3. Pétttton. rvpon the Lords Prayer.. 71 full óffmooth alluring lapels, which ffand in their tent doores and fay to .men,. ramie Inmy Lord, turnein ?into me,andfearenot, but if in they come nd fall co ficep, Iadg,4.rs. the nayle and the hammerwalk,to theirwofullend and fall : full offlattering ioabs, that can fay withafmilingface, how doer/ thou my brother -*nap, andltabhim. in that he shall not anfwere : full of trecherous /udafes,that'with a kille betray their deere(Imatfter. And alas what place is this ? Run ouer the greateti things that heere we haue, or can haue,and fee what is linked to them. Ifa man haue riches, whatfeares and cares hath he with them? If honors, what burthcns and fearesa_ Note gaine of a fall ? Ifa man haue friends,. what a doo to keep them ? Our bodies haue difesfes, our minds hauepaliions, neighbours be vncomtortable, and to hue foie isfolitarie : yet fee difcomforts,one touchethour goods by law, another our name by ílander, this hateth vs, that enuieth vs, another flattereth, another deceiurth, another beareth false witnefíe againlf vs : with a thoufànd such. And if we be dif- contented and croffed but in one thing ( fee the mifery of this wretched world ) One croir though we inioy a thoufand contents, yet grindeth that day and night vpon vs,and couuter7 all our contents are as nothing to vs, becaufe of that one difeontent. The trial! was ¡aod áo torsn had of that wicked Haman, who though he had many and greae preferments to re- ioyce in, yet felt hee them all eclipfed, and as it were taken from him by this one griefe, the life of Mardocheus before Hs face. And what should I fay? Would God we did it often with profit, what we may dottier with gricfe, to the!better weaning our Celtics from this world of woes, euen fearch and fee into the manners of it in eucry place, in euery age, and in euery fort ofperfons. Shall we not fee of all the things that are accounted of, nothing (o little accounted of a$ finne ? Shall we not fee inflict fold,veritiewreal1ed, {ham:: bile, and equiticdefpi(ed?Shall we not fee the guiltyquit, and the halter put'ouer the innocentshead? Shall we pot fee the wicked aduanced,and the godly deprelTed,wreaked and wronged,and troad vpon ?Surely, we (hall fee fooles fpeake, and wife men bid peace. Yea, wf !hall fee curry mans mouth ouerflowwith loofenef e, and few mens hues gouer- tied with venue. a'3541'4 Alas then againe, what aplace i s this. ?Shall the frnnes of himfelfe make the A- pofll e crie, Gupta diffaluc, I defire to beloofed, and to be with .Chrrfi. And (hall not all the finites offo finfull a world, together with our owne, make vs delire it ? What pleafure had the good P,rophct, who for the verle Chine that bee taw, hee deli red death. Did not ourSauiour lay it when time was, Non roe pro mundo,I pray not for theworld ?And (hall we toy in the place fo fearefull excepted in the prayer of Ghrtff. If we think hcaueu to be our home, are we not fo long from home as we are heere ? If to depart heere hence be rogo to life, is not to tarrie heere to abide in death ?If that life be freedome,is not this bondage ?Finally, ifto be with GOD be our true a,cor, S.a . £elicitie, to be abfent from Ct O D, is it not our miferie? But whsleft we are at home in the bathe, we are abfentfromGod, faith the A,p.o(lle, and therefore think of t. What may you now think you beloved, to (lay you from a true andChriffian loathing of this wretched life infovildeawork? Trudy Ikow not, except you shouldvtt. wifely fay, there be few that doe it, andmany that do it not. Which ifyou (hould fay, then muff I aid-were you, as hee did that laid it: Neque minor erirgloriatnar fafixeriscum panels, nìg, pxnalenior f: mtfereris cum maltrs. Neither Ihall thy glory be lette if thoubehap.pte with few, neither thy punishment lighter, if thou be mi- friable with many..Bist I hope you are far from being holder, in euill with fo bad arguments, and therefore 1 pray you let vs all remember what is Paid unto vs. Lone a.Ioba.q not this world, neitheranythingthatisin,this world. For if we loue the world, the loue ofeheatheris not in vs. And the Lord ffrengthen vs. Seuenth,ly, we fee heereby this petition and forme of prayer, the verie.true na.. Lure of child of God, namely to delire and pray heartily, that both in himfelfe and others,Gods will may be knowen and done.Yea,fo heartly and carneftly doth bee with this, that to fee the contrarie, is avexation to his foule, verlevehement and