70 A profitableExpojition 3. Petition. lNodnegleEta voluntate'Dei,fuo quifyuefen /u rapitur : that euery man letting aide the will ofGod ( which about all fhould be regarded) is carried with his owne liking and will in all things. Wherefore as one faith, Oremru Deum, vt( tritumfIso- non tier nob is, 6--c. Let vs we befeech the Lord to glue vs the fpirites offonnes and children, that renouncing our ownewill, we may readily and heartily fubmit our felues to his will, and not with lips,but life, ihtw that we pray it carneflly, Fist va- luntts tam. Thy will be done. Fiftly, praying that this will may be done in earth, we acknowledge euen in this world alto a place wherein God ought to rule, and not onely in heauen. And therfore are iul }ly occafioned as often as we fay this prayer, to grone in ourlpirits, and filth with right forrowfull hearts to fee yet how farre that is off. To fee what difobedience there is in eue ry degree,yea,what llubborne rebellion and defiance, as it were, with this will ofGod where it is knowne, but much more to fee what thoufands and millions there be that know it not,what whole nations,kingdomes and Countries. And if they know k not, ill can they do it. But where are thefe groves and fighs ? Where is that plentie of water that gutted out ofDauadr eies forhke taufe ? Affu edly belóucd, if we had -tent forth thefe meffengers to the Lord, and dcliuered there tokens ofimn and zeale for his glory and our brethrens good, ere this day long, they had pearced the heaueus, and the Lord ofthe vine- yard had Pent forth labourers-to l reed knowledge, .knrawledge had difplaced ig- norance and rebellion, and wrought true fubmiíIion in many thoufandes of foules to this hcauenly will that heere we fpeake of; Srxtly, if we did not fee this rebellion of the world againfl the Lord plaine inough, yet doth this very petition fo teach it, that we cannot deny it. For why fhould we bee taught to pray that his will may be done, and that he may bee obeyed in thoughtes, mordes,, and 4!eedes, ifhe were not fearefullydttobeyed in them all. lfthen both one and other (hewet,h it, alas what caufc haue we to de- A profitable light heere to dwell as we doe ?Nay what true matter hcrehence may INC gather enedaaion;o todcfieit ,andtoweane our follies from itasthe Lord will lirenghen ?Itisaplace take vs and of rebellion againt our God,a link oftniie, a cage (the Lord knoweth it) oFvn. weine vs from cleane birdes , a fepulchre, though outwardly taire and painted, yet full of rotten thelouo of bones, ve rotten bodies, and defiled foules, with horriblepollutious. Muadus to_ this world, trl. in mtli ono pojittss in hoc virtue & pietar patiuntur, in hoc, mille technte ad fallendem, yuo_ cunga.eeeJ otitis implants e¢ toter, & fordefcít indier,magis mapf0e, 6--c. This world is wholy let on mifchiefe, in it vertue and godiineffefuffer, in it are a thoufand fub- tilties to deceive, which way foeuer thou looker in it, altogether impure is it, and the impuritie of it fill daiely more and more incrcafeth, fometimes tyrants diflurbethe publik peace, fometimes heretikes oppun.ge the tructh, fometimes privateperils motto and grieue,and what ruer comfort yeeldeth it, that is true and permanent ? He that had the moll proofe of the pleafure of it that had euer cd any,and by proofe might fjteake what lice found in them, bath thus deliuered to all 7heworld cares for suer, that theey are vanities all andvexation irit, The world will promife ke,peih not her feaueu yeeres feruants faireand witted Rachacl, but when performance fhould promife. be, then commeth Leah with her fore eles, that is, a fubtill height fo difappoint thy paine,and a worfc reward thst i.houferueft inhopeof. It will promife promo- tion high and loftieto prodigalitie, but it will pay thee with contempt bitter and grieucus for thy beggerie, when all is fpent in hope of that promotion. By mari- age it promifeth many comforts, but how often payeth it many cares with fops of forrow, that fake full deepe. The world is full of falle Prophets,that will keepAchabfromill icheas counfell': full offalfe marchants that will íhewfoorth the better end of the perce, and fay the ref+ is like, when it is far otherwile full of cunning fitters, that under plea_ fart baytes hue hidden hookcs to deflroy vs if wee bite : full of fuch golden (trumpets as that ofBabylö,which in cups of gold glue drink that killeth eué to hell: full