Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

8+ A profitable F,xpofition 4.. PETITION. A Prayer. Ightie GO D , and mefl lotting Lord, after things caneerning thy glorie, it is thy gracious féttourtovsf- ayle wretches, that wee Jliauld boldly aske what concerneth bnr necefties andwants, prom fng even tberein alfä to be merciful/ vnto vs, and to heart our prayers. Wherefore both in obedience to thy commandement and Faith to the, /maim:fes, wee throw dawn our feines heere be- fore thee, and befcech thee togiue vs this day our dayly bread: that is, good Lord, as thouhaft taught ve, all things needful/ to the matntenenceof this lif. Gutevsmeate, drinke, and clea- thingfor our bodies. Clime vs of the dew of heauea, and fatnefe of the earth as thy blefed pleafure /hall vouchfafe vs to ourgood. If it pleafe thee to gioie more, O Lcrd make vs thankefull, and fouthft/l Stewards to difpofe thy merciesto our brethren that fhal haue need. Ifit pleafe thee togioie /rife, and changing thy hand to bring vs with thy feruant Moles out of Court to keepe a flocks of fheepe, and with David from high fanciers, to many feares, O God and Father merciful!, eaen with that portion of bread make vs wellcontent , and thankefull alfo ewer to thee for it. Remembring well with oar feints how thou caredi for theft thy feruants and others many in their elute, andhall eaten by thisword bread, taught vs to be content with a little. Thy mercies, O Lord, we befeech thee ggive vs according to our charges, thou knowefl our number, and ournerds , and thou feedefl the very Rau ens that call vpon thee. The eyes of all things waitevppon thee, OGod,and thou gieseflthem meate in due feat n. Thomopeneli thy hand and ftllefl all things liningwith plerteoufnefe. Tothefe favours, O Lord, gratine peace and ,quietnefc, primate at home, and pubúke a- broad. Let there be no going out , no leading into captiuitie , nor any complaining in our ftreets. Peace be within the wailer of Hierafalem, O Lord, to thy good pleafure, and plenteoufneffein her Pallaces, that is, to thy Church mercie and fauour ,webefeechthee. To this end giuevs, O heauenly father , thebleng of prudent and godly gouernours. Confirm: their hearts in zeale and loue to thee, and make them ewer careful/ of thy glorie. Confirme our obedience and truth again to them in thee, and both one, and other, make vs thankefallgreatly for thyprefent mercie in this behalfe vpoa vs. If ewer people found fa- vour at thy M.tieflier hands, O Lord our portion hath been great, muff we fay, and this Xayy bread with aliberal! hand abone other nations no iv manyyeowcs gioita unto vs. O deare Father touch vs with the feeling of it, and make vs thanks full, and continue this mercie and lowing kindne fe!fill vppon vs, gioing vs I/il theft comforts of thine. What wee haue need of , dent vs not, andwhat we haue, with thy fauour, O Lord, and to our good,/s-r vs tuer haue it,not to our harms and iudgement. So we that be thy' people and fheepe of thy paßare, (hall glue thee thankes for suer. Heare vs O Lord, O GOD and Father gracious, not for our fakes , but for lefies Chro 1 i ¡âke, our one y Lord and Saxiour, Amen. The