5. PETITION. von the Lords Prayer. 85 The fift petitión. And forgiue vs our trefpaires. &c. S Now are yu come to a Petition (as our eftate fiandeth) mollfweet and comfortable, moft nece fart'and profitable,wherefore I prayyou,eooenas fully asyou ¡ball think r conuenient, and fßeake of it, and firff of the order as you haue done in theformer. Ouching'tö title. f,4it,%Tertullian faith very well: mid aliments pro ptitteputamur re vera qua_ fi taurns adviltimam, what willPany nourilhments Çr thislife profite vs, if with theM%sbeaccompted as Oxen to the 'laughter? Cyprian more plainely, Poft The order e fubfdium cibi, petstur & venia delliti, vt qui ádeo paf_ this petition; char, in deo vistas, nee tantum prefentiet temporali vita, fed& aterna confulatur : ad quam venireporch, fi péc - cars drmittantur: afterthe aydeof meat, is begged pardon of offence that he which of God is fed; in God may hue, and care had aswell of eternal! life as oftemporall, vnto which eternal! life then is the way open, when all linnes bee forgiuen. Wherefore fence in the former wee haue craned of the Lord what concerneth this life, in there twolatter wee begge what concerneth that heereaf; ter. In the former defiring him to forgiue what is paff, and in the latter to ftreng_ thenagainffwhatisto come. Both which our requeuls haue groundvppon his owne promife,and are direted thereby. For the Lord is the couenant which it pleatedhim to makewith his Church,hath promifed both,faying, Their iniqui- ¿ere. 3r. 34 tie will ! forgiue, andremember their ftnnesnomore ; which is the thing we now beg. C5' 3 3. wind Iwillput my law in their inward parts, and write it in theirhearts, and willbee their God, and they .hall be my people, c§-c. that is, I will atria them with anew power of Spirit, andconfirme them with a further flrengthto (land heereafter, which is the matter of our next quellion. Imight feeme to force, by the order of. thefornser petition, and this, that the remiJon of our fins were a matter lefe to bee cared for than ourdayliebread, becaufe it is fitafterin this Prayer. 'fit had not been fayd before in the beginningofthe formerpetition, that this order is obferued of the Lord in regard of our rudenes , that heemight lead vs from a matter better knowen, toa matter leire knowen : yettruely they be very raw in religion that would thinke things onelyrefpeEting thislife to be preferred before things touching life eternal!. God forbid therefore but this order ofthefe petitions notwithflanding, euery Chriffian man andwoman fhouldmake it their' chiefe care to find mercie with the Lord for their tranfgrefhions, rather then to enjoy tenthoufand worldes with all thegiory that might bee in them, for what would all theft worldes profite them when they had loft their owne Souks', in them all not able to lind hat to glue for the recompence of the fame againe Mat.r w 6.z6" But without remiffion of finne there can be no faluation, God not fo nních as hearing (nners, much lef% Caning them, And thereforeiuffly ourchiefe care to haue fin pardoned, that we maybe fared. Ifyou would conclude any thing of theorder of this petition following the o- Religión rs ther conclude this , & that you may do both truely and profitably, namely, that not caufe of true religion is not the caufe ofwant of dayliebread,lbut our fina, And thereforersant,tarfit. prefentlyafter reque(f to the Lord for that, we adioyne the other as the true flop and let of the former,ifit be nor taken away by his mercy :as if we Ihould fay,we re= eDë. quefi Lord the cöforts ofthis life,ehe fruits of thegrotid,&thefru itsofour cartel, 1 butter