Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

71- 'profitable Eipftion 4, PETITION:. that we acknowledge the Lord the verge fountaine .and fpung head of all theft Iam. i, r7. thinges alío that concerne either bodie:or mind, that we might hu:z leame co de-, Pfal.37.5. pendvpon hill] fully andwholy in all thloges, and whadoeueriswar,ieing to vs 7 to Éfie to him, not to trutl in our fclues,or inman, or in-any acme of fled what_ foeuer. What To yourlecond demaund I anfwere thus, that albeit the thinges that are con- tayned in the nextPetitions be of more price than thofe that are contained in this, yet hash the Lord Cet this before them not without caufe, euen to relieue thereby òur lnhrmihe, whichdoe not fo ealìyand quickly perceiueorpray4orbean* thingesasearthlythings. The fift petition beggethremifionoffinnes: the fist àu inuincible cbnflancy and holy fortitude in temptation. : thefe are great matters concerning our banally life, and therefore notfo neere to out dullcon- ceiprsandknowledge. The matters of this petition at more eafie and better hJc of vs, and tli üefore in a molt mercifull wifdome our Sauiour beginneth with the ealier,& fö dfawéth vs to the harderby degrees, that hating had triallofhis good- netre in the-one, we might nothing doubt of his mercy in the other. Hauingidr' him friendly in matters ofleirer good, we might full accompt of fauour in things .of greater good to vs. Tet muff I needs obiiIi vnt'eyoo the pray of Agur,which preceedeth not in this order, but frff defrino that God would remote farrc from ham vanitse and Irrs ( matter belonging Prot. g 0.8 to the mind) in thefecond and latter place askethfood conuenient concerning the bodie. 3hisorder AndI haue alreadie anfwered yourobie.tion fufficiently,ifyou marked it. For.! regardeth bauefaid in rt.fpe ofthe matters themfelties, things belonging to the mind, are our:ufirmi) to goebefore things belon gingtothe beetle, and fo no doubt would ourSauiour not the 02 -- haue fet them, if he had regarded that onely. But looking from that to our War- tore of miei Band dulnes, hehath placed that fiat that was bell knowne to vs, & fo from sbethinget. the more knowne drawethvs to the lelfe knowne : from the eafier to the harder,& from the earthly to thehauenly.Like a good teacher that wifhing the profit of his Schollers, deliuereth to them the lighter letfons firf, and milke before meat,that is firong for men. Toufataffiememell, proceed therefore 10011,y ifyou pleafe, to the words rhemfelues,thia ía inough concerni,gthe order. Content, lithis be noted 1h aword before: that although we bee now cometo matters that concerne ourfelues and our owne profs rand haue patted ouer thole that concerne gods glory,yet may we not thinke that we haue now done with the Lord and his honour quite,but this onely is the ditference,that then we refpeéted the Lord onlywholly and immediatly, nowwee regard our felues and our necedi- tieswitb him, as we vie to fpeakc,mediatlY. For otherwife euen all the things we wifit and doe,mu(l regard the Lord and his holy honour, according to the Apo - Cor. t ales, fayingWhether yeeeateordrinkg ,or whatfoeueryedoe, doe all to theglory ofGod o. 3r Andaccording to theconfefliionofSaintAuffen ,Snfficiemiavitaretfèappetuur ,non e this life are rigfhtly r qu fled, but not for tl eemfelu s, but that hauingthem wee may better ferue God. The true knowledgeofthisputtethanotablebittein .tl$ 2'rova. mouth ofour untamed defiles, and draweth them euer in thefe worldly commo- dities to that meafure and manner that may Eland with the Lords honour. Whet- as inherwife when it is gotten-or not knowen, Cher is no meafure in our coueting, nohonefty in ourvling, no credit in our leauing them. Panem. Now come we to the word, and the fira as you fee is thisword Bread. Whith both in Scripture and in godly writters is take n diuerlly. In the fixt of John it fig- niheth Chrill himfelfe, becaufe as bread & fleih, meat & drinke are to thevfe if this tranfitory li fe, fo is Chrifi fent fromthe father to vs,for the getting& keping of