Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

;. Pctiuon, Zon the L ords Prow. be no rebellion nor repining againfl his holy.will. Theobedience ofttlrtluafi bea« uenly creatures I need not CO defcribe, looks but at the Angels and:you {hall fee three properties of their obediet#ce,fuch as ought to be in ours. They , obey God lubentífine, citilfime , CO- fdelrrmte, mofl wiiihigiy, moll readily, or fpeedily, and Heb móftfaithfully:Ifthey be lent to performe. any teruice, they neuer nurmure,. but r,r,4, doe.i.t: & therefore fee their willingnes.Ifto.exorcuteiudgernent vpothe enemies; it? one sight one of them difpatcheth an hundred foute fcore and flue thoufand.of them, and then fee the fn.eerie : Yea they fpare no creature, theithergiuc ouer e_ uer till the Lord fay,itislití cient,(#aythyhand; audthereforefaithfully..}heyare not like Sauk, to faue eyther king or failings: no, there is no meaues to corrupt them in there feruice, fuch s illingnes then, filch readie rfpeede,.- and filch faithful! obedience, we are taught to defire and pray forbyaddipión ofthefe words, As it isinheauen,For there Angles we know are there. And this obedience of theirs with the circumf lances, hath the Prophet Dowd !aide dowse; if you niarke it. Pfafine Io .2o. . Wy but /fill I(ay,cm: rveperformefetchobedience .srthúxnthialife? , No indeed : Whilefl here we line, bothhno sleoga atad obedience areinpart. And the mofl regenerate that euer was muff pray , Forgive vs owe tnerpafes. ItrsA- rCor,r3. nabaptiflicall to dreame ()fa perfcaió here. Yet for ail enat; to perfetb we.ought to be, and fodelirousofGods greater and greater pleafurein vs, and* loriebyour fernier, as that we fhould neuer fiicke downe our flaffe as hauingobtaynede- nough,till this be brought to paffe in vs..Therefore then pray we for it, not as ac- How we pray counting to get it in this world, but as prof-di-Mg ourdefiretohaueit, end -our 1orthnmea difcontentwith our obedience whatfoeuer it be, till it be fuch. And if any man lure will co` tcludeany thin. upon this forme offjeccit ,lethii conclude,thatfilchper- felon we fhould performe, not that fuch heere we euer can performe. And if we ought to performe it as duetie due from vs, then may We pray for it, -that it may be fuch 1hi11,fitll,till it be fuch; and our prayer becommeth vs well.. Waat merethen will you jay totechinQ this petstien? You mull remember how we haue faid, that in euery petition are required of God, as well the mcanes ordayned ofG OD toworke filch things, as the things themfelues chat we aske. For, ExpetitofineexpetunturetiamCr fax adfanem :Theend being defired,thofe things are alto defired which belong to the end. Wherefore The mcanes vndcrflanding now ìvhat we aske in this petition, euen abilitie to performe that also asked reuealed will ofour heauenly Father in his word wholy & fully,afier the example heere, ofhis heaucnly creatures, wemuflconfider themeanes whereby this is had, and knowthat in there wordes we befeech his Maieflie likewife for them to be gi- uen to vs. e/lnel what are they ? They are chiefely two,the knowledge ofhis will, and the ftrength ofhis grace, or direction ofhis fpirit, The'firfi bath relation to his word, for therehence onely °gnitia ta_ is his will to be learned, and therfore it hath pleated him to giue it the name ofhis luntan4, teflament or lafi will, and moll finitely charged that nothing be addedto it, or impreio taken from it. The fecond is that whereby the firfi is profitable, and fan &ified Sputud. to our good. For illumination withoutfan&ification auaileth not, but is euen in the reprobate. And they that know their maifiers will and doe it not, (hall their Defurto,4 z. knowledge faue them? Hadnotludzs knowledge ? there is noqueflion, but of Chrifl hee had learned many"mifieries ;had not the Scribes and the Pharifees the knowdedgeofthe law? Yes they were able to teach many truthes out of the fame vntoothers ., and whilefithey. fat in A1's(er chaire, thatis, whilefi they deliuered truly the dothine ok2l1ofe they were to be heard, by the commandement of our 1'4'1 a34 'fan-Mill, and to be followed alto in that they laid. But becaufe this Spirit of the ,Lord did not fanótifie their knowledge to them, andmak e it powerful! in them to the death offnne, and the, lifè.of righteoufnefle, but that they knew and did n ot,