1 profitable Expofition 4, PETITION. Ifthe Lord glue more, be thankfull and vfe it well, but dike glue but bread,that is alittle, be very heartily wel content euen with that alto, for therefore is it ouely named heere to teach vs fó. Sit oratio, que pro temporal:btu eft, circa f 1är necefrates reflriEla. Let thy prayer whích thou wakcll for temporali matters, bee reUrauied euer to thinges nee elharie,faith Bernard. For he that would fay in his prayer, for Aguft.Eptfl example, faith efuguftine: Domine multiplicadinitiaemeas, autdamihitantas, gzurn- r i r. too illi vet iI1i dedifü, puro cum non inuemre in oration Dominica quo pelt hec vota coop - rare, That is, Lord increafemy riches,or glue me fo much as thou haft given fuck a one, orfuchanone, Ithinke that man in the Lords prayer will ,findnofuchdi. LTIm. G. B. redion. When wee havefood and rayment, let vs therewith be content faith the Apoflle for we brought nothing into this world, neitherfhallwee cary any thing cut. And they that will be rich, fall into temptation and Mares, & into many foolifh and noyfome lugs, wh{çh drawee men inperdition &de/ ruElion: for the *fire ofmoney :It the rootsofalleuill, mh ;eh while fome tufted after, t hey erredfrom the faith, & pierced themfeluesthroughwith many Hek.r 3.5.forrows. And molt fwectly in tile Epi 111e to the Hebreryes, Letyour cornser(arionbe without couetoufnes, and be .e content with thofèt hinges that ye haste, for he lath jayd :1 -aid not fail* thee,neither forfaks thee, So that we may boldly fay. The Lord is my helpfr., neither will l feárewhat man can dovntome. Finally, take sathoughtforthejlefh, fayth Rom, r z the word againetofulfill the Luftsofit. Thus doe you fee then very fitly may \,ce 4learne by the Lords naming of bread onely, barely by it fclfe, and neither of Gold nor Situer, nor other flateline.lie, to bee content with any little that the fame Lo & o (hall thinke good to giue vs euer : and not greedily to with for O thinke of any wanton aboundance. Pray this prayer then beloued with your heart , and rhis,err God thinkeof this note. For the Loovknoweth how fraylehells naifliketh little, th. and feeketh much : that wallowing in wealth, it might wallow in woe an other g cue re g day : retchleifely ouertaken with the pleafures of this life,through- ability to haue them, further than God will warrant,when hefalleth to reckon. Why Sir is it not lawfull to pray for wealth and riches. You haue heard before that whatfoeutr is needfulttothelife ofman,ís inclu- Sarno men ded in this word Bread, and prayed for heere. And you mull know mayPrayfor alto that this ncedefull is meafured according to mens feuerall callings more than o- and charges, for great men haue neede of more than rneanemen, aadofboth thersmay. forts th ey that haue more charge either of Children, orofnecelfaryferuantsa- RúhCref]us bout them, haue neede alit) of more. Wherefore if their necelfaryes bee great faid, to bee abundance euen that great abundance is lawfully prayed for by warrant both of rich to this Petition and much other Scripture. But if wee goe from necellaries, to man be able to Idle in pleafures, sthat fl e(htfeedeth vpon moll greedily ,tabee clothed in purple nourifoanor and fine linnea, and fare molt deliciouflyeeuery day , though woefully he crie my yearey, when that folly is faded , for one drop of water to coole his tongue in the bur - Luc.r6.r9.ningLake then mull wee remember that awife man prayed not fo , but aka flat contrary,faying Lord Fine me not riches, (he meaneth fuperfuity aboue need) & addeth this reafon, Leafflbefull & done thee, &fay who is the Lord? Which rea- Prou.30.8. foii the more we me ditate vpon,the more firong (hat we fe it :thisvfually being O fearefull fruit ofwauton fuperfluitie,to forget our god.Behold faith the Lord to his people fruit. Ifra,11, I will bring thee into agood Land, a Land in the which are ricers ofwater,and rosin, Deut.8.7 Baines , and eh pths that firing out ofths walleyes t5' mountaines. Aland ofwheat d' barley and ofvineyardo r and figtrees and Pomgranats, a Land of ogle O yue, and bony: e/I land whereinthoH/halt eat /Bread withoutfcarfityy, neither fbalt thou lackeany thong ther'us ALandwhofe flames areyron, and out ofwhafemountainesthou Atilt doggeBraffe. Witt Heere ü the beware, leaf{ when thou haft eaten & f fled thy felfe, & haft built goodly hoofer and dwelt danger, therein , and thy beafls and thy fbeepe are incrcafed,& tby Silver and Gold is multiplied, and