Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

90 Aprofitable Expoßtion 5. PETITION. God to for. agaiutthim,iudgc your feluesifwee bee not bound to forgiue them our felues sit» our hre- tt.cirlinnesagaiuttvs. And againe, what their cafe is that will cuery day fay this rhrenTheir prayer with their tongucs,and delire God to forgiuc both them and their brethre' fins, are not their tinfles, and by and by both go themfelucs,andwith many flattering baytes, we our [clue earncft allurements, & euen alto violent eoultramts pull the lame their brethren boundrofor- totimeagaine without remorfe and feeling. Can we both be mediators for par- gin; them? don, and tempters to mifchiefe, with God his good liking ? Fearefully therefore do thoufauds offend, and thinke not of it. !Ewe will pray for remiflion for our felues , and others, we mutt keepe our felues and others , as the Lord will ftreng- then, from fuch euill agaioe when we are pardoned. Away then with this good ei1/lurers of fellowthip that tempteth voto Gone : and if any allure you my brethren, if other orh:rsrefis. denials will notfcrue, aske themwhether they haue faid any praiers that day or not, if they haue not, judge ifthat be good company to go withal' or no : if they haue, aske them if they hauenot therein befought god to pardon both their own fìnnesand other mens ; ifthey haue , how may they then with one breath fend forth good and euill,pray for good,prouoke to euill : aske pardon, and doe the thing again e. So (hall Satan Hy from you. The next morel is Our,and what loth that notevnto vs? Itihewethvs what is the qualitieof our dishes and wealth, for wee haueplaid . 4 lam e nt.x- the Nlarchants, and trafqued with an outlandith rouer called the Deuill, and ble exciang with him we haue dealt by exchange. Our barkewas fraighted with knowledge, made* , ithlott e, w ithhuntilitie, withioy, withpeace,withlongfùffering,withgentlenes with goodnes, withfaíth, with meek nes , with temperance,andtogoeno further, with all graceand innocencie. So that we might fay of thefe towels, that they were ours : but now wee haue vnladed the barkebyfubtillperfwafion , and freight ita new with this rouerswares,with ignorance, with hatred, with pride,with furrows, with adultery,wirh fornication,with vncleamtes,with wantonncs,Idolatry, witch- craft, debate, emulations,wrath, contentìons,feditions,herelies, enuy, murther, drunkennethe, gluttony, andfuch like, yea ,with all want ofgrace.& impurity . What is ours So that now we Inuit fay the former were ours, and thefe are ours. This is our la- nose. ding now, and this haue we profited by this rouer now. Now we mutt fay,Tergiue ss owrr refpafes, then might wee fay, continue thy graces : then was grace our la- ding, now arewe Freight till wel inkeagaine with fînnes and trefpafres. Alas that this word Ojo-e Ihould be applied to thefe. But thus are wee fallen, and ofvsitis now laid, that allthe imaginationsof the thoughts of our hearts areonely euill Gen. 6 continually,that we are borne in iniquity and concei ued in finne,and that we are Yfal S t noréble fi much as to thins e ag,good thought of oser feltase. Wherefore as I fay, this word in our Petition, telletl'vs the qualittie o. our wealth, and that our gardens ouroarden haue growing too much Rue inthem and too little hearbe of grace. Trcfpatres be ours now ,butnotrefpatrea were oursonce. This thought Saint . mbroteof, mar bans too lice fayd, Dises eras, ad imaginero &, fitvilúudinem Dci fauns, perdidzi vied tooubins, coo lit, I habrbat, perds! +i > accepifC't à diabolo debit um, good non erst mecef]atsserty¢e. heerbe of What is our debt but finite ? Thou waft rich, and made to the Image and fimi- grare titudeofGon, but thou haft loft what thouhadil, thou haft loft thy money & taken of the deuill a debt that was not necetfsry.The bell way for vs,isto vnlade a;Aai ne this bad marchandife that we haue got ofthis rouingmarchant, b y,huta- ble prayer to the Lord toforgiue vs our trefpatfes,and to drowne them in the bot- tome of the fea,that they neuer more may be feen,aidingvs,ftrengtheningvs,& confirming vs againft our great and grieuous weakneile : which the Losdfor his mercy fake doe. tlfät,d. ra. Ifjose will proceed inorder,theword trelpatres isnexr. 41er. a t . Tüe- greeke words which the holy Ghoft bath vfed in thefe places heerenoted s S. arc iiuerfe, vest ;siding to the fame matter as our Ennliih words do. D4btct,tref . Luc. tr. 4 pfl n& fns. Debttargwcitur, quianosobffringuntapuddeirribumg It r 'it ores ,flúuunt., debts