Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

104. 1 profitable Expofition 5. PETITION. 'Q!?,[yb } ` Y ""3 E"'aái,lt "sì.e ssî °`." 56, 9iT1/H i7 7 `w'! lo The Prayer. Lord and Father fweetand mercifull, wee fall down in our hearts heere before thy Maiefite, and begge mercie. For wee haue finned, O Lord, wee bane finnedand dine wickedly, and our confciènce "cryeth, thy wrath is duel if we find not merde. Our thougher, our words, and n,or/ts haue beene aping thy ble fedwill andcojnmandement,and Hill, flu ourmoff grieuoús corruption' ulleth vs from thy wines. Wee may beafhamedandconfoundedto lit vp our eyes to thee, f inereafed otter our heads are our iniquities, and our pines 13 growen vp men to the heauenr. But with thee there is mercie , and therefore thou /halt be flared. O Lord in that mercie vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs, and fie vs. Let that precious blood of lefus Chrilt dafiîand math out all ouroffentes, for 'wee fie Onto it, and with the armes of our Faith clafping fa§ that deere Sauiour, wee fet isim'before thee as ourattonement, peace , and propitiation for ester auaileable with thee. For his fake,. not forma's. O L O RD hhare, O Lord forgiue, O Lord confider , and doe it, de ferrenotfor thy merck fake. Comfort our confdences with that fweetaUddroppingele* _of mercie and grace , for they Jhake and tremble at thy judgements. Strengthen our ..Eeps beereafterfor lefus Chrifl fake more andmore, that they may bee flret hter; and wee pofref e chefe ve;Tels of ours in more deaneneffe, hol nefe, and righteeurnefe, than wee hauedone. eA'ndforafntichmom isail repugnant and contrary tooter ftnnefull na_ tureaud rebelling blond, to forgiue her men their trefpafescommittedagainff vs, with- ont renenge, and to lone them that hate vs , to pray for them that perfecute'os, as thou haft willed deere Father, wee befeech thee to helpe vs therein, and by thy `workng pereerwithin vs, make our hearts fi meeke and gentle, that wee may gladly and vnfaj- ltedly, heartely, and wholly forgiue at men that hate hated or'hurted vs by word or deed,'and'that wee may behaue our films vnto all men, friends; and fòes, with fuch fnereie, gentlenefe, and kjndneffe, as wee would defre,notenëly that they, but ,tlfethnt thou, good Lord , Jhouldefl vfe Onto vs. Finally , deere Father on l fe haste mercie, in death hauemercie, and euermore bane mereie vppon ter ' in that bleffed kin dome of thin , for Iefus Cho hie like our blef ed LORD and Sauwnr. thn.w.