Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

P>;TITION. upon the Lords Prayer. a When bee was our all theKings Court, and ouer all the land , when theKing commanded all his people to be armed at his word, tooke his owne Ring of his owne finger and put a vpon his hand, arayed him in garments then ofthe richeff with a chain of gold about his necke, let him vpon the bell Gharret he had faue one, and all the people cryed before him as hee rid&, for honor fake vpon their knees, tender Father. Iofeph was alfo wife and full of the Spirit of God, Yetleifk yerfe.3S. wee (hould prattle prophaiiely of Fortune and lucke, or dote vndutifully vppon his gifts, and fo robbe the Lord of his d c honor, it is exprefy faid, that the Lord Ge, 3 9, z.3. was with lofeph, and made all that bee did to profs er in his hand. The Lord therefore . author of his profperitie and aduancement whatloeuer. Dauid the yongefl brother that little ruddiecheeked Sheapheard, from Ms hooke and hiscloakc his Sling and his Scrip, came ro the famous Kiugdome of ifraeii, and therein ruled with great honor and princely maieflie for his time,yet neither by wifedome nor pollicie of himfelfe or his friends , bindle Lord tooke him from following the Ewes great with young, and made him ruler of his people. And Dauid proipe- red and grew, for the Lord God of Hoffes was within him , fayth the text. So that God was the fountaine of all his good. Which as a true child,andthanke -Ffal _. full to his God, the fame Dautd afterward remembred to his Sonne Salomon, 2.45.'jo: whenhe told him that he fhould build abode for the Lord, and thould therefore t i Chro. 17. profiler becaufe theLord should be with him. Salomon againe confelfed it, when r.Chro.zl., he fayd that eatethand drinketh and teeth thezommoditie of hislabaar, thegift of God. Behold Irvinfend youCorne,and Wbae, and Dye, and you Asa bee Ecc/e.3:13. fatisfid therettith, and i mill no n ore ntaks yose a reprowch among theHeathen, fayehthe chap. 2.24 Lord. And againe by another Prophet, The feede fball be profiterourithe Vine Asa ka. 2. r9. gíueher fruite, and thegroundfhall gike her incresfe,andthe heartens fballgaiillwir deaw , Zach.g, t z. and I will caufetheremsantofthis peopleto'pofefe all things. So euer it is the note that the Scripture keepeth, thatalhprofperkie and well doing in this world ii the = = i ri giftof God, and cannot beattainedagainflihiswf11. Which likewife might bee 'hewed inanyparticulerthatcanbe named; if wee would take that coude. All which wee note not nowfo much to teacha thing vnknowen, as to remembedt.a thing not thought of, or at the leall;not Co duely.., and often ,,and earnefily thought of as would be. I fpeake know,and whathidden confciences tnufl needesconfette to be too true 1Forcould it be if wee did thus thinke, that there should be fo little care of filch it Gódin many , as there is whofebackes be laden,yea, and men prefied, as it wetásf dówvnè to thegrcund , withthe heape of Godsmercíe? Whofe tables ríchlyhwhdthdecktindefpiteof their foes, s\l.ofepfal. 13. bead with balmehehathrefrefhed, whdfecuppes doe ouerfl owl . No, no. Eue if our wretched hearts didfeeleit, and tlíatwith a power, as there motions vfe to hauein Gods Saints. O My tweet GodrRe deere Father, this is thydoing forthy wretch, and all thelething& that I enicl ( goe 'topatticulers) they are thy gifts, who'mightefl bane let mee At the dot tewith my Pitcher to begge my foode, and farreotherwifehauedeltwithmeé, ifst11eowouldeft, I tell you it would wring foorth octet font and frtíitestofuchalkciagaine , then apeeate in- many. And theroforeaiTtedly we think not ofthefhattatneand giueroftheftthings as wee lhot+ld. Attend thenwhat is- amitreAtì -gftáe theLtsttlhis due; It:i's hethat hatir lifted outofr`h&mirc, and fet anywith- thePrincesi euenuith the Princes ofthe people. It is he that'blclleththe basket artdrhedowgieis berhat bath giuen what keuergoodthingweinioyVttn 'dcurfedweifwedoügit, ohcareleflyneglcft the fweete meditation ofiteút4i1r., ttttowhatendnowbathhedoneallthefethingsi' Trudy eueii toproue mearidttie meAwhat I will doto him againe,and that it may appeareró the world, atrditbl mi ne owne eyes, what manner of mall òr -woman I am within and in deed otterhatwill be pate vppç- attdtforgctbothG OD and my lelfc in profperitie, of itYnt that will even welts eater of mate eyes in that m::ètcì s[h 1 a =lc