96 fl prijtableExpofruon 5. PETITION., . Mot, 6. 14.' Yregardeth, but the being in that e ftate that you.mayfayit: Which if you bee Saith ftmpy not, what forme foeueryouvfe ,you pray againfl your Cede: your prayer beeing ifwe,, forgiKe turned into finne to you thatyou make. And as God is loue,andhethat dwellethin 'wee fhalllone, dwellethanGod, ,d Gorn him, fo all quite contrary ifwe be out of1oue.v1* not be forgi- words foeuer we vfe. For praying for thepardon of mercy, and lhewingno mer- uen: Ergo cy your felfe, you arefo farre from dwelling in God, aud God in you, as thatyou nojfi rin the offer him awrong to thinke he will Mew mercy to fuch an one. The Lord hath forme. laid it, and the Lord will'land to ir. Judgement without mercy Jha116eeto him that Jam,z Amato nomercyhimflferootherr. And in another place ,wirh what irrdgementyeiudge, ,Mat. 7s , ye "hall isulged, andwitbwhat meaftwe yee meet ,it Jhall bee meafuredtoyouagame. Therefore you fee this linfi is but fearefull againfi ourfelues,prouoking the Lord further againfi vs.And there u no praier in any form whatfoeuer, that can pierce the heauens, except it proceed from one that forgiueth others, faithfully & tru- ly as he witheth himfelfe the fame with God. tr hat further thmg may wee learn: bythirclaufe, as wee forgiue them that tref patfe again fl vs. Cyprtanfaith,that wee may learne byit,that in the day ofiudgementwe fhall be without all excufe. For God may fay to vs, Nonnetti potuifii ignofcerefratris fife - ciffes, & ego tibiremigonempromiferam. Couldefi not thou haue fgrgiuen thy bro- ther? If thouhadil, then had Ialfopromifed thee remiflion and forgiuenetre. Chryfoflomefaith, wee may learneby it, that Nihildeoho ,,onemtamftmilemreddit, Nothing ma quàm remigiooffenfarum : Nothing maketh a man more refemble the Lord,than kerh man pardoning of offences. And how well it becommeth children to imitate their (a- more like to thersvertues, lodge wee all. Much more ifthe fame father verievehemently ex- God than to hort vs to it, and pronounce a bled -mg vponvs for it, and fo forth. Bothwhich forgiuetref- wee know our heauenlyfather doth,faying : Beeyeemercifullas yourheauenyfather paffesagasnfaismercifall: And, Bleffed are thertercifull,for theyfhall halmmercie, Wee are alfo in Inns. this claufe very fpecially to marke that the Lord nameth no degreesofperfons, as Parents, brethren, friends, kinsfolke,orfuchlike, but fmple them that tref- patreagainfivs; therthy moti fruitfully teaching vs, that our forgiueneffe may not goe by affeetion of men, or by any fuch refpeds as there degreesMight in- ferre, but in generall to all that haue offended vs, ofwhat fort foeuer they bee, known, orvnknowne, friends ,ornofriends,rich,orpoore, and whether they feeke pardon at our hands or no. Remembring with our felues that there h no- Aghefeha thy praife,e than ealilytobeeint ea edtopardon oe common afraiitie. Socrrater for:hefr, wee read, on a time being fpurned at and abufed ofa vile perfon with his feet put *wrens else- it vp quietly, and let it goe; and when diuers others abhorring fo great indignity m asked whether irh o at the he milingly them ifhisAi efh uldfm it h mwthh is taro m cater heels, hethouldfuehim at the Law : notably teaching thereby cucovs Chriffi- or e y ans, himfelfebeingnone, thatwearetopainbymanymattersofoffenceagainft vs in this world with iufl confderation of the partiesoffending, how farre they are from eyther wifdome, or honeffy. And therefore to feeke to deale with them, were but to fpot our felues. Marke it againe in there words, that our Sauiour nameth nomaner oftrefpalîes,as little ones, or great ones,old ones, or new ones, but fpeaketh fimply. And therefore where God hath not difinguifhed, we may A aodnotenotdiflinguifh, but what fort foeuer they beof,wemullforgiue them all. True- Pia ly a thing thatwe can neuer marke inough, wee are all foreadieto make excepti alfoforthefeons, and to flay,thematttr is fo grieuous, (opreiudiciall to this and to that, and clans. we could forglue manyoffences before this, .and our friends thall intreate vs for any thing elfe, but not for that, with a number offuch like fpeeches, neuerre- merribring this, which now we note,that God in this prayer maketh no excepti- ons : and therefore biddeth vsmofl áraightly to make none. There is no of -. fence'