4.PETITION. l the LOrdr T rz, yer. Giue vs faith firme & fledfaft in thy Sonne our Sauiour Iefus Chrifl. And tothis faith ioyne in mercieapure and cleane life, graunting vs grace to podeife thefe velIèls to holineire and honour, and not in the luft of coucupifeence, as thevn- godly do. O pardon heerein, for the bloud oflefus, both words and works (hay- ing from thy will. To name them it is vnpoffible, for we cannot thinke of them yet thou knoweft them,& with thee ismercie euen for fecret,faults. Glue vs ofthy ftrengrh alfo,O bletred Lord God,chat we may beate and fuffer all croldes, difea- fes,pouerty, contempts, perlecutions, &aduerlities, with all the changes & chan- ces of this mortallfifè, not only with contendcd,but with gladfomehearts, know- ingthatitis thy will that we(hould crucify & mornfieow roils, And when that appointed pa(fìng hoaxer (hall come, that earth to earth, and afhes to allies is to returne,O Lord make vs thong to welcome in this alto thy will.And finallywhat obedience we owe to thymaieffy, glue it vs good God that as thy Angels & hea- ue_nly creatures moll willingly withoutgrudging,moft fpeedily without delates,& molt faithfully without alfe Lion & partiality do their duties, to we may perform and do it,to Our hues end and euer, asit (hall pleak .thee toinable vs, .forhis fake whom thou loueft, Chrilt lefus thy Sonne and our molt deere and bletied Saui- our. Amen. 73 The Fourth Pet,ion. GUM vs this day our dayfy bread. Twothinga 1 ham toaskeyauheere touching the order beforeyou come ta the words them - felues.FirJl,why theft three Petitions concerning our ities f011ow vpon the other which concerned Gods glory. Second y) wh. of the three this is firfl,teeing the other two concerne better things? O the firll,Ianfwereyou, that being warranted by carob. et. the Lord after the feeking of his kingdome and the righteoufnes thereof, which ought to bee firlt, to 1Ci4`I feeke ado at his hands whatfoeuer wee haue needeof tJ to themaintenance andgood of this life, we hauing done the former in the petitionsbefore, fitly follow- eth theother now in theft three. And this is the or- jr± / der thatDauid vfeth in this Pfalme: firft crauing the light of the Lords countenance to be lifted vp vpon Ffa146.2, ánd then afuring himfelfe next of peace and fafetie, the benefits of this earthly life, Tea fir, butdoth not oserSassioser fay expreflly : Be not carefull for your life, what ye( hall eare, orwhatyef halldrinke, notyetforyourbodiewhatye (hallputon , Math. 6. but feekeye fiat the kingdome ofGod and therighteoufnes rhereof,and all thefe things Wall beminifiredvoto you : for your heauenly Father knoweth that yee haue need of thefe things ? Why then Jhould we expreff y pray for that, which both he kitonsethwee want, and bath inmercie promi fed ws ? Although our Sauiour fay, they (hall beminilired vnto vs, in thatplace,yet cloth himfelfe bid vs pray for them expreflly in this place: and therefore wellwe know by thofewords there,he meant not to excludethis means heere. The exam- ples alto of his children which haue done it, & the manifold pfomifes made toall the" that !hall do itiwhich will appeareto vs heerafter, tell vs the fame. If you will knowthe read why,vnderdild you,not for that hewoidnot otherwife glue thh to his childre thatfeek his kingdom chiefiy,except they were by naine silted ,or for that hegiueth the for ask ing(which indeed he giueth freely) or that he hath need to be remembred,but indeed that by fuch praier we might witnes voto the world,. h that