92, pr=Oablè Exp ofition 5. PETITION. and full honor againl.I all wickeddetradions and diflinetions whatfoeuer.itmay beyou haue alfb heard oflinnes,fomçto be greater, and forne to bee le iÌ. This tuk i 2.47 was true and is : For, be.tbatkn werh and dothnot, faith our Sauiour, Jbhall6ebeaten 48 withmany f ripcs. Therefore his finne is greater,and he that knew not,and yet did loh. t 9,11. thingsworthie of ftripes, Mall bee beaten with few [tripes ; Therefore his fine lelfe. And agame,Therefore:he that deliueredmete thee bath thegreaterfime. Marko it, thegrearerfinse, with diuersfach other places. But be they neuerlo little, you haue heard before that they bee mortal, for the reward ofthelea[l fine is death , therefore in this Petition thére is no queflion,but we pray for their pardon at the Lords hands., and if for the letfer,then for the greater,and fo confequently for all: Wherefore your queftion mull be anfwered, that whatfoeuer diltin&ions you haue heard of tins, or whatfoeuer there bee, yet forfomuch as our Sauiour Chrift heere in this place moo difrmnalon , but generally biddeth vs askethe for- giuenelfe of our finites ,therefore neither do we make any, but generally alto be- leech himto forgiue all whatfoeuer we are blotted and fpotted withall before the pearcing power ot his hcauenly eyes, bethey greater, be they letrer: forwhatfo? euertheybe, theburthenofthemistooheauieforvstobeare, except he ref-refit r,7ohn.1, and cafe vs. And this to do his promifesmoft cheerfully imboldenb, beemgto the vnfpeakable comfort ofour foules aloft generali. I will put a& his wickednes out cfmy remembrance, all, all, nnhatfoeueritis. And as you heard cum now, /fire ae knowledge our finites, God eofosthîull to forgiue vsmurftnnes, andthe bloud of lefut Chri clenfethvsfomalf,nne, from all finne whatfoeuer it is , with a number fuchlike promtfes. Witerfore ifit pleafe him to offer all,why fhould we refufe any,or fare to pray for all? You fec eueednot, and this knew wdl the Prophet Dauidubed he fair!, Turne thy facefrom our finites, and Wet out allour offences : wafJmethreughly mfa1.5I, from myiniquitie, and cleax femefrommyf smtos. What is thereby towat}ÿ but towafh all away. Boldly therefore may wee askewhat the Lo & n fo lnuingly doth, offer, and therefore that 1. o a n in mercy forgiue vs now and euer all our tref- Faifes. Toufhail haueallmydoubts, becaufe obieliiont c iafe annfweres, and anfweres6reede knowledge. Imarke therefore inthe Scriprwresyounamed, that mention isnudéene).of ourlinnet, as al ò that in this Petition we are taught to pray farthe pardon and remiionof them andneiihertherenorheereisanlmentionofthepunì /Jmentofourfrmertobetaken away, and therefore merkoo ghat diftinettonofPap /f, de pcena & culpa, fiandethfled inremooued. You do well obieétwhatfoeuereitherdòrh or maytrouble any fo neere as you cánremember and fee it. Tor fo may you;caufe,the tru:eth.more fullyto bee laid dowse. Concerningthen this doftrine ofPopery,that God forgiueth 1m, & yet retaïneth the punifhmentto be inflicted vpon themthat haue finned, feel pray you a little, how orange, how bad, yea, how blalphemous a do&rine it is againif the rich goodnetfeofour heauenly God.,and the precious merite of thered blood oflefus Chriti. For what is it to forgiue fume, but, to take it away, andiffo,how Behold the then can that which is taken away, and now is twit, haue apunilhment ?Éinequod Lembo,f non eft, non ef!puna,peccatamremif,om nest eft. Ergepeccatiremif non eft p ane,.That God that which is notbath no punilhrnent, butforgluen finne is not. Therefore forgiuen kethaway finne hath nopunifhmenr. Againe, whpfgeuerrequiteth the payment ofadebt the fins of forgiuen, he is vniu ft : but whofoeuerrequirethpunifhmenrof-altnneforgiuen, the odd. requireththe payment ofa debtforgiuen, therefore whoíoeiìerdoth fo,isvnintl. I troll they will not fay God is vniutt, and if they will not, they muff nevercharg him with_ punilhingofanyfinne that Ile hath forgiuen. Thirdlybythetawe of contraries,whyfolloweth not the argument, God when hedoth notifoiegine flu; retayn eth.the punifhmentC, and therefore when he doth forgiue, he cloth, hot re- tame it? But fe yet further, 1ath nor the Lord made a couenantwith his Church M.3 1.34. that he will not remembec er finites any more ? And what is it, notteremember finne?