Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

ico A projFtable Expofatson S. PETITION. beene madealtogether vnproftable : thereis none that'doth good, no not one. Their throte verf.46. se an openfepulc/4re, they haste vfed thew tengnes to deceit, the poyfon of eA7pcs is vnder theirltppes. Wbofemottthisfullofturfrngandbittarnefe ,theirfeeteare fmiftto 'bed blood. Deflru lsouand catamuie are in their osnes, and the way of peace haste they not J nor ne ,the ftareof God is not :before their eyes. AgaineinthetameChapter, oA7thauefinned, c verf.z 3 are deprived ofthe glory ofgod. And to the Galatians,TheScripture hath concluded all Galat.3. z z vnderfin. And fany man fayheb athnof in, hedeceiuethhsmfelfe ,andthereisnotruethin him.With a number fuch irke places.Entenwf rate judgementwith thy feruant p Lord faith the Prophet Dauiel,forstóflefbAsa infitfiedin thy fight. Wherefore it is not for mode fly that \\C mull pray to the Lordtoforgiue our linne ,as mot} wickedly . The ,erreur thePelagtam alit rmed,btrt for confcience and trueth, and asHieromeIa th, xhu- of the 'Feld- màna fragilitati s, cr noflra mtfèria confcientia : Vpon true feeling and feare of mans grans.- frailty, and miLiy, and the iudements ofGod due to ir. For a prayer conceiued for ruodelty onely, lhouldl ealie and afainedhumilitie. And asAuflen prettily fpeaketh, Humiluas flatata in partefalftatts, perderet premium veritatis. Falfe hurni- laiefhould ionic the ble (ling that trueththouldhaue. Non ergo debemusfir loida re creatorem , 'vt cogamur dtcere, immovero cennincamur dicere perfluumfalxatorem. Wee mull: not Co praife our creator, as we bee compelled, yea, conuinced to fay, that fuperfuousis aSauiotu.. And againe,Qraa noscreanu,itafmusgrati,vtnon Catha. dxc.fimusqu`afanatingrati; Let vs fo bee thankefull to the Lord for creatingvs, as Anabap, wee bee not nthankefull tohim for healing vs. With many fuch like fentences, Some in the noting our too true corruption and their moll high pride that think e they haue feripture are attained to fuch hob netfe as -that they neede not Cay, Remitte nobis debitanaflra, calledinfl6 Forgiue vs O- Lord ourtrefpaffes. Is there anyman now adayes better than the upright; but fu rely as es Yet the our garments hough dayly bruthed, yet daily pray nd t d1 neede brufbing th vnd to nee a aine, betaute eucr when they are bra flied, new dull and foulenetle lightethv- beforfloode g before God: them: even fq our Soul... es and Bodies , though many times altered by a sr as Au u- as dal and (till they need to bee eleered. And therefore euer null all men g pray AEei this prayer. Affeftu, Furthermòre:euen heerealfohautthe' Notation Heretickçs a plailae fall with non their moll vncomfortablealferrianorherefie ,thinking and avouching that there brdefire, isno ardonfor any that afterheisbapttzedcommitteth any publikefinne .For not by deeds. Both our Sauk:Mr heeremake any dillínttion of publike or private offences, of Smite after ba t' 'e men baptizedlorvnbapti20,. of times before or after. No, no, to our great pardoned comfort bee cloth I* as hash before beeneJhewed, but all men bee biddeth pray thús, at all rinses hed biddeth pray thus, and for all offences bee biddeth pray thus indefinitely. And except wee (hall make a mocker of the Lord, what het biddeth askehecis ready to. giue, and afurecoinfortby his commaundement to pray, may. bee drawentomyfoule thatIlsallobtaine. And therfore little ehil- a.laitu,z. dren there thinges I write,' that yee Bane not. But if any man doe fmne, wee hautanaduocafe with die Father, lefusCit &isr the righteous, and beets the Prop it'iatioriforous rimes, and not for ours onely, but alto for the finites of the wholeworld. Yealctvsadde tohis wordes,but not to his meaning, forting both before and after baptiCs se. Noro di a yen pat In 7C in minde of a quefiion wbieb l anely alfo wil(askeyou. Namely roist comfort th. redsfsrs Parts Creature that nfter repentance and porpofe neuer to of. fend re any ?se ,re, ystThal fs'l ágaine, estea,mto the fame faulte, offrayltie not of malice. Surely you name a very notable refti many of our tuna vile corruption,that In. homily profeffi ag-ou r repei s foranybadbehauiour ,&vowingtotheLord,c with our felue> that nd'tnoreW wil'd'ofò,yet eótrarybotli to prom:fe & p urpofe wee