94 ../1 profitableExpofitson 5. PETITION. pro.3./ t . of it thus. c í31y /onne refufe not thechaff ening of the Lord, neither bee griested Frith his cart-et-lion; for the Lord correeleth him whom hce laueth,eoeen as the father doth the childe Gods rods to sn whom hedelightath. This difference of the Lords dealing the fathers knew very lime bee pu- well, and haue left it teflifiecl unto vs by their word. Chryfofame veryplaiuely, xijhments of verberatursfìlssu, verberatur & famulua , fed biz. vt feruns qui peccauit panitnr, their f n, to slle vat, vt liber & filmo difciplina indigens, eaffigatur. Hxic corrc lio inprobattonem & fome but pre emendationemceder ,illiinflagella&panaa. The Sonne and the feruant, faith he,are tentativesa- both beaten, but the feulant for his offence is puni(hed,and the Sonne as a free - gainfi fìnne. man and a Sonne needing di(cipline is butchaltifed. To the Sonne it auaileth as a tryall and an amendement,to the feruant it is his whip & his punifhment.More plainely agai ne yet the fame father : Propter hoc imponit nobis pernam, non de peccatis fitment fso pluium,fedinfuturanoscorrigens, For this caufe cloth the Lord inflift vpon vs Lome pundhment, not therebymeaningto punish any lìnneio vs,but to fchoole vs againfl vhat is to come. Marke how exprelly hee faith that the Lords rods are not euer punilhmetitsoffinne,but in hischofen,when finne is forgiven, chaftifemeutsagainf' ikeaéls any more. Saint c.f.:genalfoasplainelyas hee : Judd patens vnde plagis rsedicina efl non prona, cafligatio nox damnatio. Noli repellere flagellum, fi non vis repelliab horeditate. rota hoc miferiagexeris human inqua gemuit munpus, nouerìtisfratres, guiadolormedicinaliecfi,nonfententiapcenalis. That thou fulferefl Tome griefe,it is to thee amedicine,it is not apuniflunent, it is a chaftife_ meat, not a condemnation. Doe not call from thee thy rod ifthou wilt not bee call from the inheritance. All this miferyofmankindewherein the world mour- neth, know yemy brethren that it is a griefe medicinal', it is not afentence penall. Wherefore to go no further info true and plaine a matter , confider you well the words ofthe Apo file, andmeditate of them. When we arc iudged, faith he, wee are or ,1 r. chafienedofthe Lord,becaufe wejbouldnot be condemned with the world. See then the end ofGods rods vpon his children, euen to worke in them amendment andcare Í)iuers ends to auoyd all future faults, not euer to punilh what already hee bath forgiuen. O- ofGodrreds ther ends alto and fruiter haue they,as example to others alto to beware,exercifes of faith, declarers of Gods iuftice, and mercie, and hatred of finne , with many fuch like. What an argument then is this, Mofes died according to Gods laying, andent red not into the Landofpromife, therefore this death was the punifhmet ofcMofes his want of faithwhen he ('rake the Rocke, which yet God had forgi_ ùen: and fo the dothine pruned, that though God forgauc finne, yet bee for- giuetli not the puniíhmcnt offinne, As though that death infliftedvpon Mofes in the end and tolde him beforehad not then to hirnfelfewhilefl he hued, and to all that people, and hath now to vs, and limit haue to all after vs this notableyfe and end, to tell vs what a ggrieuous offence it is to weaken the Lords power4 tt doubt of his fpeeches, to finger at his commaundements, and what a great and hearty repentance is du e iffo euer we fall. So ofDauid, the death ofthe Child & other acci dents, they (hewed the f ullnetleofthe fault, the iufliceofGod, and yet a great fauourtoiuflice, they fchooledDauidto repentance great, for fo greata crime, taught to beware for times to come, and inflieted vpon fo deere an one as Not to pre - Dauidwas, they mightilyadmonifl, vs, not to prefume in hope of impunitieto frmcin hope offend the Lord, with many fuch good vfes. Neither thefe therefore, neirher e- sf im,punity uer any were or are punned for thefinnc which the Lord hath pardoned, but both thefe were, and all (hall bee chaflened as the Lord thinketh bell, ifthey of- fend. If this be not too much in lo knowne a matter, yet I trufl it is inough , and therefore no more of it. Now thenproceedifyouwill ,tothewordrfollowing. As wee forgiue them that tref- pair'e again(' vs. Rom. 3.24. Some haue faid that there words containeacaufeof God his remif (ìontors, cap. 11.6. but this is wicked,for then Ihould not that grace ofbis be frec,as wee are plairiely Cstlat. 6.4. taught throughout the whole Scripture. And (which were horrible to affirme) it fhould