Io8 Aprofltabla'Expnfttton 6. PETITION. in this treau1e,it you marke it. Again it is faid of. them alfo that temptations fob. r. be of t.wofotts generally, Tentatto probationia, tentatiaperditionst. The temp- z.Kin.z4. t ration of trials, and the temptation of perdition, according to which diuilion Cypr:an maybe thought to haue Ipoken, when hee fayd : PoreflasdupltciterSau- na aduerfus nos dátur, vel ad pwnam cúm delinquimur, vel ad gloriam carts prob.amur. Power isgiuen to.Saran againit vs after two forts, to wit, either for pund}uvent Tëp God heii wee oUend, or for.glory when wee arc tried. Butdelìring altogether a ve- ratI fi %ret rd ÿC Mä ry greatplainenes ;in this matter for dicers caufes I choofe rather an other diùi- af C.rátä figs obterue,çI a!kof forne, to fay, that temptations are of threefòrtsi to wit, ei- eherof God,,; of man, or of Satan. For all thefe are faid to tempt.. And accor- diii to .thefe feuerall authors as it wereof temptations, the word is diuerlly and in feuèrall lignifcations taken. When Godin the Scripture is faid to tempt, then is the word taken and commonly tranflatedin English to prooue or to trie ñ . becaufe that the drift of the Lords thereby not tohurt by leading to culll , for fo God tempt cth not. Iam.t. but make open andknowen by tryall , either to our felues, or to the world, or to both, either our corruption and malice again(} Gen. 22. t, him, or elfe our faith and patience, and manyvertues. Thus is it fayd of A6ra- hamin Cenefs, oflfterthefe things God. did P00Aham, &c. What was this pro-cuing or tempting Of Abraham, but amercifullopening both to Abraham himfelfe, acid- all :other,euetíto v's at this day,whatawonderful' meafureof Faith? loueand aeale to hisGod: he had vouchfaued vnto lbraham. So that both he law then, and we fee now,. what neithetwe, nor happily he himfelfe knew tillaf- ter this tryall or temptation had his place, This reade we againe in thelaw.Then fayd the Lord to cilfolis, Behold I willcatsfe bread tontinefrom heaueu to you, and Exo, 16.4. the people /ball gee out and gat her that that is fuficient for euery day, that I may prooue them, whether they willwa&e:n my lawonpo. Thatis, that, it mayappeare both to themfelues and others, whether rec tuiiii but that which isfufhcientonclyfor oneday at once, they will patientlydepend vppon myr prouidence from day to day. Probst enimdens homines, non raft* experimento indigeat, fed qu? magic fe- ipfosnorint, poftta omni arrogantia em inns perfuafione, humiliter fe in poflerurrm Dee fubmittant. For God proueth;not, fayth one, as though hee had need of any mall to know anyof vsall., but that mess may themfelues thereby know better what is in them,, and laying ariide all arrogimcie and vaine perfivafion, humbly Ex.zo, xe, fubmit themfelues afterward to God. Againe, when at the giuingofthe Law . the people law the thunders, and lightnings, thefound of the trumpet, the mount aine fmokingi,and for feare thereof fled, &c. then Mofes fayd to the peo- ple' 'eärenpe, for Godos come toproueyou, and that húfeare may bebefare you, that Deutco.8.z lee o thy Godlead thee this forcie y ores in thewilderne , for to humble thee,hand to proue thee toow whatwash" thy heart, whether thou wouldefl (sere his commandments or no. For inatl3ielion, either by patiently abiding,or by vngodly grudging and repining, wee Ihe.t what was in vs, though hidden before.. Mod.plainelya- Dent.r3. 1 gaine in the thirteenth. chapter : Iftherearife amongyou a l'rophet,or,a dreamer of dreamies, and gilt thee a fine or wonder, andthe line as-wonder come topdf fe which hew bath to_ Idthee,faying,let vs go after other Gods which thou haft not known, andlet vsferue diem : Thou Ibalt not hear,(nvnto the words of the Prophet, or unto that dreamer of dreames,for the Lore1 your ;God proireth, you, to know whether yee lone the Lord your God withall year heart, and, with all your Tattle. Lati ofall in theBooke of Judges, ludg't 22* I will nò more faith the Lord, call out before them any of the nations which Iolhua left when bedied; and why ? it followeth in the nextverfe : That through them Imay prone Ifráel, whether they wpll koepe the may of the Lord, towalks therein, as their Fa- thers keptit, or not. Thus: doe wee fee then how the Lord is fayd to tempt man, namely, when by fuch,meanes as pleafeth him, he trieth and proueth man, not to winneany knowledge to himfelfe that hee had not before, for how Ihould hee that