5. PETITION. von the Lords Prayer. 99 as wee doe for euery occafion,troublingour felues and whole Countryeswith the vnquietnelfeofournatures, and vngodlyneffe ofour heartes. Thefe conditi- ons and fuch other obferued, let vs knowe our libertie to vfe the Lords good or- dinance for the maintenance of peace, and right,aud for the due punithment of oppugners of either of them, or of them) both. But let vs not ahufetoour owne reuenge, w hat to thofe ends in Gods mercie to man is fo gratioully ordained. Cod make, this cool e the vnr egenerate humors ofanamber ,andIthan(eyou for it.Ñomi to proceede I prayyou bow may we bee fayd to forgine mow brethren their trefpaffes, feing none forgiuetbfinre, but God only. You muff confider that in 1irme there bee two thinges. Fr(l, the euill ofthe a &ion, and fecondly the detriment thatarifeth to man. The euill of the action, is that impuritie and foolilhnelle where with the Law ofGod, againfl which it is Man °dòtti contrary, chargethit. And this concerneth the Lord ,becaufe being by him prp -nor or sue híbited, the committing of it, is ailo againfl him. This properly is fin ne, tind f g the remi(Iion of it onely is in the Lord himfelfe. No man is able to doe it. But rhesus/! s r the fecond which is the detriment or hurt that arifeth by that trelpaife to a man ,viceoftbq either in fame,in bodie,or goods, as it is again(} man, fo man may rent and par- :h de butt don it without any impeachment of the Lords glory. Thus therefore doe wee forgiue trefpaifes, when we forgiue the harne that bath arifen tot s by them, to- arifr'& by is getner with all conceiuedanger, welling, indignation, and wrath. forthe fame. tomato. The Lords f orgiuenetheisa ratingout of the finneit feife, Imeaneafullremifli- onof the tranfgreflion ofhis law by that trefpat fewhatfoeuer. Let that man of finite therefore looke about him, and all his adherents well confider. it, how their pardons may runne with rcmiffìonboth àptena culpa, frompuni(hment and The Popes guilt. They are in thefe dayes oflight, when the Lords mercy bath made the pa).' dons Sunneofvnderflandingthine vponhisChurch, and the day Ilarre ache in his poena ac Childrenshearts, compelled to excufe their Pope by affirming, that he remi;tech colpa, but onely the punifhment, which by law is due to fuch offence,and medleth not blafPbem° with the lione, as it cs-sncenseth God But let them looke if theyfay true, when his pardons be extant in this forme that I haue natned,releafing for money both panam the punilhment, and calpam the fault, I wis they will fee it, lithe Lord be fo gracious to them, a pride propheciedasanote of Antichri ft. And neuer did the lewes more wrongfully miflikeour Sauiour, being Go D afweil as man, than wee may verie rightly abhorre this Monflcr, beeing onely roan, and a motimiferable man in many refpeets; for that hee prefumeth to forgiue fnnes,lefa4323 whichnone can forgiue, but God alone.- For, iritl iris l,faitb the Lord, that pat awayiniquitie, and forginefsnnet. And ,rheLordhath done away thyfrnue, fayth Nathan toDanid, not 1, nor any man. And this might wee learne men bythis forme of prayer,if there were no other Scripture. For veto whom Both the Lord teach vs to lay, Forgiueosourtrefpaffes,but onely to God ? Surely ifany man, or woman, Saint, or Angell, could forgiue vs, then were it and lhouldbee iawfull for vs to pray to them to forgiuevs, and fo to change this Prayer from `Paterto C7later, orFrarer, from OurFather, to ourMother, our Brother, to holy I'eter,holy Paul, or fuch like. But how fpend !words in plaine matter ? it is inough. Are all7men and women topray this Prayer, or but one y fome ? Surely you remEber me of that which is worthy noting,as wel as any thing that bath been faid,namely,how our Saviour Chrit hath Paid vnto all the world, that there is iufl caufe to acknowledge themfelu es (inners, and to pray for the pardon oftheir finnes. For whofoeuer haue need to beg any thing at God his hands,thus he teacheth themto pray, but thewholeworld flandeth in neede to begat Gods Rom!3. 9. hand,al therfore the wholeworld muti pray thus, Bot it Jewt and Gensies, faith the nlug,dena- Apofllc, are vnderfsnne,atitiswritten. There i.. none righteont ,no net one that vnder -tarae gia, ffandeth, there is none that feeketh god. They haueallgone out of theway, they baste tia. k t Geene