Sunne,Moone, and Starresobey. God, euen with the fame we may doe it allo, that as in bcauen,fo in earth there he