3. Petition. evpon the L orris Prayer. 69 wetemo(4perfeetly. And looke then how much we performe to the Lord obedi- ence, and fo much draw we ncere to an happieeflate gaine. Wherefore the Lord Math, za. 10. hid it, Not euery one thatfaithuntome, Lord,Lord,Jhall enter auto the b\in dotneofheauen, hnthee that cloth thewillofmy father which isinheauen. And again e, Wi9ofoeuerfballdoe my fathers will which is an heauen, the fame is my mother, fifer, and brother. Obedience then to his holy will, is that which will let is in good place againe. And therefore A profitable triebeloued, what meafure of this is in you, and fo like ordifhkeof your (clues. r. amnation Trie with what lone you hearethe word,with what care you arc filled to doe Cher- ()boor telues, after, what confcience you take of Im, what name focuer jttiaue : what joy you haue in the works of tighteoufries,whatgriefe if frailty caute a faLlfyou findethefe in Come meafure, fomuch be glad,if in great meafure, much more be glad, for tru- lyfo much haue we left the way of death, into which we are fallen all by ourpa- rents,and Co Carre haue ptofited in the way oflifc, which is true obedeñce. But if our confcienceaccufe vs in this triall, that we haue no delire to know Gods will Out òf his word, although it be with many mercifull circumftances offered veto vs, no care to hue holily, no confcience oflnne, but fome little feruile feare of dread of.'punithment, no fpirituall ioy in well doing, no inward forrowfor euill doing, then tremble we and feare we before the Lord ofheauen and earth,' for as yet we are in the way of difobedience, which is the way of death, whereinto our firft parents fell : we are buried in our corruption, and dead in fin,not rifen with Chrifl, we are heapers vp of wrath againfl our foules in the day of wrath and con- temners of the word, which in fuch fort bath belie preached unto vs, for which caute that fame word (hall iudge vs in the left day, and we (hall perdu. Triethen I fay, and fo like or diflike. Iohn.r4g1, Secondly,learning by therewords, (Asir is in heauen,) that ourobedience ought meriteuer. not to be lame or maymed, but even fuch both for will and work, as that of the thrownc, heauenly fpirits,wearenotably taught what cold comfort there is for vs in our felues, and how farce it is off, that we; br any liuing fhculd be Caned by their riuchletIe 1Norkes. For dare any ofvsfay we obey the Lordes will in earth, as it is obeyed workesoffu. in heauen, acid that there is no imperfedion in vs more here than there ? If we dare pererogatioo, not,if we cannot,then you fee we haue not done all that is commanded,and there- fore ferre from being inflified by that meanes when we haue not done our dutie. Cleaue we therefore fall vnto our true fafetielefus Chrift the righteous,and away with filch dreames. Thirdly, do we not fee that this prayerwholy, called the Lords prayer, and this petition particularly, is prefcribed by the Lord voto all Chriflians, men and No ant of women, of what degree, eftate and calling fo euer they be, and none exempted? p df edsiñ()se. We fee it plainly,for to all it is raid in the difciples, that haue bene, are, and fhall rhagaothers be to the worlds end , Wáenyou pray, pray thus. We fee it then by confequence a- from doing gaine, that all degrees,eflates,and callings, are bound to performe vino the Lord Gods will. fuch perfcul obedience as heereis noted, and notMonkes, Friers, Nunnes, or fome certaine fort of this order gr that onely, which yet bath bene taught vs, and that others taking fomemore libertie,might finde mercy with God for their pray. ers, and aria obferuation in trdeth, not ofGods will, but of fóme ceremonies of Popih error. their owne deuifing. But it háth mightily bene (hewed to the world,and our eies all, that euery plant which the heauenly Father hash not planted,fhall be plucked vp,and therefore let vs beleeue no fuch follie. If we be the Lords,we acknowledge our felues bound to performe as full obedience as is performed in heauen,and that is as much as any ofthefedeuifed orders could performe,& a little more too I crow. And therefore no immunitie to vs, neither further;yoake to thcm,.that I know of, if this petition Eland. Fourthly, wee way,heere very well learne the true caufe of all fuch burly- Th ap enufoof burlies in the world, of warren, offchifmes, of herefes, of fltifes amongfl neig- eurU bouts, and finally ofall calamities, euen this: