Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

Yob Apr frableExpoftion 6. PETITION. 49.fer.r35illo proeùioconferripetimru. Whatfoeuer (faith a 4uflen) mans frailtie is notable to take heed of or auoid , that do wee befeech the Lord heere may begiven vs in his mercy. Lathy , the diligence and indeauour of our aduerfarie to winner and his crueltie if hee doe Winne, is fo great , that wee haue neede and neede á- rd/et. 5.8. gaine to vfe this petition : Be fiberand watch (faith the tApoflle) for your aduer- farie the deuillgoeth about like arortng Lyon, feeking whome hee may deuoure. His continua walking ihewethhis diligence, and his bloody deuouring noteth his crueltie. Thus haue we the equitieof this Prayer , yea, the necef itieof it euer, ,nar r 4 3 $ whilett we hue in this wretched vale of thefe aifaults and daungers. In refpeft r.The4 3" of which neceffttie, no doubt both our Saviour firfl taught it, and alfo in his 6. , word fo often repeateth it. Watchyee,and prveyyè,thatyee enter not into temptation. 2. r. Ti. T 106.13 The Spirit indeed is willing, but the fleJh w frayle. With fuch like places. And ve- rytruely faith Hierome, Non eft nofirarum viriumcum hoflibus noflris fpirituaá6us cengredi, e.5 cos vincere , feddei, It is not our tlrength that may ioyne with our fpirituall foes, and ouercomc them, but the Lord mufl do it. Is all this but one Petition? They that make feauen petitions in this Lords Prayer, doe deuide this tall in two, to make v p the number, of which fort is Thomas of Aquino, Lyra,and others. But the better judgement is theirs that make but fixe petitions in all, and but one ofthis. Ofwhich fort agaitse are Auflen and Ciprian, who make this latter, as indeed it is , but an expolition of the former, as if hee Should haue fayd, to that end that wee may be deliuered from euill, O Lord lead vs not into temptation. And thiswhole latl petition may fitly be deuided thus , into the petition it felfe. Ne 'nos inducas in rentarionem, and into the expofition or interpretation of the fame, fed libera nos d malo. But men doe net agree inreading this petition. 'For fotne fay, Lead vs not, and o- thers gib Let vs not be led. In deed it is true. Some areafraid, and haue been, th at if they fhouldfay Lead vs not into temptation, they fhould fall into that foule error of the Manichees, that God might bee the author of euill. And therefore to auoyd that, they haus thought rather good to fay, Letvsnotbeled. But both the bell andancientetl tranflation and reading is the firlt,and fo tranflated and read itmany ayeareagoe Tertullian and others of the elder fathers. ei4nd dothnot,thinke you, that reading give fomeaduant ge to the monk, that wr make.Godtheanther of fanne? Not a whit iuttly. For asyou haue heard before in this Booke,it is one thing to be the author of a matter, and an other thing to be the author of theforine: in plainer tearmes, to bethe author of an aftion, and of the will in the adion,or A r., ,t8 of theaclion. When the Apollle faith, in him we line, wemooue, and haue our be- sng : what meaneth hee, but that God is author of all our aftions in refpeft of the matter, as we fpeake, that is, the motion, power, and tlrength of body, to go. hither or thither, and to doe this or that, is of God : for without his helpe wee could not fir : but as for forme if it be euill, that is, as for the corruption, fault of euill ofourallions, that is of our felues, and not of God as author and worker, though wen of that alfo hee is the guider and gouernour, that it lhalt not palie the limits that he liketh. As inlofephs brethren, and many other ex- amples are plaine. Wherefore wee may not for want of truevnderllanding how Ex. 4, s to take them, alter the phrafes , and confequently the truth of God. You fee llot.só. 8 how the Spirit fpeaketh : God hardned the heart of Pharaoh: God game them vppe Ea. r 4 to vile afeçíions, and deliuered them vp into a reprobatemind. The Lord mingled a- 2. Thef, meng them the ¡first of error : God fhallfend them firong delufons : and a number Ef . tS 3, r y fuffered them to ee giuen to vile atfelions, ors to ar=p robate mind, &c. But Efd'4s'sg' God hardened, and gun) anddeliuered,and mingled, and font. Theft are all t Sciu.s4 as