Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

debtsthey may be called becaufe they bind vs at the iudgemét feat ofgoci,&make vs debtors faith one, Et' dehitavocat,vtgratitatem peccati notare:: He calleth them Why ourfins debts, that he might note out the grieuousnature of linne, faith another. Which be called the more we know and tsele, the more handy and vehemently willwee make our debts crie to the Lord to releafevs from it, or at thcleafl from the flingof it, that is the condemnation of-cant foules. Forwho cryeth more for the bodily Philition than hee that teeth the greaten perdi in his dileafe. Who feeketh more or looketh a- bout him with more pirtttulllookes for Come to cafe him, than hee that is ready to fluke, and be crushed to death, if he doeiìnke under his burthen that he beareth: Our iinnts therefore are called a debt that bindeth vs not to a yeares imprifon- ment, or a longer captiuitie in this world, but to perpetuall inprlonment, and to the curie oR ods hitter wrath in the fiery Lake for euer, that rouferh our of (Ceti, rity with Co lìgnif cant ate.arme,we might cry with heart, with tongue, and eue- rymember,ofvs,till theheauens ring againe ,O Lord forgiue, Corgi ue, for thy Othinkofir, merle fake our fine, our trefpatlessourdebts, fo fearefully binding vs to lb lan- inga woe. And for his fakethinke of it, what the world fo íporrerh herlelfe with- al! many times, There pleafantfinnes , there paintedfrnnes,thefeloft finnes, there ioyes and pailimes of abenunvned heart: Thinkewhat fauce thisfweet meat will haue in the end. Our bodies, our foules, ourhands and our feete, and wee wholly are made bound andthral; to the powerof curled Satanstnalice, by them, to doe with vs whatlielift,to Boyle vs,ro borne vs,to Ccald vs or teeth vs. to tread down and triumph outresinthis fierie furnace for euer. And is (inne then nothing (io n awake vs for his mercic fake, that both this word ofdebt, and all other meanes may make vs not tocric, but flinke in a feeling heart, Lord forgote vs our trefpaffes. . Iham .heardf memake adlferoaceoffrnnergreaterandlefcr. 'Do we pray for the for - 1iuneffeofrheas allia this Petirion, or but ferfome. You haue heard happily of finnes;fotne to be ve and forne to beemortall 6. and that was Pop ifh,wicked,& falfe.For thereward oflime isDeath, faith the hobo Ghofl, notof.tltis fin neor that finne butof finne iìrdefrnitely,rhatis,ofall finne. For indefanitepropofrtions in diuinitie are euer taken feu' generals;vnletle the na- Euh, r 8 ture of the thing let or an iü (lance may be brought out of the Scripture. The pule that innethf all die the death.Hee doch not fay, that lìnneth thus or thus, but (im- ply, that fimneth, meaning any fmuiç. Againe, Whet eaertranfórefrhtheLas'ù act urfed, but whofoeuer finneth tranfgreth the Lawe : therefore whofoeuer fin- ,cut. z ueth is act. Fled. Againe,whofoeuerlolieth not Sod ithall his heart, with all his i""7'2'4* I foule, andwkth all his nrength, that marris accurfed,'but whofoeuercommitfeth the leaft (lime .faylethtüthisloue: therfore whofoeuer committeth the lean fin, Deta. 27. í accurfed. Vponwhiehgroundbeeing the [bong truethofeuidentScripture, om you may turnetheir folly thusvpon them that hold that dillindionof fins: All Ro v iaa innedeferueth death, for.aswehaue(hewed their reward of(inneis death , but "and"'" veni.4l1nuts deferue not death, therefore veniall (Miles be no hones by a confe- quenceintheirdocFlrine. And thus they lay & vn(sy againe by force of falfisood beingnot able ttsftAndeuer-agaiit(t the trueth. I pray you an marke againe how ahfurdatthingitisto fay, that the death of Chrindoth fatifñe and purge mortal! frees which ;are greater , and not venial! which are lcti'e. Is this good doitrine 2 Tea fir , b« &yyottr fanarr,t hey doe not fay, that Chréfl.r death cannot purge array veniali Prue' asmaliudikuatal ,burthaè he oil' not haue at re. You arvtgtsbcUPtoc`Íocforthem, but filch meth fuds Prophets. Porlpray you, ryiió;eantellvsfsetterwhat he will, than his holyfpirit, than his beloued di- fciplethàtletrtatleavhis4irt '.a(t,guided'bythatfpirit. And he, you fee your Idle Theirpopifb plainelv fat tiaThris' atudeflefaoChrifI rohicheleanfethvs omaafisne,abo.mni,from:llifrf t#, 411. Tl i_a altssefipre 1t411 fuflice to reach me tog predious blood his due noi. 1 4 and