1... P E T I T I O 1V: vpórkMe Lords Práy'er. and d1 that thou haII increafed, (beware I fay again) leaf? then thy heart been. ted'vp,and , thouforget the Lord thy god, which brought the out of the Land ofEgypt, out o(the houfe ofbondage,erc. Beware leaft thou fay in thine heart, My power andthe ftrength ofmsne owne hand bath gotten wee thin abundance, but remember the Lord thy God. For it to he whichgiueth the power to get pubftance, &c. You fee what a daunger the holy Ghotï hathheere difcouered in abundance of earthly things to lift our heele against the Lord, what a vehement caveat he hash giuen, and as fire aswee hue, it is a thou - Pfäl,49. fand to one we doe it. Ifrà chesincreafe faith heagaine,byhis prophet, fet non thy t.Tàm.6,rj heàrtvpcn them as if he ihouldhsy,thy iature is to do it, And Charge them that be richiit-his world, faith the Apo file, that they hcenot bàóh minded,and that theyrruft Exod. 5. not invncertaiue riches, but in the 1ia:ngGoàtr Why Ihouldmen be charged, it there Dau4. s 9. were no danger? What faid proud Phan-fob puftvp with his Princely pompe;but z6, $ù eft eDaminur? Who is the Lord ; What laid' Nabuchad- nezurr, when his 27. greatnes was fo growne that it reached torhe heane:land his tothc end of the earth, when he walked in the royal' place dB-obeli, I fay what laid he But s. -treat ea in the pride of his heart again l the Lord thus :h not this greatBabell, that Thane ample. halt for the houfe of the Kàngdame, by themtghtofmypoirer, &for the honorofmyMaie- 'lie: And by and by the hand of the Lord wasvpon him, read it, and' read many' s _ : times it is agreat example. What a damnable dreamewaa proud Haman in by reafon of his grace in Court, forgetting God, hating his Saints, and fo cariedín Hefter. 5. the fmokie cloud of his fauour with the Prince, and his gí eat Blare, that he never knew where he was, till he was ready toclimbe the tree hirn elfe that hee had fet vp for holy iltardocheur? Can ourfoules will: a better example to tell vs the dan- ger of earthly greatnelle,ifthe Lord sill ft not fliding navire? BuF thele were 'tran- gers all from God, you will fay, and therfore nopronfes but that wee which know more,may do better, though wefwh » 'scud fomarlsin all abundance ? well fee 2--'"r'3 2- you then the faultof better,euen by the fame. Hezekias a good one, and yet thus 4.s zq. äeceiuedDauida good one and yetlwpuftvp, that bee nunbred his people with Pfal 30. a proud conceite, and bóaledinhiiliëalth ;thatit would neuer decay. Wherev -Io6. 3r 4, pon lob gloricth of it asafpecialgracèvisOngiimbeyond thecourfe of any whom theLord aii/Bethnot,that he never fnaas gold hishope,neitherfaid to the wedg ofgold, thou art my confidence : that hee neuer reioyced becaufe hislublance was great, and fo forth. The heathen knew the danger, & therefore vfual!y han- dled it as a tried trueth, that profperitie is hardlier well indured than aditcrlirie, Saint Au(ten laid it, and knew it trueDttttiarummor6tu fuperbia: The difeale of ri- Three ood ches is pride,aud would God we knew not to much experience to inferte against Mather all denials this wofull conclulion in our daies Ana to tell vs all, thathonors,& brie oorth cafe,& ability,to haue what either wanton will can with, or our owne,or other wild three bad heads deuife,banilheth too often religion, & all his exercifes, private or publike ,'chi¡drera cooleth and quencheth all hauenlyheats., forceth away, as too Melancholîke triteth, b- foes,allfweetmeditations ofSpirituallcaufes,and giueth the bridle toad damn a- fend: farm- ble pleafureand dreadfull fecuritie. But they Ihali know one day, and ter vs fee ¡tàràe,can now, that if the Lord giue vs but dayly bread, that is things needitill, not need rerìt t and letre, amoderate, acompetent, orfufricientportiontopatrethislifeal 'óngwithall, rich ,r, rnd aliuredly bee doch that which is fafeffor vs, in refpeti of our great propenlioñ loo trirè to abufe his plentie: and good caufe we fhould without any muttering for more, thou btdo bee contented with it.Yetfhold greater Plenty caufe greaterPietie,greater Zeale, End g greater Thanklulneire and all good, but alas it is not fo. The veri e Deu ill cold fay that it was no maruell if Iob feared God,feing thatGo D hadmade an hedgea- bout him,&about his houfe,& about al that hee haden:euery fide, & had bletfed the worke of his hands,& his fulancewasincrea fedin the land, &yeíarenotma- nyofvs able to reafon thus fothë lirring vp ofourobedience to thelord for his graces to vs, albeit wee would be judged great Chrìftians. The Lordquitken vs. h 5 For