Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

}... PETITION. von the Lords Prayer. 75 of euerla fling li fe. lo fit afaid,Feare net the people of Land, for they are bxt bread jor Nuin. t 4, 9 vs, that is a thing that we !hail ouercome and deuoure. The preacher faith, Caft Faye./ ¡.1 thy bread vivo the waters,that isibe liberall to the poore. Stolne waters arefweete faith Afm.9. r 7. the Harlot in the Prouerbs , and hid bread ispleafanr. By bread there meaning adul- 1/.ä30.2o, terie and polution of the fleth.In the Prophet Efay, it is called the bread of aduer- t ging,22. filie,inanotherplacebreadofaf hdion. Sometimes againeitligniueththe he ylaih, rs; nefits ofChrifl, as when he Paid, It isnot lawfrdl ro take the Childress 6read,and iogine Migicrufer- it to does, that is the benefits principally appointed for the Iewes,which are chi!- moftcrarum drew, and to give them toyou Gentiles which be dogges. Sometimes it lignifieth rerum eft pa dodrin & initruftion out of the wordwherby our foules are nourifhedas with fpi- ura forrior.` rituall bread;no leire than our bodieswirh materiali bread,& therupon the want of Ambr, fer. theword called a farniue,as you haue heard. With manymoe fundry lignifica- 14,inrfai. ti onsifit needed torcpeate them, but let thefefuffice. Heere in this petition it is rte, taken in his owne proper fence and fignification,for fuck bread as we gate and are For this nourilhed withal'. Yet figuratiucly it flretcheth it l'elfe further than to bread on- caufefome 'y, and includeth whatfoeuer is neccifary to the fuilentation of this life. So faith haue rhoght Saint eíluf en, Necefariam corp.ris exhibitionem petimus aperte inpane, fgnificantes Pan em to quicquid efinohisneceJJárium. All needful! maintenance of the body we aske in this come of the petition plainly fir the word bread,fignifying whatfoeuer is necedary.Nay,fo faith Grrke word the Scripture in many places, (hewing this largeneire ófthe word. In fidare vultus tuivefcCrispane tuo, In the fweate ofthy browes thalt thou Bate thy bread. That Gen.3. is whatfoeuer thou inioyefl in this world ofthefe earthly thinges, thou (halt come 2.Kings. 6. by it by labour and trauell, and not by bread onely. When Elrzetts bad the King a. fet bread before them, you fee what the king did, he made then very good inter- /ob./41.12. taynement. All lobs kindred came to Bate breade with him, that is,to reioyce and Gen. r r. bee merry in all good fort with him: when Abraham prayed the Angels to flay j.,¡ 4, and hee would fer a morfell of bread before them, he meant by breade more than r o, bare bread. When Douidfaid, he that did eateof his bread, liftvp his heele a- gainit him, he meant by bread familiarity,trufl and credit, and a very necrecon- iunetionoffriendihrp. So was it vfuall you fee with ehe Hebrtwj,in this word to comprehend all neeeifary fu(lenance of the life, And why thinkeyou ? Happily becaufebread is moll vfuall and moll necetfary. For many haue breade that haue no meare, and they that haue both, may yet better fparc the one than the other , although neither well. As I remember the Du ke ofSaxo- nie Frederike, isfaidto bane caufedhis people to fee , when going tohawkcone day in the fields, feting hisferuants fo carelefly and badly to ride ouer the corne and tofpoyleit, whenhee came home, comraaunded that their meatefhould Agoodex- bee fet before them as plentifully aseuer, yea and better if it might bee, butne- ample: uer amorfell of breade all that day, The feruicebeeingliraunge, and no man knowing the caufe, atlall thegood Duke Cent them word that if they law anie vfeof bread to their comfort , let them learneto takemore care of Come heere- after, and not for any pleafureorpaftfineto ride ouerit, and fpoyle it as they had done that day. A worthy exam ple lure for all Princes and Nobles to fol- low, euermaking confcienceoftheLor os blehiingsto (poile them for any vain delight arid paflime. Some other reafon may beegfuen alfo offrugalitie, as that wee are thus admoni(hed to bee content with a little, and to fay with the A- you lecheerefullyandhartily : Ifpeakenot becaufeofwant. For I haue learnedinrhrlip.4.ia whatfoeuerefiare lam,, therewith to bee content. Ican deeabfedl and Iran aboaonde, 12 exeryewhere, in all thinges Iam infiruíied, both to bee full, and to bee hr<ngry , and to abound, and to haue want , l am able to doe all thinges through the belie of ('hrijf 13. which firengrhenrrh met. Wee are not taught to pray for Gorgeous Clothes, Nere, for Stately Hóufes, or for great Liuingesand Honours, but for bread, bread; that but for the day,& therfore a flint made affuredly of out itnrnòdetate deliires. h a tf