4; P E vpon theLords `Prayer. 8; ¡hcwLc1ucs but eLlen as if God and all his Hefting belonged-onely toshem, and that they onely should dwell in the world alone, rake and fcrape to themfelues onely with all their might, andl14me r but Aktheir deere brethren they neuer thinke. No, fo far are trey from prayingför them, that God would giue them their dalie bread , as that if they haue any part or portion of it , they are heartily delirous tohauc it from them, yeafickc vpon their beds Often , 'as was wicked eilchab, till they haue gotten Naboths vineyard and inheritance : dot heft: Men pray , Daeobu, Gate vs good Lora our daihe bread ? that is, glue my bre- three alwcll as to mine orïne foule, what is needfull to them, and giue all thy chit- dten as to mee their dailie wants. No, no, if they might fay ft tor lhame, they CoueFo "micas' would fay giue wee all,and let the refl receive of me if they will haue ought. But had rather what,they Ihame to (ay, they fhame not to with : and rher@ e as often as they ra me fay this prayer, they abufe the Lord, aiiditis his mercie that pre-feittlyhe flriketb'p Ig. not lò great hypocrilie, as to Iay vs with bps, as if they meant many-, and me with thengswevs. heart, meaning but themfelues. Learue therefore (beloued) by a common word, to hue. a common heart. It liketh the Lord that wee lout our brethren, audit liketh him not that weloueonelyour felues.. Wee fay not, giue mee, hut giue vs i and let vs do thereafter, men ioyne then in Prayer with our felues ,and wills them bread as to oúr felues, that is, all necetlaries. Secondly, wee are by The fecond this manner of fpeakmg taught the true vie of Erich portion as God giueth vs, vfe ofthe namely, fo to haue it, as that others haue part with vs : For we are but the Stew - word, vs. ands oftheLords gifts. And,nontibi foci datar quad babes, fed pet'te dat Deus aljs: It is not giuen what thod haft to thy felfe alone, but by thee God giueth the fame to others. His mindbeing that thoàfhouldeflfo impart them. The meat isgi- uen to comfort others as thou mall, and a soy it will be if thou canfl fay with lob: Cha.3 1.1 j. I bane not eaten my marfeli al one, but 013e f therlef fe bath eatenwith me. Thy w oll is giuen thee to cloath the naked, and a comfort great it is when a man may fay with lob againe : I have Irene none peri/h for want of ,loathing, neither any poore without á cowering, but their lope hosebleJ d mee ,becaufe theywerecloathed with the flieceofmyyerfe. r9. Jheepe. lob had lodging,and he thought it giuen to relieuethe ft-ranger : hehad authoritie, and he thought it given to helpe the poore in iudgement, not to op- prelrethem : And-fo euer haue Others of Gods children potretred for others; and not onely for themfelues, what the Lord bellowed vpon them. Wherefore if no other mouth fhould euer judge them,their ownmouthes fufliciently charge all miferable. wretches and wretched mifers of the earth, as often as they pray this Prayer, becaufe they -fay, Giue vs, in the plurali number, and yet where they Note: haue receiued they vie it fcarce in the fingular number , being fo farre from re- lieuing others with any comfort they haue , as that they little may find in their hearts often to relteue themfelues. Let vs be warned before wee fmart for wret- chednelre. We pray not for-our felues alone, but for others : we receiue not for our felues alone, but for others : and therefore let vs impart the Lords giuengraces both to our felues and to others. So (hilt wee thew our felues children ofour heauenly Father, who is bountifull to,all, and hard to none, dealing his gifts in filch fa- Pour and fulnetreeuer,that all tongues may fpeak of his praife, and all hearts conceiue of his mercie. That God and Father make vs like him in this and allow du.. ties. eiimen. THE