$6 fl profitable Expofitson 5, PETITION. butter of Kyne, and milke of Iheepe, with fat ofLarnbs, and Rams fed in Balboa, the bleilìng of wheate, and the red licour of the grape, but neither thefe nor any litch may welooke for, except inmercy thou take away our finne, the very flay ()fall thy goodnelfe fromvs, if thou deale in iuflice. And therefore Lord for- giue vs our trefpatfes. Let no man then accufe religion for dearth and lèarfitie, tor famine and hunger , bur confider his owne deferts , and the defarts of thou- lands more, and remember euer both how these petitions lie, and what alfo for more plaineneire the Lord himfelfe baths okenb the Prophet leremy,faying: 9 Ierem . 7onr iniquities home turned away these earth/ lefftugtCfromyen, as raineboth earland y late in duefeafon, with a plea ant borne nth ike : yea, yam, fins bane hindre4good Efay.,r49,r, things fromyou. Aganytéty ;;' oho/tithe Lords hand icnotJhortned,lhatitean- c art face, neither ishis a boogie' that it cannot heare : but your iniquities home Jepara- tedbetwixt you ansig God, and your linnet banehid his face fromyore, that hs will not heare. Forgoer hands are defiled with blood,andyour fingers with iniquitie, &c. Now to the words themfelues if you thinkegood, and of them in order : for that ¡o plaice. The whole The firfi word is Forgiue, ofit felfe fo plaine that it needeth not any explication, petition tea - and therefore not [landing in that fort vpon it , let vs confider the conclufions cheth two that arife thereof to a Chriflian mind that carefully weighedwhat God bath fpo- thinges, ken. FieU then it containeth a plaine confet ion of our miferable elate vnto the quid peto- Lord, and fo teacheth vs that beforepardon and f'orgiuenes, ought to go a true, mss & quid & faithful,and vpnfained knowledging of our euillwhatfoever.For why Ihold God faceredebea- vouchsafe to pardon, what we, not able in truth to hide fröhim,as being God, mus,Peririo: yet in the firong corruption ofourvntamed harts indcuor to cloke,& de not lay remiteenbis open in woe and godlieforrow before him. Very mortali man looketh for con- &C. feffronofa fault, and wevfetofay,thathalfe the mends is madewhen itisfodone, Cenfefon to yet may we couer fromman very great offences, how much more may the Lord God. our God iu[lly require that being not able to blind him, we recite not todo it, but in all reuerence of his maieflie and all vehement dillike of ourfelues and our fins, wee lay them at his foote and beghis mercie. That notable place in the Pfalme pp/ 3 t of Dauid teacheth vs this. When he faith : Whilfl I held my tongue my bones con - fumed, or when I roared all the day long. For thy bandI, beanie vppon mee day and night, and my moyfiure is turned into the drought of Summer,then Iacknowledged my fin, neither hid I mine iniquitie. For I thought 1 will confe f fe againfl my felfe my wickedneffe vnto the Lord, and thou forgauefl thepunqhment of my limy. See how before he con- Nam 5. 7 felted he found no comfort, and after confefhon, how he found no punilhment. Looke in the Law of the Lord, and marke thefewords to (.0tofes: When a man or woman /hall commit any finne that men commit, and tranfgreffeagainfl the Lord, when that person fhall trefila ffe, then they Jhall confeß'e their Jiinnewhieh they haue done , and Iob. r 3. 15. Jhall reflorethe dammage, &c. Confession God required, and confefIion they per- formed. Although theLordlhould kill use faith faithfull loi', yetwilllput my tu-uji on I rs. t 8,t 3 him, but I will reproouemj' wales, for all that,in his light, that is, I will confel %my t. lou.8.9.euilifreely and fully with afingleheart, as a wretched finnerIhoulddoe : Hoe that hideth his inne fayth wife Solomon , Ad! not prosper, but he that confefeth then and forfaketh them,Jhall hate mercie. If wee fay wee hate no fume, then wee deceiue our felues and there is no truth in vs, but if wee acknowledgeand coufeffe ourfnne,CJodis faith- ful! to forgiue vs our finne, and the blood of lefts Chri cleaufeth vs from all Shriftwheresinne, This is not that filthie thrift in the are of afilthie'liuer inuented in Rome, found &lot and throwne downe in Conflantinople vppon iuil: experience of vgly pollution by it , but this is the Lords ordinance performed euer of the Lords people, to Pfal. 51. the Lord himfelfe. Dauida [inner hidethitnot, when theProphetfpake, but crycd peccaui, with a feeling heart and with a grieued mind that hee had fo S. Sam. 1 4. fallen. That David when bee had numbred the people , and the LO RD offended had Pent a plague amongfl them , cryed in his woe. Biel, it is I Lord