Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

110 A profitable Expofitton ; 6. PETITION. Gen.3. vidit the world , the wicked and many meanes, but the Lord is fironger then they all. pomum.Ng. if we cleaue to him, either wholly to keep vs that we fall not at all, ¡fit pleafe him, e I. carves, as others doe, or elfe to raife vs vp againe, when they baue vs downe vnder their eucameres fete, and to glue VS VUtO1IC. pepones, tic, e/Ind which of thefe kinds of temptations doe we pray avid/ this'Petitten? How we doe Surely men againfl them all in fome fort. For firfl, as concerning GODS pray againfl temptations whichmore properly may be called trials, wee befeech his Maieilie Gods temp- to this prayer that he would deale in merde and fauour with vs for euerrnore, and Cations. neuer lay more vppon vs than he will make v s able to induce , but that he would Howagainil giue itrue with the teniptation,and helpe vs. Thus faire do we pray cuen agaiul} mans. thefe, as fhall further be declaredwhen wee come to the fecondpart ofthis Petiti- on. Touching mans trials ortemptations we likewifeheeroin beg of his mercy, that for any queflions mooued to vs heevvould tender his owne glory apd neuer fuller ourwants to make anfwere to preiudice his truth with the vnbeleeuers, but that hewould helpe in time of need, and either keepe vs fromoppofngs about our power to fatisfie, or elfe glue a mouth and vtterance, that no haters of his glory maybe able to refì(l,that in our weakenes he being thong, the gloriè may be his , as it is due euer,and we that be the Iheep of his pa(lure,may giuehim pralle How agatnf{ for euer. The third fort which is Satans temptations, it is our meaning,that the Saran, great mercy of our gracious God would fo farrefupport vs, that wee mayneuer bevanquiíhed and ouercomc of any of them , but deliuered and faued by him Gen. 6. from all euill. And thus you fee how wee pray againll them all in this order, as we fhall further lbew (Ifay) heereafter. Yet is this loft chiefely meant , to wit, that forafmuch as our whole nature is corrupt and giuen to finne, if the Lord for- lake vs we are headdily carried to what allurements and prouocations foeuer wee fee before vs, the Lord in merctewould deliuer vs from this promptnes and ape - nes of our natures toadmit of finne,and by his grace deliuer vs from euill. Let vs not now leauethefe things thus,buteuen yet further thsnke of them.fbed to begin with the frfl, to wit Gods temptations or trials, and of thofe, MI with thofe that are of the X.Cor.4,7. right hand,alaffehow few confider thusmuchinprofperitie, thereby the Lord trieththem, and fearcheth out what they are, and how they will 'hew themfelxes to him for all theft bleflings. Muff true it is, the more pittie. And yet doth the Lord fo in deed, whenfoe- uerhepowrethhis mercies vp on man and woman in this world. For as with 1lree#dme- a gager he gageth them by thofeeblcflings openeth and reuealeth what maner of ditatiors in fluffetheyare.within, thankefull,orvnthankefull, kind , orvnkind, humble or profperitie, proud, carefullrncarele ire to pleafe the giuer < finally, whether goodor bad, fee maketh itfeene.`, W erefore a little to helpe vs in this tryall, it is good to conli.- der many rimesofeb sic points. Firff,how in truth I come by the bleffings that I inioy : Seconsily,to what manner of perlons the continuance ofthein is promi fed : rhirdfy,the true end and.right vfe ofthem : and laflly, the fearefull exam- pies ofabufe. Thefe things will profit vs if we know them well. Concerning the fiat therefore, it is toocommon with both great and fmall,toflicke in fecond caufes, and to light ( horóófthe heefefountaine and well-head indeed. Why we hauehealth ,weatth,friends,mariages,honor, credit, offices, children, and a thoufand of Gods fauouis in this life, we can alleadge many reafons that I will not (land to repeats. But the reafon of reafons, either we alleadge not euer, or it pierceth no further within the teeth than the tip of the tongue is, The lob. r. Lord bathgueen. Whereas in deed the whole courfe of Scripture teacheth, that this is the head, and-roote of all our ioyfull dayesand dealings, and euer was, and onely is and can be; either for our good, if wee vfe them well, or for our plague, if we do the contrary', Iofeph a poore mans childcame to agreat place in the land of Gen,4 r.40 ,Eggyti if we marke it well when the King laid to him, enely in the ki,ngs throne will c, bee abone thee. When