78 proßtable,Expoftion q., PETITION. For atfuredly to.yvhorne the Lord hath giuen rnuch,oftheto he wil require much, Q. ,and they that! anfwere him. It needethnot that wee runne oucr all particailars,feeingthus mach now is faid,that in aha werd bread if contained all that we may haste any way nc ed °fto this life ? Itwere,an infinite matter fotodo, and uidcedc not needfull, therefore letv.ç coolider that we aske heerein, food and rayment , and whatlbéuerwcewant. Hou- festo dwellin:Pfa1. 107.3 6. That our Children bee not vagabonds and beg their bread.?fa /. 109.2o. Weebegge peace and euietnetfe, privateathome, publike Prou. t7. 1. abroad : for this is needful! and a comfortable blefiing, Better, isadrie morfell, peace beMth it, than anhaufefullof Sacrifices with flrife. And it is agreat good net é Luc. 1. of God, when wee mayferu.ehim, as Zacharse faith, without feare,inhoyneffeaad z.Theff 3, rightcoufneffe all the dayesofourlife. Wherefore the Lord histfelfeofpeace , faith the I 6. 1po(( le, gaiseyou peace alwa ;es,by all meattesc,And fitbe poffible,ae much asin you liith haue withallmen. Graunt.Lord faith De uid that there be no going out,no !cadentir,i Rom,r to captiuitie, neither any complaymnó in our ftreets. Pray for the peace of lerrefalem : let Pfal. i them profper that loue thee : Peace be within thy teals, 6 plenteoufnesin thy palaces, We 14 44 pray al;o for the bounds of Peace , good magittrates. Againe for good health rzz, and ( trengthofbody, wherebywe may be able towalkein our vocation. hòr ho- nett name and fame, credit and fauour with men as ilrallbe :good för vs , and a thoufandthings moe that this life bath need oh Neither do we aske there things in a bareand needy meafure onely, but even in fome comfortable meafure,that we may no oe1y our felucs huewith forne cheare, which the Lord aloweth, but that we may bealfohealthful' votoothers. So you haue Come tall of the particu- larsofthisgenerali word Bread. 'fie here their doubt isplaineydi ffolued, that make a yueftion whether a Chr f ianmay pray farthe autwardthinges oftkis world, beçaufcthe Church.muft bee fsabietheereeo perfecution. It isvery true: for heere is athort cocuniqdcrnent -to do it, Gismos this day our Mar,77. dailybread:belìdesothergenerallchargesintheword.Secondly,wehauehispro- P¡al,55. miles manyand merciful' concerningthefethinges, and what hee promifethto Mar.zo, giue we may be bold to aske. Thirdly, wé.haue the examplesofins children. as 29. of Jacob when he went to Tadaoei4ram, king :IfGodwillbeemith mee , and will keep mee in this iourney which Igoe, and will gem me bread torate and cloches to put on, fä Trou.30.7, that Icomcagaine onto myfathers hamlets: fafty ,thenfballthe Lord bemygod, OfSale, m.m that prayed for fodconuenlent, and neither for riches ttor forpouerty. Of Leapers that prayed to be clenfed t ofbbnd men that prayed for fight; ofinençz v, omen many in the Gofpell that prayedfor their diuers difeafes and infirmities, & were healed ofour Saniourwithout any rebuke euer for their fo doing.Fourth- ly, becaufe the Lord result euer haue aChurch, but that cannot be without food; gouernment, peace, health,& fuch like: therefore it is lawful! to aske them. Laft- ly, becaufe the askingand expectation of there things is a notable exercife ofour Faith, hope and trua in Gods promifes. For wee cannot affure our (clues of thefe corporaligoodes, neither aske them, except wee bee in Gods fauour, and feele in our feluesgood comfort of his good will toward vs. By asking therefore, we xercife our faith to beleeue the Lord to be our good God : from which goodnes of his wee Cooke for thefe things,fo farce as they may bee good for vs. Otherwife the Lord might fay to vs, you are none of that number that I promifed thefe ontwir and P aver, namely, that this concerning wiith condition of i s outward good pleafure,will & liking, and In hunt finemvtfermamus Deo,&proximo :for thin thin es are g p g' la lyprai, end that we may ferne God,& our neighbo ,b y them,& with them. For who thus; edfor, bute -beg them not,are not hard:thatis thefethings are not iuen them to their good:, trerwirha butalthough they receiuethem according to their defrre ,yetis god offendedwith, them, tondkition,