q.. P>f.T iTI ON, ,vpon theLords `l'rwr. Which except the Lord giue, either they loofeby Rune accident their goods , or. hauingthem, they haue no power to víè tiieni, orA ling the ,,theynourillt not, as after is prooued. But if it be Oar bread, why fbouldwee pray the Lord to glue ìt, the vie beeingtaasks that which is not ours? If it were ours by dutie, youmight be thought to fay fome thing, but if it bee ours but by merde, as.ytlu haue beene told, you(áynothing, for things in üter- cie giuen,mull in a feeling of miferie be asked : and that it is meter e, let/at-06411 vs, that great feruant of the Lords , who yet coofèl %d that hee was not worthie of the leadofall the mercies that God. had giuen him,much lelle are we.See_yet further, and I pray you marke them, what profitable things thisword may teach vs. Firfl, itteachethvs, thatGodistheauthorandverytpringhcadofallgóod, be it fpirituall or corporall that commeth voto vs. And conlequently wee are admonilhedofourmi fcrie, that are not of our Celtics worth a peeceof bread, but .t made beggars of it at his hands that encly doth, and can glue it. If wee bee not worth fo much, curtly wee are not worth the Kingdome of heauen and suer- laying life. This, little thinks they that like bruite beafls fit downs to ease their giuen bread, and rife againewhen they are filled , not once eytherin heart or voice, remembring the giuer of it. Let lush remember what the Apoilletea- cheth, that the creatures of God are not fan tified voto vs, fo that wee may vfe them with a good confcience, but by the word and by prayer. Let them looke 1 Tim. 4, vppon the little birds,wbich ring fo fwcetlie in their kind , before they feeke for Ares prise meate in the morning. It teacheth vs ágaine,euer fo to get our wealth and riches dulcemelos in this life,as we dray truely fay and comkortablic feels that the Lord hath giuen fíërduntquam them. Which wee cannot if Ucaith be the meanes, or vfury, or oppreffion , orgranulaqua- any condemned way whatfoeuer.For then the Deuil helpeth vs, & when any lode rs, x, happeneth ofthem there is a doublegriefe,one at theloofing, and another at the j'ecret thought of the judgement of Godouer things notwell come by. When as if the meanes be good,as right inheritance,or true labour with lacob,to our maitiers orfuchlike ,theu arc our gettingsthe gift of God, theblefftngs of his merciev- pon our labours, and inioyning to ggcr,wjtl a good confcience, we loofe it allo, if fo the Lord will, with a quiet mind, faying,with lob in a Chrillian comfort, the lob. 2. Lord, aue, and the Lordbath takenaway : bleJ°d be the name of the Lord. Fourth- ly in laying y'iue, wee are taught that albeit wee labour neuer fo much, being fo Gen. 3. 17. commanded to do, yet except the Lordbellow the blefling, our labours cannot Pfal 127x. attaine to any thing, according the Prophet, Except the Lordkeep the Cittie,the 2. Thef. 3. Watchman wakerh but in vaine, yea in vaine doe we rife vp early, and go late to bed, 10. eating the bread oflorrow,except the Lord bellow a mercie vpon our panes and Eccle.7. 7. trauell. With the Lord we haue all things, and without him wee haue nothing. 'Pro.14.23. If the earth fruc°uifie, it is iottilled wihut God. Pral.to8, 33: c 1icha.6.s5.Aa.2o.34. Ag. 1.6. If he fayd it truely, Regnum`Perfcumcreuiife ,desdescente, &ipfsRegibus Ffal. 127 prompte fequentibss, That theKingdome of Perfia florilhed becaufe that GOD Rex pencctu Iead,and the Kings readily followed. Surely all men mull fay, that by the Paine apxd Hero - meanes,and not otherwife,either their Countries, Townes or howfes,haue their turf. good whatlouer it is. Refpublica dei ore C{r auxiliomulte magic quàm rattone homi- nsm de confiliogubernatur : the common wealth (làythTully) isgouerned by the Pro Rabio-so, helpe and hand of GOD, much more. than by any realon or counfellofmen. And Í/bi non Drus .,/ed mortalis a/iquispreefl,ibi maloriemnu//um e ffugium. Where man not God gouerneth, there is no auoyding of euill when it commeth vpon them, faith an other. Againe, Scitis quod toque multttudo, nee roboer in bell° viaoriam Plato, cdfert, fed qui `Des touante, magno anima in hefles impetum fartant, eso non fuflwent h,fles. Ye know that neither, maltitudc or llrength getteth vietorie in battaile, but if any (tautly male. their enemies;,.. God fetrethto his helping hand, fuch atfault is not suer to bee abidden. Sp haue heathens: acknowledged what heer Chrillians