Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

Ó.PETITION. vpon theLrlyd:r 'Prayer. tá7 as much as to f, Leads vs,wrnto temptatiw. And therefore ifthefe may bet fed IfGodfnffer without making the Lord any author of euill , then may this Petition alfo no then dorhhe doubt in this order r and if inthefe places wee need not to change the text and it either a. tofay, God let Pharaoh bee hardened , or God let them be giuen ouer &c. No Q,,inflhie wit more need wee heere to tranflate or interprete this petition thus. Let vs not be or with his led into temptation. But to remember euen that though the Lord doe, and be wilifagainft fayd to leade into temptation,yet is there ncuer any euill in him, but either iuflice his will, then tofome to punish (inne with finne, or mercie to others tonic them and exereife is he not cm- them, that after they hauethewed patience,and faith, obedience, humilitie, loue itipotent : and comfort in theirtrials, he may fet aCrowne ofgreat glory vpon their heads, with his will, to their euerlaflinglife in a glorious kingdome. And in the meane time by thofe then may me their vertu es gloritie his name amongfl men heere, and incite others totread the afwell fay he fiepsoffo happy a courfe. So that what the Lord Both, is euer good : and for cloth it as he further treatdè atlas thing, turne backe againe to that which bath been fayd fff fereth it, before. vnderflan- . Yet itfeemeth wee erotic Saint /ameiby this reading, who faith. lfany man be ing itrightty. tempted, let him not ester fay,hee is tempted of God, for God cannot bee tempted of mill; ,lee. all tht neither tempteth heeany man. But emery man is tempted when he is drawn away by his Tem.P4. I s omne concupifcence, and ii intifèd, mac. .c. Nothing at all truely, ifyoumarke things well. For Saint lames there defcen- Pe.Martir. ding fromoutward temptations, to wit, of iftions whereby God tryeth vs, to in inward, that is, to thofe luflswherebyave are [lured vp to doe euill, (hewed' that cueryman is author of thofe temptations to himfelfe, and not God, forafinuch as we beare about in our b1omes that wioked corruption, which taketh occafi- ons bywhat meanes foeuerto flirre vp euillmotions in vs,. whence out at length proceed wicked doing,andinconclufion followeth death the mil reward of there. All which is no other than the very ape that hath been fayd. For we euercon :- fare, that although God tempt and lAitd into temptation, yetneuer tempteth he any man to euill. And why? Saint lames giueth the reafon, For God cannot bee tempted withcui/4,ne. it/ser tempt eth he any man ( to wit, vnto euill) that is, he defireth not euill, and therefore he cannot be the author of euill doing in vs. Non dccx- ploratione, f eddeincitationeadpeccandumloquitterJacobus. Saltalamesfpeakethnot rrfin. of the temptatiohsoftriall, but of Elfrings vp veto euill, faith an interpreter. And it is apparant inough. Nowof the next word ifyouwill, to wi.t,Temptation. It i s a word that will min ifler much matter profitablefor the Lords children to be (till better and better acquainted withal! whi1fl they liue. And I could hearte- ly wi(h to fpeake fo of it, as moll of this company might be benefited, and euery man,at one time, or another, in one thing or another, feele nice in his bofome. But filch grace is the Lords to giue, and not mine nor any mans to take, and therefore with humble commending both my fpeech and your profite to his moll mercifull direftion, let vs let vpon this treatife. It is therefore laid of the learned, thatTentatioefl opuo Diaboli,qua homines pins vel per inflillationem cogitatio- nom malarnm, amt per diet-town: occafionem vet per vitio(a nattera incliruttionem F¢ af- ftüsu, yelper res fecnndat, autaduerfas folicitat, & impellit ad peccata & calamitates, deopermittente,vtant certa inditiopropter peccata puniantur, autexplorates & probates fide eorum & conftantia coronano vita accipiant. That is, temptation is a a worke of What temp- the deuill,whereby he foliciteth, and driueth men into finnes and miferies either tationte. by infufion of vile thoughts into them, or by meanes of obiei is layd before them, or by inclination of their corrupt nature and affeftions, God fuffering them, either that their f nnes by iufl iudgements may have their due puniflr ments, or elfe their Faith andconflancie a due Crowne of life after that it bath beene tried and made manifeft. This dif tinf1ion ,ordefcription, rather, waful- l y by all his parts appeare either by the (lone of lob, ofDastid, or by diuere others