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5. P ET IT I ON. vpon theLord r Pràyer. 93 lìnne? Let another Prophet tell vs., where the Lordfaith. If therigbteouetúrne array from his rtghteoxfue f féand commit ini yuitie, íc..411 his righteoufneffe that he bath done /hall not be mentioned, eA'nd if thewicked return from alibis (inner, and k epe my flatutes, he fballfurel lice, and all his tranJgreffions that he bathcommitted,they (hall not be mentioned vntoham. Looke then in the fir(' place what the Lordmeaneth by hot mentioning the righteoufnelle, andyou may eafily fee what bean meaneth in the fecond place by not mentioning the vnrìghteoufhes or tranfgreflions. In the former he meaneth,that if a man haue doneneuer Powell a long timc,yet if he _give over and fall from chat well doing, it (hall neuer bee mentioned or thought vpon to haue any reward, needesmu lt hee then meane in the fecond, that if the linnet turne from his euill, that greatly and long hee hath been drowned in, hee (hall hue, and all his former faults (hall not bee mentioned allo, to wit, to bee pu- nifhed with any puni(hment, but mercy (hall lwallow wholly and fully whatfoeuer bath been amble. For ifthe not mentioning oftheone takeaa\ ay reward, how lhall not the mentioning of the other take away pundhments. Can theLord fpeake more comfortably to vs to allure vs of merd a both for fault and pun i(h- ment,than to fay h ewil neuer once make mention of our tranfge(iìons anymorel If he fhouldpunilh them either heereor in Purgatory, he Ihould not onelymake mention of them, but avery fharpe and bitter mention, if their Purgatory paines bee fo hot as they fay. Therefore cleaue to EzeI se1, or to the Lord rather by E- zekiel, and truely this di ain & ionoffault &puniihnentis fled and gone . Medi- tate of thole Phrafes often, and let them haue their full f'reugth, ro declare a truth to vs: Imill call them behindmy backs, Iwrlltake away bke.acloud, Iwill drolre Efa.38,r7, inthebottomeof the Sea, I will not impute, Izttll cotter anahide, with a number fah. Efa.44. z z And (ball they not slfurevs, thinks you, of the pardon afwell of all punifhmentMiche7.19 asof all frnne? Trudy they (hall, and mightily they (hall, ifthe Lord glue them. aPfal. 32.1. blefíing, againf ' all poplflsHereletothecontrary. For ifthe Lordimpute not, True cöfert hepunilheth not, iflk-remember not, he reuengeth nor, ifheecouer, heecalleth againfi that not to judgement, if hee call behinde his backe, he examineth not, if he take a- Popifh diJ waylikea cloud ora mat , hee doth not looke vpon them, and if bee drownein comfort that the bottomeof the Sea, alfttredly he fcanneth not, hee fifteth not, hee punifbeth Ged forgi. not. This knew Sai nt Auflen fullwell, and therefore Itrongly Ietrerh his foot to ueth the ours to maintaine this trueth. Si texit peccata,noluit adnertere,finAit aduertere, no- fault. but not bait animaducrtere, f: noluit animaduertere, nolsaf punire, noluit aguofcere, maluit ignofce- the punì fh- re. I (faith he, God hath couerd our frnnes, then would he not fee them, if not meat: fee them, then not cenfure them, then not puóilh them : no hee would not take notice of them, heewould forgiue them. Let vs not be robbed then byany of fo Tweet a trueth. Tea, but there be many examples to the contrary, as öfMofes whofe f :nnethough it were pardoued,yet died bee, and entrednot into the Land ofCanaan : ofllauid, that both with thechilds death and Abfolons wickednef e waspunifbed, and of many moe. Were there ten thoufand of them, yet would they not infer this Popifl: con - clufion which we fpeake of, but confirme another dif'in 4ion,which is moli true in diainitie, namely that Gods rods vpon men fometimes be punilhments, fonie- timesbutcha('icements. Pisniíhments theybeewhen theLord is angry, & bath not forgiuenthe finne, chafhfemenrs when the Lord is otherwife.. And there: fore this liseterbeareth crier teflimonieof loueinit toward fuch as. indureit, and they welcome it with a great content and comfort, whereas the former they moll earne(lly and hartily pray againft. As for example the Prophet Jeremy whenhee ter. to. z4. faith : O. Lord corref me e,l tiHvith tudvèment, not in thy anger, leafl thou bring mbe to P/al. G t nothing, and the Prophet Dausd in his Plaine. O Lord rel' ooiee mematin thins. anger, 38. s. neither chaflfinein thy difpl eafure. T be fame prophet fayingof the orher .The.Lord rr8't8' bath chaflenedmefort, but he bath ,ist dr!iuèrd me euer to death. And itisgoodforme 119.71' that Thane hew iutrouble, that fmayyfearnethy flatntes. The wife man alfo(peaking of