'72 A profitable Expo,/rsion . Peter.s.7 ^lal, r 1941. lal,: ta,rq. Laughn:gat other oleos lauftcs. 3. Petition. and great. And hedehuered tuff Let, faith Saint `Peter, vexedrvith the vncleanycon_ Halation ofthe rzvkgd.And I fen) the tranIkreflóra, faith `David, and mu grievedbecarefe they kept nos thyword,yea mot, eics ÿutfl- ouawuh tearer for that cattle. But of this fome thing was laid before. The Lord ewer not intoludt;ement with vsruer, for the want of this forrow co fee other men doe euill, fayuag nothing ofourfelues,and our owne euill. For how may we anfwer, not our farrowing, but our laughing, euen as wee were tickled, to fee drunkardes, to hcare rimers and rakers and' idle counter- falters, tearing their tongs againft their teeth, to the oifhonour of God, the gau- ling of (lander ofothc rs,and the death of their owne foules for euerwithoutrepen- tance, which in many of them God may worke : bue it is finally to be hoped of as yet. God that (hall iudge vs knoweth it, and telleth vs now whilefi i we haue time to leaue it, that we cannot anfwer it. The Lord therefore chaunge vs, and wee (ball be chaunged, acid make the breach ofhis will to touch vs deeply both in our -(clues and others. Lafllywe maynot heere, if there were no other Scriptures to Phew vs, what an acceptable. hing to the Lord the readie and carefull doing ofhis will is, by this that ourSawiourplaceth this petition amongli the hrft and chiefe delires of his children : wee may fee our dulnes that mull: be taught to pray for this obedience, and we may fee Gods rich and great goodneffe that will glue vs firength toobey him,and then crowne vs for fo doing with an immortals crowne,as ifwc had done all of our felues. The Lord giuc vs feeling. And let thus much fuffice of this peti- tion. e.,4 PRAYER. Sweet and gratiousvFather,how deere both is and ought to be to a good childe,the good will of his earthly Father ? And if fo, how much mote deere to thy childe the iuft and euer holywill of thee his heauenlyFather. Indeede he fhould pray with heart and foule that it may be done. And therefore feeling our onely fweet comfort this,that we are thy childre we again and again befeech thy maiefly that it may fo be. Concerning thy fecret will referued to thy felfe, O Lord let vs neuer curioufly be fearchers and feekers to knowe aboue thatwhich.is meet for vs knowe. Much Idle let vs give our felue s by fpirites and dtuilles, and vile meaucs, townng out as it were by force from thee the knowledge of times and feafons, and matters referued in thy pow- er :but let vs euer concerning this, be thus difpofed by thy grace in our felues, that whatfoeuer this hidden will of thine (hall be concerning vs, whether to line ordie, to bee poore or i-ich, tobe high or low in this world, with the fame and in the fame w ereft andbe contented: raying in our hearts as obedient children,Lec my God and Father do with me and difpofe of mee at his pleafure. And when it fhallappeare and be revealed to vs, then euen more, if more may be, to be con- tented , giving true and hearty thankes to thy maiefly as well for woe as well, forlittle as much,for low degree as high degree, it fo thy pleafure be, takingwell in worth as thy feruant / 6 at thy hands, Guilt things as good things, lower as well as fweet,and lowring nights as well as Sunne fhine mornings.Deere God make vs euer bleffe thy name with atingle heart when we know thy will,& till thou fhew- efl it,leaue it to thy felt. Concerning next thy reuealed wili,that is, all thatwhich in thy word thou haft laid downe and declared to be the duety which thou wilt haue performed of vs towarde thee,O Lord ofmercy we befeech thee, thatser- as our mindesburning with lufles,are commonly carted to defire and to doe thofe . things that molt difpleafe thee, thou of thy gracious goodneffe wouldefi vouch- fafe fo to change vs by the power of thy bleffed Spirit, that we maywill and with nothing but that thy holy will alloweth, Glue