4 P È T I T I Ó ill. Vpon thcLòrdr. `Prayer. then, &they keriusthew to :their judgement. But fpirituall things wernay aske Limply and without condition, becaptb`Gódfo bath pramifed.thetb, and they ever profite vs : as wee ttlay lnnply dállrethe holy Ghoff, becaufetheLord hath limply and expreffypromlf ed him totbeth that askdtrim, and to of tither mat- cc tern, whereas tilde earthlynbings now'ar'dgood, and now cuill for d¢; and tti re- fore left to the pleafure of him' that knoweth what isbell. what ú ahereafsn of the next word Our, and why. icwcafle4Dtar',read? Not of merit or.of due,debt, but in!retpeftof our neceffttie which cannot beWe6egosdi, without it. And fee then &pray you,: what grearGodaweevnehecoine:14,)45a Gods that fifil Parents.earingof the .fbrbtdden fruit, finely eueufuck: as:aa-t4lorabklbliiVits cannotgiue and haue being in this world:wrrbout a peece of br&dto fuppottrand Jie1441* óur folies which peece oI bread wee arenot able torgiue ourfellee, if wc:P4Akiad tilitiliolf- peete of find times for sautof it, butwee.mutlsaue.itgiuterßltb vssby ltintgliim Gßó l bread. it*eed. This is the truth of that Serpents faying,Tii j aI1-rto1 dii íiaaf/r :'$kit od Gen.3.4.5- dath know that when yeJhell ease therofyotar eyesfha/1 be opened, and lkAi96é Cjaz1, knowing goodanttru,B. Yet cannot this & many thòufànd lies taaoeniiikkitt4fiäirë harkening to lies hilling. Secondly,tt s called ourBra4ib read i4 ttiíit fit with that portion which hevouchfafethtog aloe ts,andnotrobetëairè3t4 öt of that which is theirs.: Either our neighbours oftheir huin siour7feteianrs'etf their wages, our workemen of their byte, or any one whattoeudr oP ïs'e46. For that is not ours thacisanother mans, and therefore we cacinèït liVdleêths3 }yi' tition to the Lord, but our owne tongues ¡hail he our acculers to rbe Lord { wee (hall in words aske btu fo much as may truelybecon ted our owne, (asbc inggot by loch meanes as be alloweth) and yet indeedare not lòëtrütetited, but rake and roh, and pull frommany men that which is-theirs, and ti isrs. `How Confidertl.0 this toucheth many a man, I with varie:heartely m bee corifickitg by prluie feeling of fecret guilt, and not in any brpdertearru s laid openbtÿIlde r. 'Surely beloued,itisagrieuous matter todifàblemyfclfero .ay'tt$: >Livtia'Jräyeror a- ny part of it : but fo doe all they that are not contehe wit -h fo tiraC}#}tátkas is their owne, of which theymiytruelle fay, itisours4odthereforettt4 r &ird- lyp,thisword.Our, truelyconfirmeth the proprietieof goods, wlües; "children, feruants,andluch like antongfl Chriflians, contrarie to all prophaneatithbrri- tilh communitie, either by Anabaptiffs or other heretikes whatfoeuér fought to beeffablifhed. A long and a large mter if it needed a confirmahors bra con- futation. erfnd whydoe wee fay Daylie Bread, or bread for the day ? The Lord hath pleafed fu to call it, firfl,to noteout vnto vs ourmóttalitie a ríá fading efface, if hee Ihould not euen daylie feede vs. Secondly; to teach vs, that it is our dude dailie to aske what dailie wee need, and not to make our prayer at once for ayeares, or many yeares prouifron, becaufe wee would take our liber- tie to pray no more. Thirdly, that thus beemight bridlefomewhat our raging hearts, and our endlelfe,greedie, and infatiable delires. For many of vs are ne- ver fatisfied, neuer pleafedwith any meafüre of bleffing giuen vs by the Lord,but euer craning andcrying, mote, more. This immoderate humour andfinnefull vain ethe Lord feeketh heere to helpe, teaching vaw bee fo farre from wifhing heapesoranywantondelicates, that wee are content with dailie Bread, that is, with fo much as ferueth for that day, and as Ihall be fit to preferue life fione(lly, not wantonly. Knowing it and feeling in the Faith of a Child of God : that a fmall thing vats theruffman is better thengreat riches to the wickgd and mightie : anda- P(44°7. t 6 wine, ifnothing wantethtothem that faare the Lord,that is, no profitable andnecetlà- ryrhing. Thewifenranfaithit : The Lord will not fami/ti the Smelt- oftherighteou(- Wa434.9 ow, but he caffethaway the fb/faneeof the wicked. The King and Prophet faith, I have deetirstng, &c, Cyprtrnfa}'th, &aim Deifist omida,ba6entiDeum'nihtllde- erit) f DrelowsYfecit. And Fidesfarrund's (matt. That is) fince'aùlthingesbee h 4 (sods, 79