5. PETITION. x, pon the Lords Prayer. Lord that ham offended, and thefefeely /beepe what haste they done ? and agaíne in ano- ther place: ThereforeI fail,Lord aue anemic vppon me, and beetle txySoule,farIhake Pfd. 41 4- jinxed againfl thee. The Praying Sonne returning to himfelfe and to the eflate of afon,feeth and Ligheth for palledtolhe, and c 'fife tfeth it freely as his bounden du- tie, Father, Father, I haue ]boned again(! heauenand again( thee, and l am no more tour- thietobecalledtlySonne. The humble Publscan befeecheth God to be merciful! Lul¿13.2* voto him, not alullproud Pharilie, but a poore finfull and wretched Publican. Lak18.13. W are heereixfl1y, faid the theefe on the crofre, and wee receiue thing) worthy of that wee hastedone, but this man bath done nothing amiffe : a very plaine contellion of a fee- AE. r 9. t S. ling heart. When Paulehad preached againit coniuring and forcerie, as we read in that place : what was the truite of his fpeaking , and their hearing, but this? Many that beltened came,and canf efed, andJbtwedtheir worker. John alto baptized in' Mitb. 3.9. the wddernes, but whom ? fuch as confeifed their fumes againfl the Lord. Euer therefore before pardon muff goe confeffion, for fo euer bath it done,as by all thefe proofes is now plaine. Private to God, if the famebe private, publike to the Church, ifthe finne be fuch as (hall more appeare hereafter in another place. Wherefore let vs end this note upon this firft word, Forgiue, and know it euer that we are taught, if we feekemerece, not to hide finne. For the Lords pardon re. suited). the (inners confeffion. Couers and clokes, they do but touer the light o Gods countenance, that it thine not' pon vs, and yet do what we can, wee can touer nothing in deed from his eies Wee (hew our will and wee want our wilh : 1lrotè. finse c nto finne, we grieuoufy adde, and we dealt with our foules as Come fore ones with their bodies, concealingeheir fore till the time be pall, and the bodie perilhed. Wherefore euen as often as we Ihall euer heereafter fay this prayer, let vs adde th s coufeliion to it : O Lord ourgrieuous trefpaf%s, our many and great tranfgreflions, this blot of our bodies, or fpot of our foules, whatlòeuer it is, in that mercie that hash no meafure forgiue it, dafh it, and walls it out, thatit neuer appeare again before thee. What Seconáj ? Secondly, it teacheth vs the long fuffering of the Lord, wonderfull and vsi fpeakable towards mankind. Whereby hee beareth, and beareth with vs wret- ched creatures, and although we daylie and hourely, suer and continually finne againfl him, yetcalleth le not away fo vnprofitableferuants, but deferreth his anger,fpareth his judgements, & if we turne to him, he turneth molt mercifully to vs,& forgiu all heaps ofvgliefin again(] him. If we worms and dull llsould be vied ofany,as he is vied ofmany,we (hold thew our corruption quickly,& reckon vp our faults cemitted & pardoned by vs, thinking we had (hewed great fauour, and donemuch for our brethren, ifwehad twife orthrife been intreaced by them toforgiue them, we would deny at thelaft and fay plainly to them, we might not euer,i f theyfoeuer would offend. Yet what are wee? as bad as they. If not to The Lorde them,yet to others, and therefore no fuch caufe we fhould be fo and in meafure. eat merry When often our Elms mull need the fame curtefie, and requell a fauourable great hand to fluke but foftly. But feetheLord. His puritie blutteth both Swine trt clan, and Moone, the heauen and the earth and all the creatures in them both, hee offendeth neuer, neither needeth that a; ,y fhould forgiue him,and yet is he more fauourableto his very enemies,thau we are to our liked & loued friends. For he fpareth the worft, more than we the heft, and though they fin often, yet forgi- ueth he (till. They aske and he granteth, they knocke and he openeth,they cry and he fpareth , yea though they hauecryed ten thoufand times Forgiue vs oar trefpaffes, and bee euer hash forgiuen very great and grieuous ones, yet is he not weary when wee crieagaine, and caftethvs off , but he is patient towardvs, fayth Saint Peter, and would bane no man perifh, but all to come to repentance,and to be fatted. 2. Pe. 3.9 O deereft God what fauour isthis, what goodnel%is this to fo great offenders! 1 a Yea