Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

6. PETITION. won thel órds frayer. io5 The fixt and laft petition : Leade vs not into tempta- tion. &c. Wee draw now mere an end of tint labagr, rind are come to the /aft requrfi in thie Prater, wherein proceeding as yon bane done in the farmer, 1 prayyon firfl (hew the order lit. order is rneruailous fit, that wee have in a ftin: ging woe forthem, begged ofthe Lordour G O I1 molt heartely and earnclily the forgiucnelfe of -all our hones and trefpalfes already pact and done, we fhould next as obedient children , careful!, not a- gaine to grieue fo deere and good a father , bcfcech him for his mercies fake to aide and. ffrengthen vs againft that which isro come, that wee may not otfend and fault as wee bane done, but by an happy new birth and Spirit of powervouchíated fromhis heauenly grace vntovs , be able tohgin againft all Gnfullcorruption daily and eater vexing vs, more and more. For inthis order fpcaketh the Lord hill, (till in his word, that If ma be made whale wF ¡Gould ((Hoene John: g. r4 mare. That if thegrace a] God tbat brmgetb fabiation vnto oilmen barbappeared , gee John. 8.tí jZ ,tald ther6y learn to deny vngodline fe tip wordiy lufles, and that we fnoald line f her y Tit. z. t 1. and rghteoufy, and godly in ibis preppie world, And Lath is orderreafonerl ouen : z. the fpoufe her felfe , I haue walhed my fdete, and therefore bow ¡l ould l faale them o- Cast. g. 3. gaire? Wherefore I fay as concerning order , after pardon begged for palled line, matt .fitly doe wecaske next the power of his grace againit what is to corne. Sarey it is not only fit in regard of order, but moil neeefarie ally in .ré/1,et7 of the thing, Indeed it is, and that for thefe caufes : fire, in refpeft of out ownc corrupt(- on and vilenelfe , of whom the Spirit of ,God bath fàyd by lob, that man is ab- kb. t 6 hominable and filthy, drinking iniquitie like water, that is, euenfödefiring to fìnj as her that is thiritie to drinke. Secondly, in-refpeet of the infinite allurements and delights that finnehath to pull vs onto it from God, which wee are fo farre from repulfing and gainftanding, that wee readdie and molt a illingiy yeild to them, ezcept the Lord aflií'tvs, and inable vs by his Spirit. Yet arcthofe deli- cams our death both in body and Soule foreuer, if wee follow them For it" is true of all men which the Apoftlefpeakethofthe widdow, thatfheeliningon pleaa- dead whil ff fbee liueth f. And agaiue, 'Lye loneafter the f efh, ye/ball die, 1. Tim, 5.6 Ofd efe allurements and delights in finnefpake the holy Ghòlt tvhenhe called He. 11. z g. theriñthcpleefuresof finne, And Danis( when hefayd ,Thelinenetbiy earttaeuift,Pîa1.141.4 ,that iraaldcommit .wicksdworleswalamen shatwark`e iwnuitie, and tcri'me not eat eñfMae.5332 thrir.dolicates.. Therefsalfoafubuleieinfnnetodeceiuevs, a+!lébeitfulnc ire hi Cant. g. \riches to cloakevs, and.there forc"moflneedfullis this -prayer , :that weebe Mal Heb.3. 13. hindred through thedeceitfuluelfegffanne. Thirdly, inrefpeet ofrhepow4 of-theenemie Mite h"isvery.great. ForwerwrefllcaotagainflIPA:and blood, 6&iOke,. .¢s. again - principalities and powers , and againfl-worlaly goaernöurr , the Princes of dank- atefeofthù, woald,agairtlf ;r:euallwickednes, which are in thebigh placer, and which. farce exceede vsur Are ngt-h, and thcrefore great need' bane wee tó bcfcech the Lord. todandwithvs ,inthisbattailetahelpevs : Which ,wee do'ürthisPetiti- on. For 2uicgaidhamaua fragilitascaaereautvetare.noan presoalet, hkc -1 nabis áb jli,'