}I prof tàble Expojition , PETITION. Yea, inakchcere how we are commandedwhilea we hue and breath co prayth Prayer, forgiue vs Lord, and therefore plainely taught,that euen fo long there is mercie with God without wearineire, a gracious open care to a (rnfull Cuter , and pardon for that fin that fradtiehath fallen into,and now feeketh in a bettergrace to haue done away. This is great patience that indureth till death,being lo of- ten prouokëd to .deny fuch fauourand withrauithed hearts for the Tweet- nefhe of it may we heave and learnt it,yet let vs not abufeit, (as forne haue done,) gam, 6 s but remember well what the Apofile laid when it was obieded : Shad wee pose that grace may abound ? God forbid. How /hall we which aredead to finne, listeyet thett- Rom, z. 5. in, and fo Forth, asfollowcth there atlarge. The riches of his bountfulneffe and pa- tience, and long fs feranceleadeth to repenrauce, faith the Apoille. Um repentance, then not to prelurnption, If to amendment, then not to continuance in euill, and therefore take heed. PunitDeus fer.quidem, feddurirer. Long doththe Lerci day ere he finite, but he finiteth home when he doth (-mite. Conclude wee then Eccle. 54. with wife Syrach : Say not, J haste finned, andwhat euid bath come veto mee. For the almightie is a patient rewarder, but be will not letue thee vnpunif?ed. Becaufe thyfinne is forgiuen be not without fears, to heape finne vppon Junes end fay not, the mere e.of God is great, bee will forgiue me my manifold finnes : for mercie and wrath came from him , and his indignation commeth donne vpon frnners, Make no tarying to turn veto the Lord, and put not off from day to day : For fuddenly Jhall the wrath of the Lord breaks forth, and in thy fecuritie thou (halt bee deflroyed, and thou Aalt peril? in time of vengeance. That house that the wicked hope for is often denied , and fuddenly they penfh without repentrance. Therefore prefume not- Third! what? Thirdly , wee learne by this brut word, that the remifiion of our finnes is of meere mercie and fauour, not for any merits of ours. For marke I pray you how we are taught to fay, not as thedebtor faid in the Gofpell,Lord refraine thine anger toward vs, and we will pay thee all : but abfolutely and pla.nely, Lord for- glue, that is, quite raft out, and pardon Without any recornpence or fatisfaftion Grace proo.frotevsorbyvs. So that euen dais Petition, if there were no. more Scripture, Ned &fatif atiureth the truth of that doftrineto vs, that by grace we hue and arefaued.Mer- fafiion i :cie pardoneth, mercie healeth, andmercie doth whatfoeuer GOD doth for vs. praoued, Merite dare not peepe to fpeake vnto the Lord. Iull as the Apo(lle faith : We aceiuflified freely by his grace, not of workes, nay, if ofgrace, therefore not of worker, elfe Rom. were grace no grace. A gaine, we haste the forginenes of our finnesaccordmg to his rich 3 9. tr.; grace. And againe: uygrace areyefamedthrough Faith, and that not ofyour[clues, EP/4 t7,z2 u isthegift of God : with a number fuch like places. hull allo as the Father fadd, cílderitummeummi(eratioDomini: My merite is the onely and freemercieof God: and io long abound I with merits as he aboundeth withmercies: but take the one from him, and take the other from me. For mymerite, I fay, is his meeremercie. Wherefore moll gtieuou fly doth that doftrineof Poperie robbe the Lord of his true and due honour, when it teachethfatisfaehon by man to God for hit fin. For who can fatisfeGod, but his onelySonne, in whomonely he is pleafed? And of whom flatly it is fayd, that he is the propitiation,that is, the full, whole, perfìte, and all the fatisfaftion that God requireth or can like ofinthisfenfe. t Mary knew no other, the Publican knew no other, Peter knew no other, nor Chr,faf}o,ne the old father when hee fayd of Peter, Lachrimirs lego, fatisfaí?ionem nan legs. Peters teares Tread of, but of any fatisfaftion that bee made himfelfe to purge his finite, and to pleale GOD with, I read of none : but of this alfo more in his propper place, if GOD will. Let vs fee the truth, (land in the truth, thankethe God of heauen for it, and decal theft Popifh blafphemies againfl the L OR D and his deare Sonne Chrift. In that precious blood is the Father pleated and fatisfied for all our finnes, if wee lay hold of it: and .r