6. PETITION. vpon the Lords Tryer. lo9 that made the heart,be ignorant of any thing in the heart? no, hee vnder(landeth the thoughts longbefore,but to the end that the parties themfelues that are thus proued, and others allo by them,and in them, may fee what before was not feene either of good veto praife,or euill veto punilhment,and example to beware.And thus much ofthis for awhile. - rour next member is how man tempteth. Man is alfofaid to tempt fometiines man, and fometimes God. His tempting How man of man is alto lòmetime in the better part,fometimein the work.. In the better, tempteth. when bee doth but proue and trie whether further hee may truft, as it is wife - dome alwaies to do to our friends. For vtendum amicis tanquam pretentatis aqute, Cicero. aptæPint vado,annon.We mull vfe friends, .faith that wife heathen once, as waters that we haue tried before, whether they may tàfely be aduentured vpon, or no,to palfe oust.. Alfo when the Father or Mai llerlcaucthfome lode money tofee whether his child or feruantwill fleale,or no,this is a kind of tempting or trying, yet but in good part, with a number fuchlike, that men to men mull and may, as they /hall tee occalon, vie. To this kind may. beereferred the Q eeeeneofthe r.Kin,to,z South, who hearingthe fame of Salomon concerning the name of theLord ,came to tempt him or proue him with hard que (bons, In the worfe part,Man doth tempt man either byque(lionsoraélions. By qucilions, when they deals as the Pharifees did about¡the tribute of Chri(l, fake tofitareand catch their brethren cm, b. 22 to dettroy or hurt them . Such tempters and temptations were thofe dayes of Luc, z o, z o pClfeCUtiOLs full of vnder QueeneMary, hen no. boner was any apprehended and conuented before then , but their interrogatories inferred either death of Souleby-denying a truth , or death of body by aflirtningthe lame.. Neither doth yet this world want there tempters by queftions , where 'true religion and knowledge of God rulethnot tongue and heart, and all. Whereúpon many in- nocentloules are trapped ere they wit , and harmelede hearts not.lpying hidden drifts,putthe collar about theirowneneckes to deftroy themfelries, that is,fpeak or doe fimply,what is wrinched to a vantage they neuer feared , -nor thought of againilthemfelues. Thrifeneedfull therefore with the femplicltyofthe clone is the wifedome of the Serpent. By adions man tempteth when either. by seordes or deeds of bad example, they allure otherto [Mile and euill. Thus temptedE,se Gen. 3, her husband to eate of the Apple., lobswife.her.husband to cur& God acid Ote , lob. Z. Tobias wifeher husband to be weary of well dooing, Putiphers wife her feruant.to.Tobias. i. filthines, and thofe wicked Priells thatfayd, Come let vs imagined deuice againfhle- sere: 18; rem withmany Euch in the Scriptures : of which tempters and temptations that wife Salomonwarneth when hefayth: My Sonne, iffrnnersentife thee, confenenotvn -pro, to them, if they fay, come with vs,we wilt lay Waite forblood, and lie priullie for the innocent trO. z, Without a tauft, cáffi thylot inaueongfivr, wee Will haw' one purfe, &c. Andtruely J'a1. blelfed is that man andwoman thatwalketh not w thofe counfels of the vngodly, llandeth'not in the way ofthofe alluring frnners, nor. fitteth in the feate of thofe reprobate (corners. And how tempteth Satan? . Satan tempteth when' hee rnoueth vs to leaue God and that obedience that we owevnto him any way, &to do euill,and therfore}ook how many. branches ofwel dooing are in the law ofGod implied,euenko many éontrary,waits doth this ene- myalfault and tempt vs. Ofthistemptationdoththeholy Qhoff (peak e ,when. he faith. Then was le pis led afdeofthrl irit into elm ,rpilderneffe -tp -be tempted of oh, Math. 4 Deuill, And Peter, whenhee fayd, Ananias why bath Satan fill Pd thine- hcart that was, 5. thou Jbouldefl lie vnto the hoyGhof l? And Pduie,wben lice faith, let manind wfe ,comea.Car.7.5. again together that Satan tempt them not forincontinencw. Againe, for thiscaufesiihen I could no longer forbeare, Item that 1 might know ofyour faith -, leafs the tempter had t.Théf,3.q; tempted yeu'in any fort.' With a number., of Rich like places, Bs all which i ',° ) alfaultes of his, heevfeth our ownecorruption and our filthieconcupifence,.