Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

80 pkitable Expafition q.. P E,r IT lb wit nws,,,hi ih iheethathathGod want any thing,except God /bee`wantingtó tilfe.tfe: , r&aithiearesnq famine. allure vs that Co weliourwants are flfèAtiì tct the! orili *ASO for euery day hee can tell what is fufhcient, and Aiath.6.3z .y;Çsatwt ehaueneedoff. :oIhereforewheti::tisfaidinthe Gofpell, -Tour heaxer4. 414 <oopok what yeehauebreedo u aewwayaddcaueryheure ,queryday,and doe it bywdrantofchi .tdrxlinthisPtition. A moil comforcablc thing true- ly to euery eitae,-,andtefpOsiaily.tO.them. that haue any great carkc -vppon their A, il$tjt16r43hcndE- ïdrnnaonotherwife. Forttatfuteththem, that their God is 1,41 tn) pp1i.4tçt,hicÿs4lèe, yea( niuie,Altiatheeknoweth for euery day -intha weéke, oftAtmÿtxlayiar theitlines what they bane needofi, both for themfelues and klefir,cjiargoshausdeptten fot that caufe, namely, thatcher fhouldknow it to be Co, A caiikcs t })eúu to,pray but for their dadie bread, not naminganyquantity, `ibmoey n1afitkohigrfetlie whoknowedhbettereha %t.hemfetues what will feruê ., ;thçtutnq, di intuit MTh redlyeuer fend it them,:.; I:pray you then thinks f At,, ,(A9arutikly,tlün óf it, as the, knowledge and remembrance of it may µ 0i5eeNIAT FOrskeiiftkridin filch a GOD, and from the effects of diftrui} .namely,_ ttviedbaykyh dmèanestotelieue: theirwayitsby.- FortheLordknow_ eth our deedsarid every dales need,yea,euery bowersneed, &hisword is pafl,rhat het will not onely know it, butrelieue it , AS lhallbe bell. , I will care for thee , I will not fayle thee, neither forfake thee, faith the Lord. And therefore cal} thy I. Pe.5.7 care in comfort vpon mee. What an ineouragcinent allò may this beeuertovs, Heb. 13, S. tó go to our knees,& to call vpon our God by.Prayer,when we heare how priuie he is to our cftate. Ifwe bane apetition to a man, outfpeeding often lyeth vpon our vtterancc :,if wee fpeake well, wee (peed well, but ifeither for feare or bafhful- nelhc,purtongues fade r tell our cafe in fuchfull fort, as is needfullit fhould be knówen to he winning .of our reliefe. for it, then faile wee alfo often either of all or pay °tilatwefeeke.. But (Ohappiewee) itisnotfowithGod. If we can- not, .pvtgi¢4f cIppagre0,with Come Woe, or otherwife hindered, if wee but hg1?X 5 #isch, he f `eeth> knoweth, andknoweth more fully, than we could tell him 9ug loves in any wptds if wee did fpeake. Withwhat a cheere then may wee 411 before him for anything wee want, and fay,. Lord thou knowefl what I wó 44up, tbouÿhmy .ionguetoulter,mywant(peakec) looke vppon mee in ihx.merple. , 48144 thiS , that layingvpisvnlawfull. You lodge amide., for lofeph in the cheap yeares laid vp for dcere, and fo faued his owne, his maulers, and many liues moe, and the Lord direóted him to thin pr ouldepAgmlAe DifcipiesofAntiochrenttheirabilitie "tothebrethreninIsdaa, and itwa,srefetped and laid vp, till the famine canse that Agabushad prophefied of Ads. 4,1 z 8. Chrifl bad gathervp.the brokenmeat, and let hone ofitbee loft, the holy Ghoftfayth; the children laynotvp for Fathers, bur the Fathers for the Children, warranting as you fee,a laying vp : and much more proofeif it needed is there. Wherefore, by praying for dayly bread , or bread forth day, we are taught to be content if the Lord glue nomore, but we are not forbid. den to referueic, if the Lord do giue more,for.the Lords gifts may not be caft a- IAs ay by anynegligencecoloured from this place. -Yet mu ft our referuation bee void of çouetoufnetfe, made onely in reuerenceof the Lords gifts, to lawfull ends,and not to trua in any flore,and to rob the poore.and neediewhen want is. What Aall wee anfwere.then te.thofewords of Chrif, Care not for tomorrow, for the moro»'had care foritfel fe, &c. Wee mull anfwerethus, and anfivere truely,.that our Sauiour there forbiddeth vs to thinke of the morrow with diftruftfulneire, but not with Prayers and la-. bouts. How canricbmen pray this. Prayer, that hole bread for many dayesatd yeares? Zecaufe allvie and comfortand fafety ofthofc riches cox/meth from the Lord. Which