Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

102 fl profitable .Expofition 5.1 ETITION. Lalily, ale') this petition of the Lords prayer,c railing daily fòrgiueneffe of daily trelpatlès, dare you refirame it to trefpatfes committed onely before repentance, and exempt all fecoud fats after fuch repentance and purpofe to amend ?the Lord forbid. And therefore take it allo with the former as a lure proofe ofpardors a11ò for thefe offences. So doe you fee what anfwere your queftion hash out of Gods booke, onely therefore beware prefumption,beware loofiies, beware negligence, and due care to auoyd thefe lecond falles, fay not God is merci full, and therfore I will lane. For as bee is gracious to aforrowfull Comer : to is hee dreadfull to a prefumptuousoffender, and frailty thall findmercy, when boldnefre'hall finde lodgment and wrath f or euer. Sare y I fee it is agreat comfort to if ChrifÌianconfcience,that the Lord hath put into our daylie prayer this Petition, and it mightily of tirethvs of Ins mercy. I ndeede it is fo, but yet this appeareth nothing fo much as it wouldif our eies Caw, or our beams felt what loathfomenelre lodged in vs, and what Tuft matter of eternallcoufufion we haue both in bodie and foule, ifinercie were not. For this is it that giueth a feeling of the fweetnes ofthis prayer, when the Lord (hall grant vs atrue light of our owne ellate,and pearcing eies into our inward deepes.Whea the Lord (hall mablevs truely to fee what amatte of corruption we arc, how vile , how míferabfe, how polluted in our thoughts , workes and deedes, in bodie and foule, in hart and mind,withinand without,and all ouer,how filthy,how loathfom and how abhominable we are, and when he (hall ioyne veto this fight a terror, & a trembling at the true view of Gods moll fearefull iudgement due veto this eflate, and moll firmely tied vnto it,euen as God is iufi.And I fay when the Lord granteth it,formoll aifuredly we haue it not of our felues,nay we flatter & dceeiue euery man his owne hart in this point,wethinke all is well with vs, and wee know not our felues. But what are we? Omybeloued ,my hart vnderllandeth notthe finnes of man, & therefore my tongue cannot lay themopen before you. I fay withTo/mids my owne fins arefecret to me,& thereforemuch more all your fins, & moil ofalltise finites of all mankind. Yet fomewhat heart you of the meditation of my heart,to the better opening of the neceffity and goodnetre ofthis petition, and learneby this little to thinke of more,and to wade your felues into the deeps that you knows and I know not, when! haue led you the way as farre asI doe know. I hauebefore in this petition (hewed you how the Herald of heauen blazeth our armes,and exprelfethour colours, namly, that we are all become abhomina- ble, and there is none that doth good, no not one. That no flefh lining is able to bec iufiified in his fight : that none can fay my heart is cleane, I am pure fromfin. That the verge imaginations ofour hearses are euill, euen from ouryouth : that wee are not able to thinke a good thought of our felues : with a number filch . All which places are not fo to bee taken, as ifthey charged any ofvs with alittle cu ill , or few finnes, and finall, but they conuince vs of huge and great finne, and ofgenerall corruption, euen in our wayes, which will very well appeare if alike wee compare our felues with the LORDS choyce Children commended to vs in the word. Stand before me then I pray thee, whole heart quaketh not for any finne you knowe in your felues , and tell mee whether you dare, eytherwith your tongues fay , or with your heartes thinke that you are in as great a meafure 'fk3g fan:lified, as Dauid was ? If you dare not, confider well then what Dauidnot- withflanding his great graces giuen him, faith of himfelfe in his Pfalmes, There is no reft in my boast becavfeofmy flan : for mine iniquity isgone ouer mine head, maim a m /mighty ban hen,they are too heauy forme ro bean.. Had Dauid no refi in his bones for his finne, and haue you tea in your felfe, and yet dare not compare with him infan'tification ? How commeth thisto pain, but becaufe youneither fee PjÇsI.4oj znor feels what is in your felf a hes did Innwrmreble troika, fayth bee againe, haue