VIM - ilz .fl prpfite;ble Expojitio 6. Pkr-ITlo0: zeale of my foule to pleafe filch a Father,.antIgrieuethat I cannot, as I with, and moll heartily would, And if I bee the former, that the Lords iu(lice may bee, warranted, it bee chaunge mycopie : if the latter, that my Soule may leek coin, tort in fo lwveet a God , not oi3ely heaping hismercies vpon we greatly, but gi- ving me further a thirds heart withal' to loue my kind Father fo uwch rl e more, which is about all. And which indeed is the very tad of Gods rnerci and Theeffe$ blefiìngs. Let Dowd fpeake, that man according to Gods owne heart. What rhat proff+eri did Gods kind nes worke in him whilell the fpirit prevailed? 0 my God, what 'had tie Amid 'render aga :»e vnto thee for all thy mere :es that thou hail bellowedvponmee ? what I worke in vs. lay (hall l render, render againe, as if hee lhould fay, 1 know theft bleflings re- quire a dutie of me, a loue, a zeale, a heart, a Soule, a mind, a life ;oche glory and praife of fuck a God. And in truth it is fo. For wee our felues for our pe- tite benefits require men to be ours in all lawfull fort faithfully, firiaely, with tongue, and heart, and hand, with bodie and goods and all, And what compari- fon with the L ord ? Olou; God wh canman do for vs hlccchee,aud yet høw care we to pleafèthern, and forget thee ? O Lord awake. Remember alto what the Prophet complaineth Rf, faying. But this people ;bath an vnfaithfull and re- le. s. z3. 244ellioutheart ,they are departed andgone. And why? for they fay not in {heir heart, lit vsrow fttare the Lord our God , thatguteth rain both early and late in duefeafen, her re. firmed, vnto vt the appointed rveckesof theharueft. As if hefhouldhauefayd,this cited fhould Gods blefhngs vpon them haue, euro carnally and heartely to make them feeke the Lord and ferue hind, and with many a fèruent motion tq thinke of fo good a God as in mercie poureth fo manycomforts vpon vnwortbyr wretches. And efpecially marke it , that becaufe they did uot thus , there- fore he faith they had rebellious hearts , , and were gone away. A fearefull fen- tenceofatrueiudgeconcerningall vnthankefull vfersofprofperitie, Againe Irre.3t.1z the fame Prophet in another place, 7heyfbd llcome and raoycein the-light of Sion; and fhallcomote the kountifu lneffeof the Zonal (why ?) euenfor the wheat , mid forties wine, and for the oyle,and fortheistcreäfeof fheepeand bullorkes, andthesr farejeAtl /s 4e a wateredgarden, Oc. See frill what Gods mercies lbould worke in vs, even aree ioyfng in fo Beare a Father, ,auuf notin going, but a running to his feruicca3d Rom. t. 4.worthip that isfo kind vnto v-s,. Knout(' thou not faith the Apollle, that theriebe; of hit báant :fulstfe, and patience, and long fuffering: leadeth thee vote repentance t? Tu effed, know&thou not that if God b® thy 4 tare, fweetc, and tender Father, that thou againe art boun4to bee his louing, çarefull, and obedient child? Irt truth it f hould be fo. And if the Lord Were not in his goodnelle paft the reach of any mortali braise, he might fay allo his benefits had caught a goodly reward or catchofmy goodnelîèr fat alas what are we? orwliat is our love? yet rinse it is his rnetcievnmeafu fable Andy nfearehabletoitantlF ;o contented, and tofeeke no more. pardoning in his .dtereleft's, all imper feal@!Is,OmyhelottedFathers and brethren whatfoeuer, chatvouchfafe your elea greadechelepapers, let vs not deny him, what if hee were not fuellia God as be is, were not.worthhauing when wegaue it,,namely, our poorehearts, our weak;loue, our htartle obedi- ence, our care and diligence to bewhat with fo many 'nightie mercies receiued wee are bound to bee. For trucly tfgiuing man mull haut of all honer} receviers not the wordsonelyofour mouth , but the fincere affedion of the Soule, our giuing God mull haue thevery Soule of our Soule, and all that is within vs for his goodnes rove. And bleared is that man and woman that lolled of the Lord about all maifthre, by hisgiuen grace loue him againe in their meafure as they. can. Truely tofuch'hall bee even acontinuance of mercie as /hall bee good. t.Chro.zz. Pother: !hahthottprofftte, if thou obferaehie Routes, faithDau:d to his Sonne Sa- t I . 11. lomon , and Cheri re my : Some , the Lord giace thee one! wifedeme and vnder- Fianding to dm this. 7ftaiah.foughttheLord, :atidshe Lord made him prof, per, fayth the text. Iotham became mightie becaufe hee diret`ted his way