Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

5. PETITION. vpon the Lórds Prayer. 8p and for our workes they carry greater corruption in their bones and bówells i than that fo pure a G od Ihould be pleated with them, or fo vgly finnes cu4 pur- gedbythem. Why is-it f yd, forgive vs, and not forgive we? To teach vs that which we are dull to learne, namely, not to bellow our whole loue and care vpon our felues, but to deuide it alto to our brethren , and even as heartely and earnelily to befeech the Lord to blot out all' their offences as our owne, and to bemercifull to theta as to our felues. But atas beloued; where is this aedion amonglf vs? where is this care of the fpirttuall good of our neigh- bouts ? Truely'it is molt rare, yea much more rare than can 'land with right and trueprofeffìon of Ictus Chrill. If wee doe thinke of our brethren at any Agreatcor- time, andiwilh them Well, Purely that reacheth but to earthly blcfftngs, to riches, ru non in vs to honours, tofauourand friends in this finneflill world , and fo wee might fee p them magnified and exalted in this refped, our dclìre were an fwcred, and we ful- ly contented. The pardon of our finnes, and fauour with God by his beloued Sonne, their future ioy in a place of joy endlef% and eternall, alas we thinke not of, we care not fer, God knowethwelieldome(ifeuer) pray for. Yet is this all in all : for how fodainelyfadeth all worldly Pompe, if it be obtained, and how of- ten faile we, and neuer dc obtainc it Wherefore cuen in this and cuery Petition of this daylie Prayer, the Lord bath quickned our earthlyminds to loue in a bet- ter fort our neighbours and brethren : and 1 pray you let vs learne it. Rcnnem- ber how vehemently (Moles felt the mifery of the Iewes, if God forgaue them not their committed euill, and how carnelllyhee prayed for that forgiuenellè. Exo. 3 2.31 Oh (fayth h ee). this people have finoedagreat firme, and haue made them Gods of gold. Therefore newel' o s f thou pardon their inne, thy met tic J ill appeare, but if thou wilt not, I pray thee race me out of the. Tooleivhich those haft written. Reiciisber the words of Rosa, . z. the Apofle Paulo to the like etfed : I fay' the truth in Chr, Mena:, my confcience bearono mee witneJfe in the holy Ghoff,that I hauegre&t heauime f fe and continual/ forrow in my héaüE;'Fór 1 would wj7s my fe e to be feparate Ír'ám Chriff, for.'my brethren, that aré my ktlffiterráecordiltg 'to the fled. See beloued and marke wherein the beff loue of man t, than conli1 ethand isfheued, namely, by'oifl»nghis fpirituall good,the of hiP':ftule, the.forgineneire of his (limes : and as the l'rophetDavidlaith', the Pfal. lifting ifp of the light of the Lords countenance vppon him. O atternes of Love in this behalfeto their brethren, Motes and Paule, inimitable off vs , vale!% the Lord affiit. For where th S heauinetfe of heart and continnallforrow to fee our brethren finite, and by finne to indanger themfelues heere for tiler? Where are thofe fiends of teases Which Davidfaidgulhed out of his cies ,becaufeTfal r4 9. men kept not Gods commandements ? Alas,' how ftrange a tale is this to v s .' Well; it fhould not bee (F range.' Neither Motes nor Paule would haue wiflied themfelues accurfed of God,to havegained to their brethren ten thoufand worlds or any worldly goodv.haefoLuer,bue to gaine them Ipirituall good they did it and therefobe muchmore are we to care for the lalüation of our brethren , than for thett glorie in this earth, if e vs ill in state them Daùidwouldìaeuer hate gufhed our teatés to feet! ear tbán[ yealth,s Mir to fee them :want grace hé did. Where- fore; let vs learne hOWi6loue our brethren well act vs learnt what moll plcafeth and difpleafethGodlñvfjat tnoff profitetli andhurtethour neighbours, and more heartely pray fofilei-Knillion oftheir fins , rifanfor any worldly good. It is goódiotic to Wilh.Ofsaind 'his comforts to our friends, and to be greatly touched with their mifdoeiligstóward God. It was forGnne, and the effects of time that leremie taw in the people, and ready to fall vppon them,that made hitütvifh erIG t, his head full of water, and- his ties di fountaiirc of tcares, and that he had a cot- 9. . tageïntbewilder'heflPili fit and forrow in. Therefore much doe wee fecke{or ourb«ehiten, wheit'gé feekcehcpardon of'thelE finnes at GODS hand for mebeboüd them.'' b'wbe aificebeboundtobefecchGodtoforgiue 'themtheirtintrozvebech j 3 again(F